Cory-Wright, Susana, Maud Beerbohm Tree: Lady of the Stage (Legenda, 2018)

Louth, Charlie, and Patrick McGuinness (eds), Gravity and Grace: Essays for Roger Pearson (Legenda, 2019)

Goodman, Jessica (ed.), Last Scene of All: Representing Death on the Western Stage (Legenda, 2022)

Compiled, annotated, and edited by Michael Robinson, An International Annotated Bibliography of Strindberg Studies 1870–2005: Volume 1: General Studies, MHRA Bibliographies, 4 (MHRA, 2008)

Compiled, annotated, and edited by Michael Robinson, An International Annotated Bibliography of Strindberg Studies 1870–2005: Volume 2: The Plays, MHRA Bibliographies, 4 (MHRA, 2008)

Compiled, annotated, and edited by Michael Robinson, An International Annotated Bibliography of Strindberg Studies 1870–2005: Volume 3: Autobiographies, Novels, Poetry, Letters, Historical Works, Natural History and Science, Linguistics, Painting and the Other Arts, Politics, Psychopathology, Biography, Miscellaneous, Dissertations, MHRA Bibliographies, 4 (MHRA, 2008)

Bridgham, Fred (trans.), Georg Kaiser, After Expressionism: Five Plays, New Translations, 11 (MHRA, 2016)

Connon, Derek (trans.), Le Philosophe sans le savoir, by Michel-Jean Sedaine, New Translations, 19 (MHRA, 2023)

Marchand, Sophie (ed.), Monvel, Les Victimes cloîtrées, Phoenix, 1 (MHRA, 2011)

Connon, Derek (ed.), Alexis Piron, L’Antre de Trophonius et La Robe de dissention, ou le faux-prodige, Phoenix, 2 (MHRA, 2011)

Wynn, Thomas (ed.), Delisle de Sales, Théâtre d'amour and Baculard d’Arnaud, L’Art de foutre, ou Paris foutant, Phoenix, 3 (MHRA, 2011)

Darlow, Mark, and Yann Robert (eds), Laya, L'Ami des lois, Phoenix, 4 (MHRA, 2011)

Hostiou, Jeanne-Marie (ed.), Baron, Le Rendez-vous des Tuileries, ou Le Coquet trompé, Phoenix, 5 (MHRA, 2013)

Connors, Logan J. (ed.), Le Siège de Calais by Pierre-Laurent De Belloy, Phoenix, 6 (MHRA, 2014)

Santis, Vincenzo De (ed.), Christophe Colomb par Népomucène Louis Lemercier, Phoenix, 7 (MHRA, 2015)

Dunkley, John (ed.), Michel-Jean Sedaine: Maillard, ou Paris sauvé et Raimond V, comte de Toulouse, Phoenix, 8 (MHRA, 2015)

Edited, and translated by D. Enright-Clark Shoukri, Liber Apologeticus de Omni Statu Humanae Naturae: A Defence of Human Nature in Every State (c. 1460): A Moral Play by Thomas Chaundler, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 5 (MHRA, 1974)

Wygant, Amy, Towards a Cultural Philology: Phèdre and the Construction of 'Racine', Research Monographs in French Studies, 4 (Legenda, 1999)

Phillippo, Susanna, Silent Witness: Racine's Non-Verbal Annotations of Euripides, Research Monographs in French Studies, 14 (Legenda, 2003)

Townsend, Julie, The Choreography of Modernism in France: La Danseuse, 1830-1930, Research Monographs in French Studies, 28 (Legenda, 2010)

Dubbelboer, Marieke, The Subversive Poetics of Alfred Jarry: Ubusing Culture in the Almanachs du Père Ubu, Research Monographs in French Studies, 35 (Legenda, 2012)

Noonan, Mary, Echo's Voice: The Theatres of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude, Research Monographs in French Studies, 36 (Legenda, 2014)

Hanrahan, Mairéad, Genet's Genres of Politics, Research Monographs in French Studies, 50 (Legenda, 2023)

Humphrey, Paul, Santería, Vodou and Resistance in Caribbean Literature: Daughters of the Spirits, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 12 (Legenda, 2019)

Ros, Xon de, and Daniela Omlor (eds), The Cultural Legacy of María Zambrano, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 24 (Legenda, 2017)