The MHRA is a diverse and international organisation which welcomes new applications for membership. The membership categories are outlined below.

Individual Membership

Eligibility. Individual membership is available to graduates of any university, and persons of similar standing, who are engaged in academic research.

Benefits. Membership provides the opportunity to participate in a prestigious scholarly organization that unites a broad range of disciplines and embodies the best research and publishing expertise in its constituent fields.

Members are also entitled to substantial discounts on MHRA Journals (printed and online access).

Pricing. Membership costs £15.00 or $25.00 US annually, and is available on application to the Membership Secretary via this form. The form also allows applicants to purchase discounted MHRA journals.

Note on taxation. Individual subscriptions to the Association for membership and the purchase of its periodicals are exempt in full from British income tax, provided that membership is relevant to the member’s office or employment. The position in the United States is substantially the same.

How to join. For new members, please download and complete this membership form.

Forms can be returned to the Membership Secretary by email to or by post to MHRA Membership Secretary, Peters, Elworthy & Moore, Salisbury House, Station Road, Cambridge, CB1 2LA.

Payment can either be made by cheque (payable to Modern Humanities Research Association), or by direct transfer to Lloyds TSB, Sidney Street, Cambridge, BX1 1LT, UK, sort code: 30-91-56, account no: 01444874 (BIC: LOYDGB21018, IBAN: GB64 LOYD 3091 5601 4448 74). Please use your surname as the payment reference, and send this form to the Membership Secretary as above, marked “bank transfer”. There is currently no facility for paying fees by standing order or credit card.

Contact. If you have any further questions, please contact the Membership Secretary on

Legal notice. Any MHRA publications received either free of charge or at a reduced rate are exclusively for personal and private use and may not be sold, given away, or exchanged.

Postgraduate Associateship

Eligibility. Postgraduates registered for a higher degree in the modern humanities are eligible for up to three years’ free associateship. For this purpose, “the modern humanities” includes the modern and medieval languages, literatures, and cultures of Europe (including English and the Slavonic languages, and the cultures of the European diaspora). History, library studies, education and pedagogical subjects, and the medical application of linguistics are excluded.

Benefits. Associate membership is an invaluable step towards joining the international scholarly community. Associate members are entitled to:

  • a discount on purchase of the print edition of the MHRA Style Guide, an essential component of training in research methodology, and the definitive style required for theses written at many universities;

  • up to three years’ free subscription to the online versions of the following prestigious MHRA journals: Austrian Studies; The Modern Language Review; Portuguese Studies; Slavonic and East European Review; The Yearbook of English Studies.

Two postgraduate representatives sit on the MHRA Committee, allowing postgraduate associates to influence the ways in which the MHRA supports postgraduate and postdoctoral studies. Postgraduate associates also participate in the editing of our journals: Working Papers in the Humanities is edited by the postgraduate representatives. Postgraduates are also welcome to come forward as potential book reviewers for our journals: Modern Language Review, Austrian Studies, Portuguese Studies and SEER all have lively review sections in which many scholars make their first appearance in print.

How to join. To become an Associate, please download and complete this membership form.

Forms can be returned to the Membership Secretary: see the addresses given above for Individual Membership.

Legal notices. (a) Any MHRA publications received either free of charge or at a reduced rate are exclusively for personal and private use and may not be sold, given away, or exchanged.

(b) This offer is subject to availability, and applications are subject to approval by the Committee of the MHRA. The Association reserves the right to vary the terms of the offer without notice.

Institutional Membership

At one time it was possible for institutions, such as universities or libraries, to join the Association as Institutional Members. This class was closed to new entrants in 2011, but those bodies which remained Institutional Members up to 27 May 2011 were declared to be Permanent Institutional Members. Such bodies are entitled to subscribe to MHRA’s journals at a discounted rate: see the journal home pages for details.