
Texts and Translations book series

The Phoenix series is dedicated to eighteenth-century French drama. With a particular attention to performance history and the audience’s experience, these editions make accessible to students and scholars alike a range of plays that testify to the diversity and vibrancy of that period’s theatre.

Parent series. This series is part of the wider Critical Texts project, but titles have numbers within Phoenix rather than within CT.

Proposals. This series is now closed, but proposals for further editions of 18th-century drama may still be submitted to our Critical Texts series.

Review copies. Journals wishing to review books in this series should please contact to request copies.

History. Phoenix arose from a joint project between the Université de Paris-Sorbonne and Durham University, and published between 2011 and 2015.

General Editors

  • Dr Thomas Wynn (University of Durham)
  • Professor Pierre Frantz (Université de Paris-Sorbonne)