x | | Cite |
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1-20 | Literature and Its Audience: Elizabethan Audiences and the Open Stage: Recovering Lost Conventions Alan C. Dessen doi:10.2307/3506931 | Cite |
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21-44 | | Cite |
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45-69 | 'Restoration Comedy' and Its Audiences, 1660-1776 Arthur H. Scouten, Robert D. Hume doi:10.2307/3506933 | Cite |
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70-94 | Varieties of Readers' Response: The Case of 'Dombey and Son' Richard D. Altick doi:10.2307/3506934 | Cite |
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95-104 | | Cite |
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105-115 | | Cite |
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116-131 | | Cite |
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132-149 | | Cite |
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150-159 | | Cite |
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160-180 | | Cite |
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181-189 | Launcelot, Jacob, and Esau: Old and New Law in 'The Merchant of Venice' John Scott Colley doi:10.2307/3506941 | Cite |
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190-203 | | Cite |
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204-209 | | Cite |
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210-223 | | Cite |
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224-225 | Review of Anne Wilson, Traditional Romance and Tale: How Stories Mean W. R. J. Barron doi:10.2307/3506945 | Cite |
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225 | Review of Lars Hartveit, The Art of Persuasion: A Study of Six Novels Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3506946 | Cite |
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226-227 | | Cite |
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228-229 | Review of Andrew Carpenter, Place, Personality and the Irish Writer J. C. Beckett doi:10.2307/3506948 | Cite |
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229 | Review of J. Albert Robbins, American Literary Manuscripts: A Checklist of Holdings in Academic, Historical, and Public Libraries, Museums, and Authors' Homes in the United States Larzer Ziff doi:10.2307/3506949 | Cite |
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229-230 | Review of Clarence Gohdes, Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the Literature of the U.S.A. G. H. Moore doi:10.2307/3506950 | Cite |
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230-232 | Review of Robert J. White, Jr., The English Literary Journal to 1900: A Guide to Information Sources Joanne Shattock doi:10.2307/3506951 | Cite |
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233-234 | Review of Ronald Wardhaugh, H. Douglas Brown, A Survey of Applied Linguistics Winifred Bauer doi:10.2307/3506952 | Cite |
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234-235 | Review of Howell D. Chickering, Jr., Beowulf: A Dual-Language Edition T. A. Shippey doi:10.2307/3506953 | Cite |
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235-236 | | Cite |
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236-237 | | Cite |
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237-239 | | Cite |
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239 | Review of Valerie Krishna, The Alliterative Morte Arthure: A Critical Edition Edward Wilson doi:10.2307/3506957 | Cite |
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239-241 | | Cite |
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241-242 | Review of Judith H. Anderson, The Growth of a Personal Voice: 'Piers Plowman' and 'The Faerie Queene' John Lawlor doi:10.2307/3506959 | Cite |
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242-244 | Review of Anthony G. Petti, English Literary Hands from Chaucer to Dryden William Urry doi:10.2307/3506960 | Cite |
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245-246 | Review of A. M. Nagler, The Medieval Religious Stage: Shapes and Phantoms Richard Southern doi:10.2307/3506961 | Cite |
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246-247 | Review of Norman Davis, Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century. Part II Rita Wilson doi:10.2307/3506962 | Cite |
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247-250 | Review of Bertrand Harris Bronson, The Singing Tradition of Child's Popular Ballads Cedric Thorpe Davie doi:10.2307/3506963 | Cite |
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250-253 | | Cite |
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253-254 | Review of Peter Bayley, Spenser: 'The Faerie Queene': A Casebook A. Bartlett Giamatti doi:10.2307/3506965 | Cite |
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254-255 | Review of A. C. Hamilton, Sir Philip Sidney: A Study of His Life and Works John Buxton doi:10.2307/3506966 | Cite |
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255-256 | | Cite |
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257-259 | Review of M. C. Bradbrook, The Living Monument: Shakespeare and the Theatre of His Time Marion Trousdale doi:10.2307/3506968 | Cite |
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259-262 | Review of A. C. Partridge, A Substantive Grammar of Shakespeare's Nondramatic Texts Vivian Salmon doi:10.2307/3506969 | Cite |
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262-263 | Review of J. L. Styan, The Shakespeare Revolution: Criticism and Performance in the Twentieth Century John Russell Brown doi:10.2307/3506970 | Cite |
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263-264 | Review of William Alexander McClung, The Country House in English Renaissance Poetry Heather Dubrow doi:10.2307/3506971 | Cite |
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264-265 | Review of Giles Fletcher, George Wither, Michael Drayton, Phineas Fletcher, Henry More, William B. Hunter Jr., The English Spenserians: The Poetry of Giles Fletcher, George Wither, Michael Drayton, Phineas Fletcher and Henry More Joan Grundy doi:10.2307/3506972 | Cite |
