Edited, and translated by Michael Harrigan, Life and Death on the Plantations: Selected Jesuit Letters from the Caribbean, Critical Texts, 68 (MHRA, 2021)

Edited, translated by Geneviève Boucher, and Michael J. Mulryan, Louis Sébastien Mercier, Comment fonder la morale du peuple: Traité d’éducation pour l’avènement d’une société nouvelle, Critical Texts, 69 (MHRA, 2020)

Perras, A Bilingual Edition by Jean-Alexandre, La Découverte de l’île Frivole by Gabriel-François Coyer, Critical Texts, 76 (MHRA, 2022)

Barker, Joanna M. (ed.), The Pen and the Needle: Rousseau & the Enlightenment Debate on Women’s Education, Critical Texts, 80 (MHRA, 2021)

Harris, Joseph (ed.), Louis-Sébastien Mercier, Le Vieillard et ses trois filles and Timon d’Athènes: Two Shakespeare Adaptations, Critical Texts, 82 (MHRA, 2023)

Connon, Derek (ed.), Alexis Piron, Le Claperman and L’Âne d’or, Critical Texts, 84 (MHRA, 2022)

Harris, Joseph (ed.), Jean-François Ducis, Hamlet, Critical Texts, 85 (MHRA, 2025)

Brown, Hilary (ed.), Luise Gottsched, Der Lockenraub/Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, European Translations, 2 (MHRA, 2014)

Gavuzzo-Stewart, Silvia, Nelle Carceri di G. B. Piranesi, Italian Perspectives, 2 (Legenda, 1999)

Günsberg, Maggie, Playing with Gender: The Comedies of Goldoni, Italian Perspectives, 7 (Legenda, 2002)

Parmegiani, Sandra, Ugo Foscolo and English Culture, Italian Perspectives, 20 (Legenda, 2011)

Everson, Jane E., Denis V. Reidy, and Lisa Sampson (eds), The Italian Academies 1525-1700: Networks of Culture, Innovation and Dissent, Italian Perspectives, 31 (Legenda, 2016)

Favaro, Maiko (ed.), Interpreting and Judging Petrarch’s Canzoniere in Early Modern Italy, Italian Perspectives, 49 (Legenda, 2021)

Andrews, Richard, Classical Comedy 1508-1786: A Legacy from Italy and France, Italian Perspectives, 55 (Legenda, 2022)

Cook, Malcolm, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: A Life of Culture (Legenda, 2006)

Carrdus, Anna, Classical Rhetoric and the German Poet: 1620 to the Present (Legenda, 1997)

Bannister, Mark, Condé in Context: Ideological Change in Seventeenth-Century France (Legenda, 2000)

Goodden, Angelica, Diderot and the Body (Legenda, 2001)

Simpson, James, Goethe and Patriarchy: Faust and the Fates of Desire (Legenda, 1999)

Howells, Robin, Regressive Fictions: Graffigny, Rousseau, Bernardin (Legenda, 2007)

Pickering, Oliver, The Poems and Songs of Henry Hall of Hereford: A Jacobite Poet of the 1690s (Legenda, 2022)

McMorran, Will, The Inn and the Traveller: Digressive Topographies in the Early Modern European Novel (Legenda, 2002)

Gilby, Emma, Sublime Worlds: Early Modern French Literature (Legenda, 2006)

Cave, Terence, edited by Neil Kenny, and Wes Williams, Retrospectives: Essays in Literature, Poetics and Cultural History by Terence Cave (Legenda, 2009)

Connon, Derek, Identity and Transformation in the Plays of Alexis Piron (Legenda, 2007)