Yiddish in the Contemporary World: Papers of the First Mendel Friedman International Conference on Yiddish
Edited by Gennady Estraikh and Mikhail Krutikov
Studies In Yiddish 11 July 1999

Nelle Carceri di G. B. Piranesi
Silvia Gavuzzo-Stewart
Italian Perspectives 231 October 1999

Privileged Anonymity: The Writings of Madame de Lafayette
Anne Green
Research Monographs in French Studies 11 June 1996

The Twelfth-Century Psalter Commentary in French for Laurette d'Alsace: Volume One: Psalms I-XXXV
Stewart Gregory
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 29/1 of 21 January 1990

The Twelfth-Century Psalter Commentary in French for Laurette d'Alsace: Volume Two: Psalms XXXVI-L
Stewart Gregory
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 29/2 of 21 January 1990

Literature in the Modern Media: Radio, Film, and Television Special Number
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 201 January 1990

Politics, Patronage and Literature in England 1558-1658
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 211 January 1991

Medieval Narrative
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 221 January 1992

Early Shakespeare
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 231 January 1993

Ethnicity and Representation in American Literature
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 241 January 1994

Non-Standard Englishes and the New Media
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 251 January 1995

Strategies of Reading: Dickens and After
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 261 January 1996

The Politics of Postcolonial Criticism
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 271 January 1997

Eighteenth-Century Lexis and Lexicography
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 281 January 1998

The Text as Evidence: Revising Editorial Principles
Edited by Andrew Gurr
Yearbook of English Studies 292 January 1999

The Epic Rhetoric of Tasso: Theory and Practice
Maggie Günsberg
Legenda (General Series) 1 May 1998

Dialogue and Narrative Design in the Works of Adalbert Stifter
Brigid Haines
Bithell Series of Dissertations 17 / MHRA Texts and Dissertations 341 January 1991

Assuming the Light: The Parisian Literary Apprenticeship of Miguel Angel Asturias
Stephen Henighan
Legenda (General Series) 1 December 1999

The Eadwine Psalter: Text, Image, and Monastic Culture in Twelfth-Century Canterbury
Edited by Margaret Gibson, T. A. Heslop, and Richard W. Pfaff
Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association 141 January 1992

George Sand and Autobiography
Janet Hiddleston
Research Monographs in French Studies 51 October 1999

Baudelaire: Individualism, Dandyism and the Philosophy of History
Bernard Howells
Legenda (General Series) 1 June 1996

Violette Leduc: Mothers, Lovers, and Language
Alex Hughes
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 371 January 1994

A Semiotic Analysis of the Short Stories of Leonid Andreev (1900-1909)
Stephen Hutchings
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 321 January 1990

The Art Criticism of Francis Ponge
Shirley A. Jordan
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 361 January 1994

Proust: Questions d'identité
Julia Kristeva
Special Lecture Series 11 May 1998