IP 362017ed Sascha Bru, Luca Somigli,,
Bart Van den Bossche
SICL 462017Antal SzerbReflections in the Library
RMFS 522016Ewa SzypulaBalzac's Love Letters
SE 92020David TrotterBrute Meaning
SICL 482020Cristiano TurbilSamuel Butler and the Science of the Mind
LGS 2021Margarita VaysmanSelf-Conscious Realism
SICL 472019Olga G. VoroninaDepicting the Divine
SICL 432017Robert K. WeningerSublime Conclusions
LGS 2018Claire WhiteheadThe Poetics of Early Russian Crime Fiction 1860-1917
RMFS 622020Steven WilsonThe Language of Disease
SICL 422019ed Lynn L. WolffA Modernist in Exile
MI 72018Patrick ffrenchThinking Cinema with Proust