Antonello, Pierpaolo, and Alan O'Leary (eds), Imagining Terrorism: The Rhetoric and Representation of Political Violence in Italy 1969-2009, Italian Perspectives, 18 (Legenda, 2009)

Compiled, annotated, and edited by Michael Robinson, An International Annotated Bibliography of Strindberg Studies 1870–2005: Volume 1: General Studies, MHRA Bibliographies, 4 (MHRA, 2008)

Compiled, annotated, and edited by Michael Robinson, An International Annotated Bibliography of Strindberg Studies 1870–2005: Volume 2: The Plays, MHRA Bibliographies, 4 (MHRA, 2008)

Compiled, annotated, and edited by Michael Robinson, An International Annotated Bibliography of Strindberg Studies 1870–2005: Volume 3: Autobiographies, Novels, Poetry, Letters, Historical Works, Natural History and Science, Linguistics, Painting and the Other Arts, Politics, Psychopathology, Biography, Miscellaneous, Dissertations, MHRA Bibliographies, 4 (MHRA, 2008)

McDonald, Ronan (ed.), Irish Writing since 1950 (= Yearbook of English Studies, 35.1 (2005))

Lucioli, Francesco (ed.), Italian Literature in Latin Translation, Volume I: An Anthology 1300–1800: Poetry, European Translations, 9 (MHRA, 2025)

Lucioli, Francesco (ed.), Italian Literature in Latin Translation, Volume II: An Anthology 1300–1800: Prose, European Translations, 9 (MHRA, 2026)

Shoemaker, Peter William (ed.), Jean Donneau de Visé, 'Les Intrigues de la loterie, comédie', Critical Texts, 45 (MHRA, 3000)

Harris, Joseph (ed.), Jean-François Ducis, Hamlet, Critical Texts, 85 (MHRA, 2025)

présentée, Édition, établie, and et annotée par Julia Prest, La Devineresse ou les faux enchantemens, Critical Texts, 12 (MHRA, 2007)

Dunmore, John (ed.), La Peyrouse dans l’Isle de Tahiti, ou le Danger des Présomptions: Drame politique, Critical Texts, 10 (MHRA, 2006)

Goodman, Jessica (ed.), Last Scene of All: Representing Death on the Western Stage (Legenda, 2022)

Darlow, Mark, and Yann Robert (eds), Laya, L'Ami des lois, Phoenix, 4 (MHRA, 2011)

Prest, Julia (ed.), Les Veuves créoles, Critical Texts, 34 (MHRA, 2017)

Kord, Susanne (ed.), Letzte Chancen: Vier Einakter von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Critical Texts, 3 (MHRA, 2005)

Edited, and translated by D. Enright-Clark Shoukri, Liber Apologeticus de Omni Statu Humanae Naturae: A Defence of Human Nature in Every State (c. 1460): A Moral Play by Thomas Chaundler, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 5 (MHRA, 1974)

Harris, Joseph (ed.), Louis-Sébastien Mercier, Le Vieillard et ses trois filles and Timon d’Athènes: Two Shakespeare Adaptations, Critical Texts, 82 (MHRA, 2023)

Kord, Susanne (ed.), Macht des Weibes: Zwei historische Tragödien von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Critical Texts, 4 (MHRA, 2005)

Saint, Nigel, Marguerite Yourcenar: Reading the Visual, Studies In Comparative Literature, 5 (Legenda, 2000)

Harris, Joseph (ed.), Marmontel and Demoustier, Le Misanthrope corrigé: Two Eighteenth-Century Sequels to Molière’s ‘Le Misanthrope’, Critical Texts, 65 (MHRA, 2019)

Cory-Wright, Susana, Maud Beerbohm Tree: Lady of the Stage (Legenda, 2018)

Hall, Edith, Fiona Macintosh, and Oliver Taplin (eds), Medea in Performance 1500-2000 (Legenda, 2000)

Gurr, Andrew (ed.), Medieval Narrative (= Yearbook of English Studies, 22.1 (1992))

Smith, Peter D., Metaphor and Materiality: German Literature and the World-View of Science 1780-1955, Studies In Comparative Literature, 4 (Legenda, 2000)

Darlow, Mark (ed.), Michel-Jean Sedaine: Théâtre de la Révolution, Critical Texts, 63 (MHRA, 2017)