Cook, Malcolm, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: A Life of Culture (Legenda, 2006)

Cooper, Ian, The Near and Distant God: Poetry, Idealism and Religious Thought from Hölderlin to Eliot (Legenda, 2008)

Counter, Andrew J., Inheritance in Nineteenth-Century French Culture: Wealth, Knowledge and the Family (Legenda, 2010)

Coxon, Sebastian, Laughter and Narrative in the Later Middle Ages: German Comic Tales c. 1350-1525 (Legenda, 2008)

Crameri, Kathryn, Language, the Novelist and National Identity in Post-Franco Catalonia (Legenda, 2000)

Crimp, Catherine, Childhood as Memory, Myth and Metaphor: Proust, Beckett, and Bourgeois (Legenda, 2012)

Darlow, Mark, Dissonance in the Republic of Letters: The Querelle des Gluckistes et des Piccinnistes (Legenda, 2013)

Dhúill, Caitríona Ní, Sex in Imagined Spaces: Gender and Utopia from More to Bloch (Legenda, 2010)

Downing, Lisa, Desiring the Dead: Necrophilia and Nineteenth-Century French Literature (Legenda, 2003)

Evans, David, Théodore de Banville: Constructing Poetic Value in Nineteenth-Century France (Legenda, 2014)

Fell, Alison, Liberty, Equality, Maternity (Legenda, 2003)

Fenoulhet, Jane, Making the Personal Political: Dutch Women Writers 1919-1970 (Legenda, 2007)

Flitter, Derek, Spanish Romanticism and the Uses of History: Ideology and the Historical Imagination (Legenda, 2006)

Forcer, Stephen, Modernist Song: The Poetry of Tristan Tzara (Legenda, 2006)

Fotiade, Ramona, Conceptions of the Absurd: From Surrealism to Chestov's and Fondane's Existential Thought (Legenda, 2001)

Fowler, James, The Libertine’s Nemesis: The Prude in Clarissa and the roman libertin (Legenda, 2011)

Fowler, James, Richardson and the Philosophes (Legenda, 2014)

Fung, Paul, Dostoevsky and the Epileptic Mode of Being (Legenda, 2014)

Fülöp, Erika, Proust, the One, and the Many: Identity and Difference in A la recherche du temps perdu (Legenda, 2012)

Gibbons, David, Metaphor in Dante (Legenda, 2002)

Gilby, Emma, Sublime Worlds: Early Modern French Literature (Legenda, 2006)

Goodden, Angelica, Diderot and the Body (Legenda, 2001)

Goodden, Angelica, The Backward Look: Memory and the Writing Self in France 1580-1920 (Legenda, 2000)

Gosetti, Valentina, Aloysius Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit: Beyond the Prose Poem (Legenda, 2016)

Griffin, Miranda, The Object and the Cause in the Vulgate Cycle (Legenda, 2005)