T 172020Jamie McKendrickThe Foreign Connection
SICL 562021Elisa SegniniFragments, Genius and Madness
LGS 218pp2007ed Nathalie Aubert, Pierre-Philippe Fraiture,
Patrick McGuinness
From Art Nouveau to Surrealism
IP 362017ed Sascha Bru, Luca Somigli,,
Bart Van den Bossche
GL 3176pp2013Pamela CurrieGoethe's Visual World
SLS 246pp1999Peter BrooksHistory Painting and Narrative
MI 4240pp2013ed Axel Bangert, Robert S. C. Gordon,
Libby Saxton
Holocaust Intersections
LGS 256pp2003ed Antonella Braida,
Giuliana Pieri
Image and Word
LGS 316pp2007ed Birgitte Grundtvig, Martin McLaughlin,
Lene Waage Petersen
Image, Eye and Art in Calvino
SICL 16140pp2009Aaron RosenImagining Jewish Art
TD 65210pp2007Giuliana PieriThe Influence of Pre-Raphaelitism on Fin-de-Siècle Italy
VC 22024Peter ZusiThe Integrity of the Avant-Garde
LGS 2018Andrea GullottaIntellectual Life and Literature at Solovki 1923-1930
LGS 150pp2017ed Michel Jeanneret,
Nicolas Ducimetière
The Italian Renaissance
LGS 2016ed Keith Hanley,
Caroline S. Hull
John Ruskin's Continental Tour 1835
LGS 312pp2008ed Rachel DickinsonJohn Ruskin's Correspondence with Joan Severn
WPH 92015ed Elizabeth Benjamin,
Sophie Corser
Literature and Art
CT 302015ed Helena SansonLodovico Dolce, Dialogo della instituzion delle donne secondo li tre stati che cadono nella vita umana (1545)
LGS 264pp2015Caroline Ings-ChambersLouisa Waterford and John Ruskin
SICL 5214pp2000Nigel SaintMarguerite Yourcenar
LGS 320pp2000ed Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh,
Oliver Taplin
Medea in Performance 1500-2000
T 52017ed Nicola Gardini, Adriana X. Jacobs, Ben Morgan, Mohamed-Salah Omri,
Matthew Reynolds
Minding Borders
SICL 362018Michael CharlesworthThe Modern Culture of Reginald Farrer
IP 2168pp1999Silvia Gavuzzo-StewartNelle Carceri di G. B. Piranesi
CT 12005ed Claire MoranOdilon Redon