19The Psalms in English, 1530-1633
Edited by Hannibal Hamlin 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 19
28The First English Pastor Fido
Edited by Massimiliano Morini 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 28
30Anne Cooke’s Englishing of Bernardino Ochino
Edited by Patricia Demers 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 30
19Le Philosophe sans le savoir, by Michel-Jean Sedaine
Translated by Derek Connon 
New Translations 19
26/2Erasmus in English 1523-1584, Volume II: The Praise of Folly and Other Writings
Edited by Alex Davis, Gordon Kendal and Neil Rhodes
Tudor and Stuart Translations 26/2 of 3
26/1Erasmus in English 1523-1584, Volume I: The Manual of the Christian Soldier and Other Writings
Edited by Alex Davis, Gordon Kendal and Neil Rhodes
Tudor and Stuart Translations 26/1 of 3
15Ramón María del Valle Inclán, Savage Comedies
Translated and edited by Christopher Colbath and Luis M. González
New Translations 15
17Hugo von Hofmannsthal, The Incorruptible Servant
Translated by Alexander Stillmark
New Translations 17
2/2Plutarch in English, 1528–1603: Volume 2: Lives
Edited by Fred Schurink
Tudor and Stuart Translations 2/2 of 2
2/1Plutarch in English, 1528–1603: Volume 1: Essays
Edited by Fred Schurink
Tudor and Stuart Translations 2/1 of 2
18Thomas May, Lucan's Pharsalia (1627)
Edited by Emma Buckley and Edward Paleit
Tudor and Stuart Translations 18
27Petrarch's Triumphi in English
Edited by Alessandra Petrina
Tudor and Stuart Translations 27
13William Barker, Xenophon's 'Cyropædia'
Edited by Jane Grogan
Tudor and Stuart Translations 13
5Bertha von Suttner, Lay Down Your Arms: The Autobiography of Martha von Tilling
Edited by Barbara Burns
European Translations 5
24Thomas Elyot, The Image of Governance and Other Dialogues of Counsel (1533–1541)
Edited by David Carlson
Tudor and Stuart Translations 24
6Un Dit moral contre Fortune: A critical edition of MS Paris, BnF, fr. 25 418
Edited by Glynnis M. Cropp in association with John Keith Atkinson
European Translations 6
14In Defence of Women
Translated by Joanna M. Barker
New Translations 14
13Goethe, The Natural Daughter; Schiller, The Bride of Messina
Translated by F. J. Lamport
New Translations 13
20George Chapman: Homer's Iliad
Edited by Robert S. Miola
Tudor and Stuart Translations 20
16Robert Garnier in Elizabethan England: Mary Sidney Herbert’s Antonius and Thomas Kyd’s Cornelia
Edited by Marie-Alice Belle and Line Cottegnies
Tudor and Stuart Translations 16
6Rétif de la Bretonne, Ingénue Saxancour; or, The Wife Separated from Her Husband
Translated by Mary S. Trouille
New Translations 6
12Arthur Golding’s A Moral Fabletalk and Other Renaissance Fable Translations
Edited by Liza Blake and Kathryn Vomero Santos
Tudor and Stuart Translations 12
9Corín Tellado, Thursdays with Leila
Translated by Duncan Wheeler, with an introduction by Diana Holmes and Duncan Wheeler, and a prologue by Mario Vargas Llosa
New Translations 9
21George Chapman: Homer's Odyssey
Edited by Gordon Kendal
Tudor and Stuart Translations 21
12Hugo von Hofmannsthal, An Impossible Man
Translated by Alexander Stillmark
New Translations 12