Verse Form and Meaning in the Poetry of Vladimir Maiakovskii: Vladimir Maiakovskii. Tragediaa; Oblako v shtanakh; Fleita-pozvonochnik; Chelovek; Liubliu; Pro eto
Robin Aizlewood
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 261 January 1989

Mitos cristianos en la poesía del 27
Rocío Ortuño Casanova
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 961 May 2014

The Art Criticism of Francis Ponge
Shirley A. Jordan
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 361 January 1994

Symbolist Landscapes. The Place of Painting in the Poetry and Criticism of Mallarmé and His Circle
James Kearns
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 271 January 1989

Art, Gender and Sexuality: New Readings of Cernuda's Later Poetry
Philip Martin-Clark
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 541 January 2000

Shaping and Reshaping the Caribbean: The Work of Aimé Césaire and René Depestre
Martin Munro
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 521 January 2000

The Influence of Pre-Raphaelitism on Fin-de-Siècle Italy: Art, Beauty, and Culture
Giuliana Pieri
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 6514 January 2007

Techniques of Solipsism: A Study of Theodor Storm’s Narrative Fiction
Terence John Rogers
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 11 October 1970

Matthew Arnold and Goethe
James Simpson
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 111 January 1979

The Ethics of the Poet: Marina Tsvetaeva's Art in the Light of Conscience
Ute Stock
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 621 May 2005

  • ‘This book is an important contribution to Tsvetaeva studies, and its examination of an overlooked aspect of the poet’s work should provoke many readers to return to the texts it discusses, open to new insight and wary of categorical judgements.’ — Katharine Hodgson, Modern Language Review 102, 2007, 610 (full text online)
  • ‘This is an important and serious study of Tsvetaeva's ethical poetics as it evolved in exile... The study provides an important addition to the existing critical literature on the poet and her thought.’ — Greta Slobin, Russian Review 67, 2008, 327-28

Sacramental Realism: Gertrud von le Fort and German Catholic Literature in the Weimar Republic and Third Reich (1924-46)
Helena M. Tomko
Bithell Series of Dissertations 31 / MHRA Texts and Dissertations 6814 January 2007

  • ‘Helena Tomko’s impressive dissertation on Gertrud von le Fort may very well inspire at least a younger generation of German literature scholars to investigate religious themes and motifs, as well as important but often unjustly overlooked texts by authors, such as le Fort, whose works were influenced by their religious beliefs.’ — Gregor Thuswaldner, Modern Language Review 104, 2009, 604 (full text online)

Sexuality and the Sense of Self in the Works of Georg Trakl and Robert Musil
Andrew Webber
Bithell Series of Dissertations 15 / MHRA Texts and Dissertations 301 January 1990

The Dialectics of Faith in the Poetry of José Bergamín
Helen Wing
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 421 January 1995