See also the home page of the Texts and Translations book series MHRA Texts and Dissertations

Bodies and Texts: Configurations of Identity in the Works of Albalucía Ángel, Griselda Gambaro, and Laura Esquivel
Claire Taylor
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 591 January 2004

  • ‘[Taylor's] innovative way of reading offers significant possibilities for the interpretation of other postmodern texts, and particularly those by women. Her study represents an important contribution to the study of Spanish-American feminism, and has broad and intriguing future application.’ — Susan Carvalho, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 83.2, 2006, 301-02

Configuring Community: Theories of Community Identities in Contemporary Spain
Parvati Nair
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 611 January 2004

Fact and Fiction: Representations of the Asturian Revolution
Sarah Sanchez
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 601 January 2004

The Making of Jorge Luis Borges as an Argentine Cultural Icon
Mariana Casale O'Ryan
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 991 May 2014

Narrative and National Allegory in Rómulo Gallegos's Venezuela
Jenni M. Lehtinen
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 8831 January 2013

  • ‘Lehtinen’s book will remain an indispensable contribution to the critical corpus on Gallegos and to Venezuelan studies in general.’ — Juan Pablo Lupi, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 93, 2016, 543
  • ‘Lehtinen’s book is of interest to established Gallegos scholars and students alike, both accessible and offering up new critical insights. Moreover, it should also be on the radar of Venezuelan scholars more generally, since it is a study that requires us to consider how contemporary and future Venezuelan authors respond to, perpetuate, or depart from the narrative strategies and trajectories traced in and through Gallegos’s œuvre.’ — Nicholas Roberts, Modern Language Review 111.4, October 2016, 1151-52 (full text online)