Published January 1975

The Compositors of the First and Second Madrid Editions of 'Don Quixote'
Robert M. Flores
Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association 7

Published January 1983

Epic and Chronicle: The 'Poema de mio Cid' and the 'Crónica de veinte reyes'
Brian Powell
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 18

Published January 1987

Quevedo on Parnassus: Allusive Context and Literary Theory in the Love-Lyric
Paul Julian Smith
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 25

Published January 1995

The Dialectics of Faith in the Poetry of José Bergamín
Helen Wing
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 42

Published January 1997

Reception and Renewal in Modern Spanish Theatre: 1939-1963
John London
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 45

Published January 2000

Art, Gender and Sexuality: New Readings of Cernuda's Later Poetry
Philip Martin-Clark
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 54

Published January 2002

The Medieval Cult of Saint Dominic of Silos
Anthony Lappin
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 56

Published January 2004

Bodies and Texts: Configurations of Identity in the Works of Albalucía Ángel, Griselda Gambaro, and Laura Esquivel
Claire Taylor
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 59

  • ‘[Taylor's] innovative way of reading offers significant possibilities for the interpretation of other postmodern texts, and particularly those by women. Her study represents an important contribution to the study of Spanish-American feminism, and has broad and intriguing future application.’ — Susan Carvalho, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 83.2, 2006, 301-02

Fact and Fiction: Representations of the Asturian Revolution
Sarah Sanchez
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 60

Configuring Community: Theories of Community Identities in Contemporary Spain
Parvati Nair
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 61

Published January 2005

Historicist Essays on Hispano-Medieval Narrative in Memory of Roger M. Walker
Edited by Barry Taylor and Geoffrey West
Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association 16

Published December 2012

Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La devoción de la Cruz/August Wilhelm Schlegel, Die Andacht zum Kreuze
Edited by Carol Tully
European Translations 3

  • ‘There can be no doubt about the importance of this parallel edition of Calderón’s La devoción de la cruz and Schlegel’s groundbreaking German translation, published as Volume 3 of the interesting new MHRA European Translations Series.’ — Sofie Kluge, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 92, 2015, 144

Published January 2013

Narrative and National Allegory in Rómulo Gallegos's Venezuela
Jenni M. Lehtinen
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 88

  • ‘Lehtinen’s book will remain an indispensable contribution to the critical corpus on Gallegos and to Venezuelan studies in general.’ — Juan Pablo Lupi, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 93, 2016, 543
  • ‘Lehtinen’s book is of interest to established Gallegos scholars and students alike, both accessible and offering up new critical insights. Moreover, it should also be on the radar of Venezuelan scholars more generally, since it is a study that requires us to consider how contemporary and future Venezuelan authors respond to, perpetuate, or depart from the narrative strategies and trajectories traced in and through Gallegos’s œuvre.’ — Nicholas Roberts, Modern Language Review 111.4, October 2016, 1151-52 (full text online)

Published February 2013

The Signifying Self: Cervantine Drama as Counter-Perspective Aesthetic
Melanie Henry
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 83

Published October 2013

Frontier Memory: Cultural Conflict and Exchange in the Romancero fronterizo
Sizen Yiacoup
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 87

James Mabbe, The Spanish Bawd
Edited by José María Pérez Fernández
Tudor and Stuart Translations 10

  • ‘This edited volume is a valuable contribution to early modern translation studies; it opens this neglected tragicomedy to new audiences, offers an erudite consideration of Mabbe’s text and its place within a complex web of literary and cultural exchange, and lays a solid foundation for future scholarship on La Celestina and The Spanish Bawd.’ — Edel Semple, Renaissance Quarterly 68, 2015, 1488-89
  • ‘Required reading for anyone with an interest in Mabbe and early Stuart Hispanism ... Pérez’s edition of The Spanish Bawd is the authoritative edition, the one I think scholars of the period will most want to have on their bookshelves.’ — John R. Yamamoto-Wilson, Translation and Literature 24, 2015, 99-103
  • ‘This MHRA edition, modernized for accessibility, offers an excellent point of entry to both early modern Spanish literature and renaissance translation.’ — unsigned notice, Forum for Modern Language Studies 51, 2015, 231

Published May 2014

El camino inverso: del cine al teatro: La vida en un hilo, de Edgar Neville y Mi adorado Juan, de Miguel Mihura
Joanna Bardzińska
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 91

