Hanley, Keith, and Caroline S. Hull (eds). 2016. John Ruskin's Continental Tour 1835: The Written Records and Drawings (Legenda)

Kenny, Neil, Richard Scholar, and Wes Williams (eds). 2016. Montaigne in Transit: Essays in Honour of Ian Maclean (Legenda)

Boas, Jacob. 2016. Writers' Block: The Paris Antifascist Congress of 1935 (Legenda)

Carthy, Ita Mac, Kirsti Sellevold, and Olivia Smith (eds). 2017. Cognitive Confusions: Dreams, Delusions and Illusions in Early Modern Culture (Legenda)

Fraser, Duncan, and Andrew Hadfield (eds). 2017. Gentry Life in Georgian Ireland: The Letters of Edmund Spencer (1711-1790) (Legenda)

Desmarais, Jane, and Alice Condé (eds). 2017. Decadence and the Senses (Legenda)

Bonsaver, Guido, Brian Richardson, and Giuseppe Stellardi (eds). 2017. Cultural Reception, Translation and Transformation from Medieval to Modern Italy: Essays in Honour of Martin McLaughlin (Legenda)

McGuinness, Patrick, and Emily McLaughlin (eds). 2017. The Made and the Found: Essays, Prose and Poetry in Honour of Michael Sheringham (Legenda)

Lewis, Philippa. 2017. Intimacy and Distance: Conflicting Cultures in Nineteenth-Century France (Legenda)

Butterfield, Ardis, Henry Hope, and Pauline Souleau (eds). 2017. Performing Medieval Text (Legenda)

Armstrong, Adrian, and Elsa Strietman (eds). 2017. The Multilingual Muse: Transcultural Poetics in the Burgundian Netherlands (Legenda)

Gullotta, Andrea. 2018. Intellectual Life and Literature at Solovki 1923-1930: The Paris of the Northern Concentration Camps (Legenda)

Cory-Wright, Susana. 2018. Maud Beerbohm Tree: Lady of the Stage (Legenda)

Rees, Kate. 2018. The Journalist in the French Fin-de-siècle Novel: Enfants de la presse (Legenda)

Whitehead, Claire. 2018. The Poetics of Early Russian Crime Fiction 1860-1917: Deciphering Stories of Detection (Legenda)

Kilbride, L. M.. 2018. Swinburne’s Style: An Experiment in Verse History (Legenda)

McLelland, Nicola, and Richard Smith (eds). 2018. The History of Language Learning and Teaching I: 16th-18th Century Europe (Legenda)

McLelland, Nicola, and Richard Smith (eds). 2018. The History of Language Learning and Teaching II: 19th-20th Century Europe (Legenda)

McLelland, Nicola, and Richard Smith (eds). 2018. The History of Language Learning and Teaching III: Across Cultures (Legenda)

Louth, Charlie, and Patrick McGuinness (eds). 2019. Gravity and Grace: Essays for Roger Pearson (Legenda)

Margrave, Christie. 2019. Writing the Landscape: Exposing Nature in French Women's Fiction 1789–1815 (Legenda)

Davis, Oliver, and Colin Davis (eds). 2019. Freedom and the Subject of Theory: Essays in Honour of Christina Howells (Legenda)

Sumillera, Rocío G.. 2019. Invention: The Language of English Renaissance Poetics (Legenda)

Vaysman, Margarita. 2021. Self-Conscious Realism: Metafiction and the Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel (Legenda)

Duttlinger, Carolin, Kevin Hilliard, and Charlie Louth (eds). 2021. From the Enlightenment to Modernism: Three Centuries of German Literature (Legenda)

Watt, Adam. 2022. Labours of Attention: Work, Class and Society in French and Francophone Literature and Culture (Legenda)

Pickering, Oliver. 2022. The Poems and Songs of Henry Hall of Hereford: A Jacobite Poet of the 1690s (Legenda)

Goodman, Jessica (ed.). 2022. Last Scene of All: Representing Death on the Western Stage (Legenda)

Barker, Georgina. 2022. SPQR in the USSR: Elena Shvarts’s Classical Antiquity (Legenda)