Ker, James, and Jessica Winston (eds), Elizabethan Seneca: Three Tragedies, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 8 (MHRA, 2012)

Williams, Patricia (ed.), Historical Texts from Medieval Wales, MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature (MHRA, 2012)

Tully, Carol (ed.), Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La devoción de la Cruz/August Wilhelm Schlegel, Die Andacht zum Kreuze, European Translations, 3 (MHRA, 2012)

Culpin, D. J. (ed.), C. E. Boniface, Relation du naufrage de L’Eole sur la côte de la Caffrerie, en avril 1829, Critical Texts, 37 (MHRA, 2013)

Henry, Melanie, The Signifying Self: Cervantine Drama as Counter-Perspective Aesthetic, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 83 (MHRA, 2013)

Shoemaker, Peter William (ed.), Les Costeaux, ou les marquis frians, by Jean Donneau de Visé, Critical Texts, 31 (MHRA, 2013)

Kendal, Neil Rhodes with Gordon, and Louise Wilson (eds), English Renaissance Translation Theory, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 9 (MHRA, 2013)

Hostiou, Jeanne-Marie (ed.), Baron, Le Rendez-vous des Tuileries, ou Le Coquet trompé, Phoenix, 5 (MHRA, 2013)

Smale, Catherine, Phantom Images: The Figure of the Ghost in the Work of Christa Wolf and Irina Liebmann, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 41 (MHRA, 2013)

Ritterson, Michael (trans.), Wilhelm Raabe, The Birdsong Papers, New Translations, 4 (MHRA, 2013)

Yiacoup, Sizen, Frontier Memory: Cultural Conflict and Exchange in the Romancero fronterizo, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 87 (MHRA, 2013)

Brown, Sarah Annes, and Andrew Taylor (eds), Ovid in English, 1480-1625: Part One: Metamorphoses, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 4 (MHRA, 2013)

Fernández, José María Pérez (ed.), James Mabbe, The Spanish Bawd, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 10 (MHRA, 2013)

Messina, Davide (ed.), Antonio Malatesti, La Tina. Equivoci rusticali, Critical Texts, 41 (MHRA, 2014)

Østermark-Johansen, Lene (ed.), Walter Pater: Imaginary Portraits, Critical Texts, 35 (MHRA, 2014)

Trouille, Mary S. (ed.), Nicolas Edme Rétif de la Bretonne's Ingénue Saxancour, Critical Texts, 33 (MHRA, 2014)

Carpenter, Kirsty (ed.), Eugénie et Mathilde by Madame de Souza, Critical Texts, 26 (MHRA, 2014)

Boro, Joyce (ed.), Margaret Tyler, Mirror of Princely Deeds and Knighthood, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 11 (MHRA, 2014)

Parkinson, Stephen (ed.), Alfonso X the Learned, Cantigas de Santa Maria, Critical Texts, 40 (MHRA, 2015)

Fuller, Amy, Between Two Worlds: The autos sacramentales of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 100 (MHRA, 2015)

Connon, Derek (ed.), Alexis Piron, Gustave-Wasa, Critical Texts, 57 (MHRA, 2016)

Cropp, Glynnis M. (ed.), La Voie de Povreté et de Richesse, Critical Texts, 51 (MHRA, 2016)

Stillmark, Alexander (trans.), Hugo von Hofmannsthal, An Impossible Man, New Translations, 12 (MHRA, 2016)

Perazzolo, Paola (ed.), Gabriel-Marie Legouvé, La Mort d'Abel, Critical Texts, 61 (MHRA, 2016)

Wheeler, Duncan, with an introduction by Diana Holmes, Duncan Wheeler, and a prologue by Mario Vargas Llosa (trans.), Corín Tellado, Thursdays with Leila, New Translations, 9 (MHRA, 2016)

Blake, Liza, and Kathryn Vomero Santos (eds), Arthur Golding’s A Moral Fabletalk and Other Renaissance Fable Translations, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 12 (MHRA, 2017)

