Barański, Zygmunt G., and Martin McLaughlin (eds), Dante the Lyric and Ethical Poet: Dante lirico e etico (Legenda, 2010)

Fowler, James, The Libertine’s Nemesis: The Prude in Clarissa and the roman libertin (Legenda, 2011)

Cairns, Lucille, Post-War Jewish Women’s Writing in French (Legenda, 2011)

Connors, Clare, Force from Nietzsche to Derrida (Legenda, 2010)

Ryland, Charlotte, Paul Celan's Encounters with Surrealism: Trauma, Translation and Shared Poetic Space (Legenda, 2010)

Pyrah, Robert, and Marius Turda (eds), Re-Contextualising East Central European History: Nation, Culture and Minority Groups (Legenda, 2010)

Baldwin, Thomas, The Picture as Spectre in Diderot, Proust, and Deleuze (Legenda, 2011)

Papargyriou, Eleni, Reading Games in the Greek Novel (Legenda, 2011)

Counter, Andrew J., Inheritance in Nineteenth-Century French Culture: Wealth, Knowledge and the Family (Legenda, 2010)

Walker, John, The Truth of Realism: A Reassessment of the German Novel 1830-1900 (Legenda, 2011)

Stephens, Bradley, Victor Hugo, Jean-Paul Sartre, and the Liability of Liberty (Legenda, 2011)

Fülöp, Erika, Proust, the One, and the Many: Identity and Difference in A la recherche du temps perdu (Legenda, 2012)

Adams, David, and Galin Tihanov (eds), Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism (Legenda, 2011)

Hühn, Helmut, and James Vigus (eds), Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics (Legenda, 2012)

Bowskill, Sarah E. L., Gender, Nation and the Formation of the Twentieth-Century Mexican Literary Canon (Legenda, 2011)

Osborne, Dora, Traces of Trauma in W. G. Sebald and Christoph Ransmayr (Legenda, 2013)

Bugan, Carmen, Seamus Heaney and East European Poetry in Translation: Poetics of Exile (Legenda, 2013)

Gragnolati, Manuele, Tristan Kay, Elena Lombardi, and Francesca Southerden (eds), Desire in Dante and the Middle Ages (Legenda, 2012)

Thompson, Hannah, Taboo: Corporeal Secrets in Nineteenth-Century France (Legenda, 2013)

Scott, Clive, Translating the Perception of Text: Literary Translation and Phenomenology (Legenda, 2012)

Qadiri, Sura, Postcolonial Fiction and Sacred Scripture: Rewriting the Divine? (Legenda, 2014)

White, Nicholas, French Divorce Fiction from the Revolution to the First World War (Legenda, 2013)

Fowler, James, Richardson and the Philosophes (Legenda, 2014)

Norman, Barnaby, Mallarmé's Sunset: Poetry at the End of Time (Legenda, 2014)

Zitzewitz, Josephine von, Poetry and the Leningrad Religious-Philosophical Seminar 1974-1980: Music for a Deaf Age (Legenda, 2016)

McKeane, John, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe: (Un)timely Meditations (Legenda, 2014)

Wigelsworth, Amy, Rewriting Les Mystères de Paris: The Mystères Urbains and the Palimpsest (Legenda, 2016)

Lyons, Sara, Algernon Swinburne and Walter Pater: Victorian Aestheticism, Doubt and Secularisation (Legenda, 2015)

James, Ian, and Emma Wilson (eds), Lucidity: Essays in Honour of Alison Finch (Legenda, 2016)

Rennie, Simon, The Poetry of Ernest Jones: Myth, Song, and the ‘Mighty Mind’ (Legenda, 2016)

Gosetti, Valentina, Aloysius Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit: Beyond the Prose Poem (Legenda, 2016)

Norris, David A., Haunted Serbia: Representations of History and War in the Literary Imagination (Legenda, 2016)

Burrows, Daron (ed.), Two Old French Satires on the Power of the Keys: L'Escommeniement au lecheor and Le Pardon de foutre, Research Monographs in French Studies, 18 (Legenda, 2005)

Carruthers, Janice, Oral Narration in Modern French: A Linguistic Analysis of Temporal Patterns, Research Monographs in French Studies, 19 (Legenda, 2005)

Hughes, Alex, France/China: Intercultural Imaginings, Research Monographs in French Studies, 22 (Legenda, 2007)

Yee, Jennifer, Exotic Subversions in Nineteenth-Century French Fiction, Research Monographs in French Studies, 25 (Legenda, 2008)

Whitington, Teresa, The Syllables of Time: Proust and the History of Reading, Research Monographs in French Studies, 26 (Legenda, 2009)

Wilson, Sonia, Personal Effects: Reading the Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff, Research Monographs in French Studies, 27 (Legenda, 2010)

Kemp, Anna, Voices and Veils: Feminism and Islam in French Women's Writing and Activism, Research Monographs in French Studies, 29 (Legenda, 2010)

McLaughlin, Mairi, Syntactic Borrowing in Contemporary French: A Linguistic Analysis of News Translation, Research Monographs in French Studies, 30 (Legenda, 2011)

Huot, Sylvia, Dreams of Lovers and Lies of Poets: Poetry, Knowledge, and Desire in the Roman de la Rose, Research Monographs in French Studies, 31 (Legenda, 2010)

Sansavior, Eva, Maryse Condé and the Space of Literature, Research Monographs in French Studies, 32 (Legenda, 2012)

Freadman, Anne, The Livres-Souvenirs of Colette: Genre and the Telling of Time, Research Monographs in French Studies, 33 (Legenda, 2012)

Moyes, Craig, Furetière's Roman bourgeois and the Problem of Exchange: Titular Economies, Research Monographs in French Studies, 34 (Legenda, 2012)

Longhurst, C. A., Unamuno’s Theory of the Novel, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 1 (Legenda, 2014)

Medeiros, Paulo de, Pessoa's Geometry of the Abyss: Modernity and the Book of Disquiet, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 2 (Legenda, 2013)

Miranda-Barreiro, David, Spanish New York Narratives 1898-1936: Modernization, Otherness and Nation, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 5 (Legenda, 2014)

Atkin, Rhian, Lisbon Revisited: Urban Masculinities in Twentieth-Century Portuguese Fiction, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 10 (Legenda, 2014)

Brennan, Dylan, and Nuala Finnegan (eds), Rethinking Juan Rulfo’s Creative World: Prose, Photography, Film, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 14 (Legenda, 2016)

Rey, Alfonso, The Last Days of Humanism: A Reappraisal of Quevedo’s Thought, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 15 (Legenda, 2015)