1-14 | | Cite |
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15-27 | | Cite |
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28-54 | | Cite |
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55-77 | Dryden's Dilemma, or, Racine Refashioned: The Problem of the English Dramatic Couplet Derek Attridge doi:10.2307/3506611 | Cite |
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78-101 | Character, Genre, and Ethos in Nineteenth-Century British Drama Joseph Donohue doi:10.2307/3506612 | Cite |
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102-115 | | Cite |
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116-134 | | Cite |
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135-153 | A Style for Yeats's Dance-Plays: 'The More Passionate is the Art the More Marked is the Selection' Richard Allen Cave doi:10.2307/3506615 | Cite |
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154-166 | | Cite |
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167-187 | | Cite |
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188-203 | | Cite |
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204-220 | | Cite |
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221-235 | | Cite |
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236-245 | | Cite |
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246-255 | | Cite |
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256-269 | | Cite |
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270-278 | The Author of 'Mark Rutherford', or, Who Wrote 'Miriam's Schooling'? Charles Swann doi:10.2307/3506624 | Cite |
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279-294 | | Cite |
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295 | Review of Donald C. Baker, J. L. Murphy, The Digby Plays: Facsimiles of the Plays in Bodley MSS Digby 133 and e Museo 160 David Bevington doi:10.2307/3506626 | Cite |
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296-297 | Review of Herbert Lindenberger, Historical Drama: The Relation of Literature and Reality Derick R. C. Marsh doi:10.2307/3506627 | Cite |
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297-299 | Review of Thomas L. Berger, William C. Bradford Jr., An Index of Characters in English Printed Drama to the Renaissance G. K. Hunter doi:10.2307/3506628 | Cite |
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299-300 | Review of Robert Fricker, Das Ältere englische Schauspiel. Vol. I: Von den geistlichen Autoren bis zu den 'University Wits' Robert Weimann doi:10.2307/3506629 | Cite |
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300-302 | | Cite |
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302-304 | Review of Andrew Clark, Domestic Drama: A Survey of the Origins, Antecedents and Nature of the Domestic Play in England 1500-1640 M. T. Jones-Davies doi:10.2307/3506631 | Cite |
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304-306 | Review of Leonard Goldstein, George Chapman: Aspects of Decadence in Early Seventeenth-Century Drama R. P. Corballis doi:10.2307/3506632 | Cite |
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306-307 | Review of A. F. Allison, Robert Greene 1558-1592: A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Early Editions in English (To 1640) Norman Sanders doi:10.2307/3506633 | Cite |
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307-309 | Review of Rosalind Miles, The Problem of 'Measure for Measure': A Historical Investigation A. D. Nuttall doi:10.2307/3506634 | Cite |
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309-311 | | Cite |
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311-312 | Review of Harold Skulsky, Spirits Finely Touched: The Testing of Value and Integrity in Four Shakespearean Plays Kenneth Muir doi:10.2307/3506636 | Cite |
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312-313 | Review of Michael Long, The Unnatural Scene: A Study in Shakespearean Tragedy E. A. J. Honigmann doi:10.2307/3506637 | Cite |
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313-315 | Review of E. A. J. Honigmann, Shakespeare: Seven Tragedies: The Dramatist's Manipulation of Response Larry S. Champion doi:10.2307/3506638 | Cite |
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315-316 | | Cite |
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316-318 | Review of Heinz Zimmermann, Die Personifikation im Drama Shakespeares W. Zacharasiewicz doi:10.2307/3506640 | Cite |
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319-320 | Review of Hermann Heuer, Ernst Theodor Sehrt, Rudolf Stamm, Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft West: Jahrbuch 1975 W. Zacharasiewicz doi:10.2307/3506641 | Cite |
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320-322 | Review of Warren D. Smith, Shakespeare's Playhouse Practice: A Handbook Bernard Beckerman doi:10.2307/3506642 | Cite |
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322-324 | Review of Brian Vickers, Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage. Volume 4. 1735-1765 G. Bullough doi:10.2307/3506643 | Cite |
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324-325 | Review of Henry E. Jacobs, Claudia D. Johnson, An Annotated Bibliography of Shakespearean Burlesques, Parodies, and Travesties Stanley Wells doi:10.2307/3506644 | Cite |
