Cooper, Sara-Louise, Memory Across Borders: Nabokov, Perec, Chamoiseau, Transcript, 6 (Legenda, 2016)

Loda, Alice, The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italophone Poetry, Transcript, 21 (Legenda, 2021)

Arnaldi, Marta, The Diasporic Canon: American Anthologies of Contemporary Italian Poetry 1945-2015, Transcript, 20 (Legenda, 2022)

Stevens, Sophie, Uruguayan Theatre in Translation: Theory and Practice, Transcript, 15 (Legenda, 2022)

Watts, Andrew, Darwinian Dialogues: Adaptation, Evolution, and the Nineteenth-Century Novel, Transcript, 32 (Legenda, 2025)