LGS 216pp2005ed Guido Bonsaver,
Robert Gordon
Culture, Censorship and the State in Twentieth-Century Italy
LGS 200pp2011ed Tristan Kay, Martin McLaughlin,
Michelangelo Zaccarello
Dante in Oxford
LGS 240pp2000ed T. J. Reed,
Alexander Stillmark
Heine und die Weltliteratur
LGS 256pp2003ed Antonella Braida,
Giuliana Pieri
Image and Word
LGS 210pp2000ed Jane Everson,
Diego Zancani
Italy in Crisis: 1494
LGS 310pp2004ed Pierpaolo Antonello,
Simon A. Gilson
Science and Literature in Italian Culture
LGS 320pp2000ed Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh,
Oliver Taplin
Medea in Performance 1500-2000
LGS 263pp2007ed Gillian Beer, Malcolm Bowie,
Beate Perrey
LGS 224pp2006ed Delia da Sousa CorreaPhrase and Subject
LGS 2022Adam WattLabours of Attention
LGS 236pp2002ed J. A. HiddlestonVictor Hugo, romancier de l'abîme
LGS 546pp2000ed Letizia PanizzaWomen in Italian Renaissance Culture and Society
LGS 218pp2007ed Nathalie Aubert, Pierre-Philippe Fraiture,
Patrick McGuinness
From Art Nouveau to Surrealism
LGS 692pp2011ed Jo Catling,
Richard Hibbitt
Saturn's Moons
LGS 154pp2007ed William Poole,
Richard Scholar
Thinking with Shakespeare
LGS 410pp2007ed Edith Hall,
Amanda Wrigley
Aristophanes in Performance 421 BC-AD 2007
LGS 256pp2011ed Patrick Crowley, Noreen Humble,
Silvia Ross
Mediterranean Travels
LGS 316pp2007ed Birgitte Grundtvig, Martin McLaughlin,
Lene Waage Petersen
Image, Eye and Art in Calvino
LGS 190pp2009ed Dirk Göttsche,
Florian Krobb
Wilhelm Raabe
LGS 288pp2008ed J. A. G. ArdilaThe Cervantean Heritage
LGS 352pp2010ed Heike Bartel,
Anne Simon
Unbinding Medea
LGS 150pp2008ed André BenhaïmThe Strange M. Proust
LGS 162pp2008ed Anna Holland,
Richard Scholar
Pre-Histories and Afterlives
LGS 2010ed Zygmunt G. Barański,
Martin McLaughlin
Dante the Lyric and Ethical Poet
LGS 142pp2011ed Rhian AtkinTextual Wanderings