Grogan, Jane (ed.). 2020. William Barker, Xenophon's 'Cyropædia', Tudor and Stuart Translations, 13 (MHRA)

Marr, Alexander (ed.). 3000. Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo, A Tracte Containing the Artes of Curious Paintinge, Caruinge & Buildinge, translated by Richard Haydocke, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 14 (MHRA)

Wilson, Louise (ed.). 3000. Anthony Munday, The First Part of Palmerin of England, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 15 (MHRA)

Belle, Marie-Alice, and Line Cottegnies (eds). 2017. Robert Garnier in Elizabethan England: Mary Sidney Herbert’s Antonius and Thomas Kyd’s Cornelia, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 16 (MHRA)

Sumillera, Rocío G. (ed.). 2014. Richard Carew, The Examination of Men's Wits, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 17 (MHRA)

Buckley, Emma, and Edward Paleit (eds). 2020. Thomas May, Lucan's Pharsalia (1627), Tudor and Stuart Translations, 18 (MHRA)

Hamlin, Hannibal (ed.). 2024. The Psalms in English, 1530-1633, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 19 (MHRA)

Miola, Robert S. (ed.). 2017. George Chapman: Homer's Iliad, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 20 (MHRA)

Kendal, Gordon (ed.). 2016. George Chapman: Homer's Odyssey, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 21 (MHRA)

Demers, Patricia (ed.). 2016. An Apology or Answer in Defence of The Church Of England: Lady Anne Bacon's Translation of Bishop John Jewel's Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 22 (MHRA)

Reid, Joshua (ed.). 3000. The Italian Romance Epic in English 1590-1600, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 23 (MHRA)

Carlson, David (ed.). 2018. Thomas Elyot, The Image of Governance and Other Dialogues of Counsel (1533–1541), Tudor and Stuart Translations, 24 (MHRA)

Green, Mandy (ed.). 2027. Thomas Newton, Four Treatises by Cicero: Discourses on Friendship; Old Age; Paradoxes, and Scipio’s Dream (1577), Tudor and Stuart Translations, 25 (MHRA)

Davis, Alex, Gordon Kendal, and Neil Rhodes (eds). 2023. Erasmus in English 1523-1584, Volume I: The Manual of the Christian Soldier and Other Writings, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 26 (MHRA)

Davis, Alex, Gordon Kendal, and Neil Rhodes (eds). 2023. Erasmus in English 1523-1584, Volume II: The Praise of Folly and Other Writings, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 26 (MHRA)

Archer, Harriet (ed.). 2025. Erasmus in English 1523-1584, Volume III: The Colloquies, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 26 (MHRA)

Petrina, Alessandra (ed.). 2020. Petrarch's Triumphi in English, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 27 (MHRA)

Morini, Massimiliano (ed.). 2024. The First English Pastor Fido, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 28 (MHRA)

Reid, Katie (ed.). 3000. The Strife of Love in a Dreame, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 29 (MHRA)

Demers, Patricia (ed.). 2023. Anne Cooke’s Englishing of Bernardino Ochino, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 30 (MHRA)

Spinelli, Elena, and Carla Suthren (eds). 3000. Jane Lumley’s The Tragedy of Iphigeneia and Other Translations, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 31 (MHRA)

Vedelago, Angelica (ed.). 2025. Thomas May's The Tragedy of Antigone, The Theban Princesse (1631): The First Modernized and Annotated Edition, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 32 (MHRA)

Bigliazzi, Silvia, and Carla Suthren (eds). 2025. George Gascoigne and Francis Kinwelmersh’s Jocasta, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 33 (MHRA)

Pertile, Giulio J. (ed.). 2026. An Anthology of Baroque Lyric in English Translation: 1616-1667, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 34 (MHRA)