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325-326 | Review of Annelise Truninger, Paddy and the Paycock: A Study of the Stage Irishman from Shakespeare to O'Casey Vincent Mahon doi:10.2307/3506645 | Cite |
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326-328 | Review of Thomas Middleton, Thomas Dekker, Andor Gomme, The Roaring Girl P. A. Mulholland doi:10.2307/3506646 | Cite |
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328-329 | | Cite |
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329-330 | | Cite |
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331 | | Cite |
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332-333 | Review of James Shirley, Wilson F. Engel, The Gentleman of Venice Charles R. Forker doi:10.2307/3506650 | Cite |
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334-335 | Review of John Loftis, Richard Southern, Marion Jones, A. H. Scouten, The Revels History of Drama in English. Volume V. 1660-1750 Harold Love doi:10.2307/3506651 | Cite |
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335-336 | Review of Robert D. Hume, The Development of English Drama in the Late Seventeenth Century Harold Love doi:10.2307/3506652 | Cite |
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337 | | Cite |
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338-339 | | Cite |
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339-340 | Review of Michael R. Booth, English Plays of the Nineteenth Century. V. Pantomimes, Extravaganzas and Burlesques Peter Davison doi:10.2307/3506655 | Cite |
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341 | Review of Robert O'Driscoll, Lorna Reynolds, Yeats and the Theatre Giorgio Melchiori doi:10.2307/3506656 | Cite |
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342-344 | Review of Nicholas Grene, Synge: A Critical Study of the Plays Thomas R. Whitaker doi:10.2307/3506657 | Cite |
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344-346 | Review of Ronald Ayling, Continuity and Innovation in Sean O'Casey's Drama: A Critical Monograph Nicholas Grene doi:10.2307/3506658 | Cite |
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346-348 | Review of Clas Zilliacus, Beckett and Broadcasting: A Study of the Works of Samuel Beckett for and in Radio and Television Peter Davison doi:10.2307/3506659 | Cite |
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348 | Review of William B. Wahl, Poetic Drama Interviews: Robert Speaight, E. Martin Browne, and W. H. Auden M. J. Sidnell doi:10.2307/3506660 | Cite |
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348-351 | | Cite |
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351-352 | | Cite |
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352-353 | Review of A. S. Maney, R. L. Smallwood, MHRA Style Book: Notes for Authors, Editors, and Writers of Dissertations Andrew Brown doi:10.2307/3506663 | Cite |
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354-356 | Review of Ann Block, Carolyn Riley, Children's Literature Review: Excerpts from Reviews, Criticism and Commentary on Books for Children and Young People. Volume 1; John Mackay Shaw, Childhood in Poetry: A Catalogue, with Biographical and Critical Annotations, of the Books of English and American Poets Comprising the Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection, Library of the Florida State University. Second Supplement; Gary C. Tarbert, Children's Book Review Index. Volume 2. 1976 Cumulation; Anne Commire, Something about the Author: Facts and Pictures about Contemporary Authors and Illustrators of Books for Young People. Vol. 9; Anne Commire, Something about the Author: Facts and Pictures about Contemporary Authors and Illustrators of Books for Young People. Vol. 11 Jenny Oldfield doi:10.2307/3506664 | Cite |
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356-357 | Review of R. G. Moyles, English-Canadian Literature to 1900: A Guide to Information Sources John Ferns doi:10.2307/3506665 | Cite |
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357-358 | Review of Joseph E. Emonds, A Transformational Approach to English Syntax: Root, Structure-Preserving, and Local Transformations Winifred Bauer doi:10.2307/3506666 | Cite |
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359-360 | Review of Michael J. B. Allen, Daniel G. Calder, Sources and Analogues of Old English Poetry: The Major Latin Texts in Translation J. E. Cross doi:10.2307/3506667 | Cite |
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360-361 | | Cite |
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361-362 | Review of Anna J. Mill, Sheila Lindenbaum, Francis Lee Utley, Barry Ward, A Manual of the Writings in Middle English 1050-1500. Volume 5. XII: Dramatic Pieces Anne Hudson doi:10.2307/3506669 | Cite |
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363 | Review of A. Zettersten, The English Text of the 'Ancrene Riwle' Joyce Bazire doi:10.2307/3506670 | Cite |
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363-364 | | Cite |
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364-366 | | Cite |
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366 | | Cite |
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