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265-267 | Review of J. W. Lever, The Wasp or Subject's Precedent; G. M. Pinciss, The Faithful Friends G. R. Hibbard doi:10.2307/3506973 | Cite |
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267-268 | Review of Bettie Anne Doebler, The Quickening Seed: Death in the Sermons of John Donne J. W. Blench doi:10.2307/3506974 | Cite |
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268-270 | Review of Ruth A. Fox, The Tangled Chain: The Structure of Disorder in the 'Anatomy of Melancholy' Martin Dodsworth doi:10.2307/3506975 | Cite |
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270-272 | Review of John Karl Franson, Milton Reconsidered: Essays in Honor of Arthur E. Barker Leslie Brisman doi:10.2307/3506976 | Cite |
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272-273 | Review of Jean-François Camé, Les Structures fondamentales de l'univers imaginaire Miltonien D. F. Bouchard doi:10.2307/3506977 | Cite |
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273-274 | | Cite |
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275-276 | Review of Michael McKeon, Politics and Poetry in Restoration England: The Case of Dryden's 'Annus Mirabilis' Maximillian E. Novak doi:10.2307/3506979 | Cite |
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276-278 | Review of Earl Miner, George R. Guffey, Franklin B. Zimmerman, John Dryden, The Works of John Dryden. Volume XV. Plays: Albion and Albanius, Don Sebastian, Amphitryon Derek Hughes doi:10.2307/3506980 | Cite |
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278-279 | Review of William Molyneux, The Case of Ireland Stated; Charles Ford, Andrew Carpenter, Adventure at Sienna C. J. Rawson doi:10.2307/3506981 | Cite |
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279-280 | Review of James Anderson Winn, A Window in the Bosom: The Letters of Alexander Pope John Sitter doi:10.2307/3506982 | Cite |
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280-281 | Review of Vinton A. Dearing, Charles E. Beckwith, John Gay: Poetry and Prose C. J. Rawson doi:10.2307/3506983 | Cite |
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281-283 | Review of J. McLaverty, Pope's Printer, John Wright: A Preliminary Study Pat Rogers doi:10.2307/3506984 | Cite |
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283-284 | Review of Mary Wortley Montagu, Robert Halsband, Isobel Grundy, Essays and Poems and 'Simplicity, a Comedy' James A. Winn doi:10.2307/3506985 | Cite |
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284-286 | Review of Percy G. Adams, Graces of Harmony: Alliteration, Assonance, and Consonance in Eighteenth-Century British Poetry Frederick M. Keener doi:10.2307/3506986 | Cite |
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286-289 | Review of Leonard W. Conolly, The Censorship of English Drama 1737-1824 Philip H. Highfill Jr. doi:10.2307/3506987 | Cite |
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289-291 | | Cite |
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291 | | Cite |
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291-292 | | Cite |
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293 | | Cite |
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294 | Review of Ronald B. Hatch, Crabbe's Arabesque: Social Drama in the Poetry of George Crabbe A. J. Sambrook doi:10.2307/3506992 | Cite |
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294-296 | Review of Frances Ferguson, Wordsworth: Language as Counter-Spirit Paul Magnuson doi:10.2307/3506993 | Cite |
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296-297 | | Cite |
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298-300 | | Cite |
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300-301 | Review of Oscar José Santucho, Clement Tyson Goode, Jr., George Gordon, Lord Byron: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Secondary Materials in English, 1807-1974 Marcia Tillotson doi:10.2307/3506996 | Cite |
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301-302 | Review of H. Daniel Peck, A World by Itself: The Pastoral Moment in Cooper's Fiction H. Foltinek doi:10.2307/3506997 | Cite |
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302-303 | Review of Noel B. Gerson, Trelawny's World: A Biography of Edward John Trelawny P. M. S. Dawson doi:10.2307/3506998 | Cite |
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303 | Review of Greg Crossan, 'A Relish for Eternity': The Process of Divinization in the Poetry of John Clare Shelagh Hunter doi:10.2307/3506999 | Cite |
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304-305 | Review of John Gibson Lockhart, William Ruddick, Peter's Letters to His Kinsfolk J. H. Alexander doi:10.2307/3507000 | Cite |
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305-306 | Review of Margaret Chesnutt, Studies in the Short Stories of William Carleton N. F. Blake doi:10.2307/3507001 | Cite |
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306-307 | Review of Charles Richard Sanders, Kenneth J. Fielding, Thomas Carlyle, Jane Welsh Carlyle, The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. Volume 5. January 1829-September 1831; Charles Richard Sanders, Kenneth J. Fielding, Thomas Carlyle, Jane Welsh Carlyle, The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. Volume 7. October 1833-December 1834 J. L. Bradley doi:10.2307/3507002 | Cite |
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307-308 | Review of Patricia M. Ball, The Heart's Events: The Victorian Poetry of Relationships Isobel Armstrong doi:10.2307/3507003 | Cite |
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309 | | Cite |
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310-311 | Review of Paul John Eakin, The New England Girl: Cultural Ideals in Hawthorne, Stowe, Howells and James Alan W. Bellringer doi:10.2307/3507005 | Cite |
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311-313 | Review of Edgar A. Dryden, Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Poetics of Enchantment Edwin M. Eigner doi:10.2307/3507006 | Cite |
