Bollig, Ben, and David M. J. Wood (eds). 2022. The Poetry-Film Nexus in Latin America: Exploring Intermediality on Page and Screen, Moving Image, 11 (Legenda)

Auty, R., L. R. Lewitter, and A. P. Vlasto (eds). 1970. Gorski Vijenac: A Garland of Essays Offered to Professor Elizabeth Mary Hill, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 2 (MHRA)

Hatto, A. T. (ed.). 1980. Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry, Volume One: The Traditions, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 9 (MHRA)

Hainsworth, J. B., and under the General Editorship of A. T. Hatto (eds). 1989. Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry, Volume Two: Characteristics and Techniques, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 13 (MHRA)

Cacho Casal, Rodrigo, and Imogen Choi (eds). 2019. The Rise of Spanish American Poetry 1500-1700: Literary and Cultural Transmission in the New World, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 22 (Legenda)

Davis, Stuart, and Maite Usoz de la Fuente (eds). 2018. The Modern Spanish Canon: Visibility, Cultural Capital and the Academy, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 28 (Legenda)

Bizzotto, Elisa, and Stefano Evangelista (eds). 2018. Arthur Symons: Poet, Critic, Vagabond, Studies In Comparative Literature, 44 (Legenda)

Sherman, Joseph, Gennady Estraikh, Jordan Finkin, and David Shneer (eds). 2011. A Captive of the Dawn: The Life and Work of Peretz Markish (1895-1952), Studies In Yiddish, 9 (Legenda)

Estraikh, Gennady, Kerstin Hoge, and Mikhail Krutikov (eds). 2014. Uncovering the Hidden: The Works and Life of Der Nister, Studies In Yiddish, 12 (Legenda)

Estraikh, Gennady, and Mikhail Krutikov (eds). 2019. Women, Men and Books: Issues of Gender in Yiddish Discourse, Studies In Yiddish, 16 (Legenda)

Lewis, Ann, and Silke Arnold-de Simine (eds). 2020. Adapting the Canon: Mediation, Visualization, Interpretation, Transcript, 1 (Legenda)

Gardini, Nicola, Adriana X. Jacobs, Ben Morgan, Mohamed-Salah Omri, and Matthew Reynolds (eds). 2017. Minding Borders: Resilient Divisions in Literature, the Body and the Academy, Transcript, 5 (Legenda)

Birkan-Berz, Carole, Guillaume Coatalen, and Thomas Vuong (eds). 2020. Translating Petrarch's Poetry: L’Aura del Petrarca from the Quattrocento to the 21st Century, Transcript, 8 (Legenda)