Carrdus, Anna. 1997. Classical Rhetoric and the German Poet: 1620 to the Present (Legenda)

Anderson, Kirsteen. 2000. Paul Valéry and the Voice of Desire (Legenda)

Forcer, Stephen. 2006. Modernist Song: The Poetry of Tristan Tzara (Legenda)

Hutchinson, Ben. 2006. Rilke's Poetics of Becoming (Legenda)

Kelly, Michael G.. 2008. Strands of Utopia: Spaces of Poetic Work in Twentieth-Century France (Legenda)

Quance, Roberta Ann. 2010. In the Light of Contradiction: Desire in the Poetry of Federico García Lorca (Legenda)

Ryland, Charlotte. 2010. Paul Celan's Encounters with Surrealism: Trauma, Translation and Shared Poetic Space (Legenda)

Higgins, Jennifer. 2011. English Responses to French Poetry 1880-1940: Translation and Mediation (Legenda)

Frier, David G. (ed.). 2012. Pessoa in an Intertextual Web: Influence and Innovation (Legenda)

Boll, Tom. 2012. Octavio Paz and T. S. Eliot: Modern Poetry and the Translation of Influence (Legenda)

Scott, Clive. 2012. Translating the Perception of Text: Literary Translation and Phenomenology (Legenda)

Kerr, Greg. 2012. Dream Cities: Utopia and Prose by Poets in Nineteenth-Century France (Legenda)

Bowie, Malcolm. 2013. Selected Essays of Malcolm Bowie I: Dreams of Knowledge (Legenda)

Evans, David. 2014. Théodore de Banville: Constructing Poetic Value in Nineteenth-Century France (Legenda)

Norman, Barnaby. 2014. Mallarmé's Sunset: Poetry at the End of Time (Legenda)

Lyons, Sara. 2015. Algernon Swinburne and Walter Pater: Victorian Aestheticism, Doubt and Secularisation (Legenda)

Rennie, Simon. 2016. The Poetry of Ernest Jones: Myth, Song, and the ‘Mighty Mind’ (Legenda)

Gosetti, Valentina. 2016. Aloysius Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit: Beyond the Prose Poem (Legenda)

Desmarais, Jane, and Alice Condé (eds). 2017. Decadence and the Senses (Legenda)

McGuinness, Patrick, and Emily McLaughlin (eds). 2017. The Made and the Found: Essays, Prose and Poetry in Honour of Michael Sheringham (Legenda)

Gullotta, Andrea. 2018. Intellectual Life and Literature at Solovki 1923-1930: The Paris of the Northern Concentration Camps (Legenda)

Kilbride, L. M.. 2018. Swinburne’s Style: An Experiment in Verse History (Legenda)

Louth, Charlie, and Patrick McGuinness (eds). 2019. Gravity and Grace: Essays for Roger Pearson (Legenda)

Duttlinger, Carolin, Kevin Hilliard, and Charlie Louth (eds). 2021. From the Enlightenment to Modernism: Three Centuries of German Literature (Legenda)