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313-314 | Review of William S. Peterson, Browning Institute Studies. Volume 5 P. M. S. Dawson doi:10.2307/3507007 | Cite |
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315-316 | | Cite |
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316-317 | Review of Robert Newsom, Dickens on the Romantic Side of Familiar Things: 'Bleak House' and the Novel Tradition Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3507009 | Cite |
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317-319 | Review of Anne Humpherys, Travels into the Poor Man's Country: The Work of Henry Mayhew Edwin M. Eigner doi:10.2307/3507010 | Cite |
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319-320 | | Cite |
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320-321 | Review of John Halperin, Trollope and Politics: A Study of the Pallisers and Others Valerie Shaw doi:10.2307/3507012 | Cite |
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321-322 | | Cite |
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322-323 | | Cite |
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323-324 | | Cite |
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324-325 | Review of William B. Dillingham, Melville's Short Fiction, 1835-1856 Edwin M. Eigner doi:10.2307/3507016 | Cite |
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325-327 | Review of R. H. Super, Matthew Arnold, The Complete Prose Works of Matthew Arnold. Volume XI. The Last Word Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3507017 | Cite |
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328 | Review of Christina G. Rossetti, R. W. Crump, Maude: Prose and Verse John Dixon Hunt doi:10.2307/3507018 | Cite |
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328-329 | | Cite |
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330-331 | | Cite |
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331 | Review of F. B. Pinion, A Commentary on the Poems of Thomas Hardy J. L. Bradley doi:10.2307/3507021 | Cite |
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331-333 | | Cite |
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333-334 | Review of Lance St. John Butler, Thomas Hardy after Fifty Years J. L. Bradley doi:10.2307/3507023 | Cite |
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334-335 | | Cite |
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335-338 | Review of Arthur Symons, Karl Beckson, The Memoirs of Arthur Symons. Life and Art in the 1890s; Alan Bird, The Plays of Oscar Wilde; Richard Ellmann, John Espey, Oscar Wilde: Two Approaches John Stokes doi:10.2307/3507025 | Cite |
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338-339 | Review of J. M. Synge, E. H. Mikhail, J. M. Synge: Interviews and Recollections Nicholas Grene doi:10.2307/3507026 | Cite |
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339-340 | Review of Theodore Dreiser, Donald Pizer, A Selection of Uncollected Prose Robert E. Spiller doi:10.2307/3507027 | Cite |
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340-341 | Review of W. B. Yeats, E. H. Mikhail, W. B. Yeats: Interviews and Recollections Weldon Thornton doi:10.2307/3507028 | Cite |
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341-343 | Review of Susan Sutton Smith, Adelaide Crapsey, The Complete Poems and Collected Letters of Adelaide Crapsey Anne Stevenson doi:10.2307/3507029 | Cite |
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344 | Review of J. A. Morris, Writers and Politics in Modern Britain (1880-1950) Terry Eagleton doi:10.2307/3507030 | Cite |
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344-346 | Review of Robert Champigny, What Will Have Happened: A Philosophical and Technical Essay on Mystery Stories Ian Ousby doi:10.2307/3507031 | Cite |
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346-347 | Review of Robert Bloom, Anatomies of Egotism: A Reading of the Last Novels of H. G. Wells Patrick Parrinder doi:10.2307/3507032 | Cite |
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348-349 | Review of L. M. Newman, Gordon Craig Archives: International Survey John Stokes doi:10.2307/3507033 | Cite |
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349-351 | | Cite |
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351-353 | | Cite |
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353-354 | Review of Marguerite Beede Howe, The Art of the Self in D. H. Lawrence Harry T. Moore doi:10.2307/3507036 | Cite |
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354-356 | | Cite |
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356-357 | Review of I. A. Richards, Trevor Eaton, Poetries: Their Media and Ends Christopher Norris doi:10.2307/3507038 | Cite |
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357-358 | Review of John S. Whitley, F. Scott Fitzgerald: 'The Great Gatsby' Edward Gallafent doi:10.2307/3507039 | Cite |
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358-359 | Review of Onwuchekwa Jemie, Langston Hughes: An Introduction to the Poetry Barbara A. Paulson doi:10.2307/3507040 | Cite |
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359-360 | Review of Maurice Wohlgelernter, Frank O'Connor: An Introduction George O'Brien doi:10.2307/3507041 | Cite |
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360-361 | Review of Holger Klein, The First World War in Fiction: A Collection of Critical Essays John Rignall doi:10.2307/3507042 | Cite |
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361-363 | | Cite |
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363-364 | | Cite |
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364-365 | Review of David Holbrook, Sylvia Plath: Poetry and Existence Peter J. Manning doi:10.2307/3507045 | Cite |
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365-366 | Review of Patrick Rafroidi, Maurice Harmon, The Irish Novel in Our Time Vincent Mahon doi:10.2307/3507046 | Cite |
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