Freeman, Nicholas (ed.), Arthur Symons, Spiritual Adventures, Critical Texts, 39 (MHRA, 2017)

Trouille, Mary S. (trans.), Rétif de la Bretonne, Ingénue Saxancour; or, The Wife Separated from Her Husband, New Translations, 6 (MHRA, 2017)

Prest, Julia (ed.), Les Veuves créoles, Critical Texts, 34 (MHRA, 2017)

Baldick, Chris, and Jane Desmarais (eds), Arthur Symons, Selected Early Poems, Critical Texts, 42 (MHRA, 2017)

Goodman, Jessica (ed.), Commemorating Mirabeau: Mirabeau aux Champs-Elysées and other texts, Critical Texts, 58 (MHRA, 2017)

Moran, Claire (ed.), ‘Noa Noa’ by Paul Gauguin and Charles Morice: With ‘Manuscrit tiré du “Livre des métiers” de Vehbi-Zumbul Zadi’ by Paul Gauguin, Critical Texts, 50 (MHRA, 2017)

Belle, Marie-Alice, and Line Cottegnies (eds), Robert Garnier in Elizabethan England: Mary Sidney Herbert’s Antonius and Thomas Kyd’s Cornelia, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 16 (MHRA, 2017)

Miola, Robert S. (ed.), George Chapman: Homer's Iliad, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 20 (MHRA, 2017)

Darlow, Mark (ed.), Michel-Jean Sedaine: Théâtre de la Révolution, Critical Texts, 63 (MHRA, 2017)

McMillin, Arnold, Breaking with Tradition: Belarusian Short Prose in the Early Twenty-First Century, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 20 (MHRA, 2018)

Slavonic and East European Review, 96.1 (2018)

Lamport, F. J. (trans.), Goethe, The Natural Daughter; Schiller, The Bride of Messina, New Translations, 13 (MHRA, 2018)

Stewart, Carol (ed.), Eliza Haywood, The Fortunate Foundlings, Critical Texts, 59 (MHRA, 2018)

Denisoff, Dennis (ed.), Decadent and Occult Works by Arthur Machen, Critical Texts, 53 (MHRA, 2018)

Barker, Joanna M. (trans.), In Defence of Women, New Translations, 14 (MHRA, 2018)

MacLeod, Kirsten (ed.), The Blind Bow-Boy by Carl Van Vechten, Critical Texts, 62 (MHRA, 2018)

Atkinson, Glynnis M. Cropp in association with John Keith (ed.), Un Dit moral contre Fortune: A critical edition of MS Paris, BnF, fr. 25 418, European Translations, 6 (MHRA, 2018)

Grenier-Winther, Joan (ed.), La Belle Dame qui eust mercy and Le Dialogue d'amoureux et de sa dame: A Critical Edition and English Translation of Two Anonymous Late-Medieval French Amorous Debate Poems, Critical Texts, 60 (MHRA, 2018)

Sanson, Helena (ed.), Isabella Sori, Ammaestramenti e ricordi, Critical Texts, 48 (MHRA, 2018)

Carlson, David (ed.), Thomas Elyot, The Image of Governance and Other Dialogues of Counsel (1533–1541), Tudor and Stuart Translations, 24 (MHRA, 2018)

Díaz Bravo, Rocío (ed.), Francisco Delicado, Retrato de la Loçana andaluza: Estudio y edición crítica, Critical Texts, 56 (MHRA, 2019)

Burns, Barbara (ed.), Bertha von Suttner, Lay Down Your Arms: The Autobiography of Martha von Tilling, European Translations, 5 (MHRA, 2019)

Harris, Joseph (ed.), Marmontel and Demoustier, Le Misanthrope corrigé: Two Eighteenth-Century Sequels to Molière’s ‘Le Misanthrope’, Critical Texts, 65 (MHRA, 2019)

Hayden, Judy A., and Daniel J. Worden (eds), Aphra Behn's Emperor of the Moon and its French Source Arlequin, Empereur dans la lune, Critical Texts, 67 (MHRA, 2019)