  • ‘Bardzińska has provided the reader with a wealth of detail and the text will be of interest to scholars of the ‘otra generación’, and of value to those researching Neville, Mihura and/or their works created for screen and stage, as well as those interested in approaches to reverse adaptation more broadly.’ — Rhiannon McGlade, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 94, 2017, 1246-47

Mitos cristianos en la poesía del 27
Rocío Ortuño Casanova
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 96

The Making of Jorge Luis Borges as an Argentine Cultural Icon
Mariana Casale O'Ryan
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 99

Published December 2014

Juan de Valdés, Diálogo de la lengua
Edited by K. Anipa
Critical Texts 38

  • ‘Professor Anipa has produced a skillful linguistic textual analysis and placed it in solid historical context ... All scholars and graduate students in the fields of Spanish linguistics, literature, and history will benefit from this work.’ — Daniel A. Crews, Renaissance Quarterly 69, 2016, 220
  • ‘This diplomatic edition of Juan de Valdés's Dialogo de la Lengua will be of particular interest for Valdesian scholars, but is well worth careful consideration by late medievalists and early modernists working on language and linguistics, geopolitical and cultural exchanges between Italy and Spain, and those exploring the regional tensions in Iberia in terms of cultural, religious and political supremacy.’ — Ana Grinberg, Sixteenth Century Journal XLVII.2, 2016, 481-82

Published November 2016

Corín Tellado, Thursdays with Leila
Translated by Duncan Wheeler, with an introduction by Diana Holmes and Duncan Wheeler, and a prologue by Mario Vargas Llosa
New Translations 9

  • ‘La estimable traducción al inglés de Los jueves de Leila, por parte de los profesores Duncan Wheeler y Diana Holmes, uno de los más conocidos relatos de Corín Tellado y que inicia la serie: “Querer es poder”, abre la puerta al género romántico de esta prolí ca escritora asturiana al mundo anglosajón.’ — Estefanía Tocado, Hispania 101.2, June 2018, 344-45
  • ‘Wheeler’s translation of Thursdays with Leila captures the informal, non-demanding style of Tellado’s writing, and this particular novel was a very good choice for translation as it illustrates most of the dominant characteristics of her fiction.’ — Patricia O’Byrne, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95, 2018, 905-06

Published August 2018

In Defence of Women
Translated by Joanna M. Barker
New Translations 14

  • ‘With this edition, Barker provides a detailed account of an intellectual debate in eighteenth-century Spain that holds great relevance for contemporary scholarship in women's studies, European history and literary studies, among other fields.’ — Leslie J. Harkema, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 96, 2019, 1715-16

Published February 2019

Francisco Delicado, Retrato de la Loçana andaluza: Estudio y edición crítica
Edited by Rocío Díaz Bravo
Critical Texts 56

Published March 2020

La poética de Lorenzo de Zamora: una apología de la literatura secular
Edited by Ascensión Rivas Hernández
Critical Texts 55

  • ‘This edition will doubtless be of use to scholars of humanist and baroque poetic theory and, more generally, to anyone with an interest in the survival and tradition of classical authors in the Spanish language.’ — Jesús-M. Nieto Ibáñez, Modern Language Review 117.3, July 2022, 507-08 (full text online)
  • ‘Este nuevo volumen de la MHRA Critical Texts, el número 55, contribuirá, sin duda, a ampliar el conocimiento de un autor no demasiado atendido y de una obra que llegará a nuevos lectores a partir de esta cuidada edición, del detallado y explicativo estudio introductorio que la antecede y la bibliografía asimismo completa que aporta.’ — Carina Zubillaga, Bulletin of Spanish Studies February 2022 (full text online)

Published November 2021

Francisco Nieva: Coronada y el toro
Edited by Komla Aggor
Critical Texts 64

  • ‘La prestigiosa editorial asentada en Cambridge Modern Humanities Research Association acaba de publicar una edición de la obra del genio español Francisco Nieva, «Coronada y el Toro», con una magnífica introducción y estudio del especialista en Nieva Komla Aggor, profesor de la Texas Christian University. «Coronada y el Toro» es una obra maestra.’ — Martín-Miguel Rubio Esteban, ABC 29 September 2020, 14
  • ‘La Modern Humanities Research Association acaba de publicar una excelente edición de la obra de Francisco Nieva, Coronada y el toro, preparada por el investigador experto en la obra de Nieva, Komla Aggor.’ September 2020