Chapter 1: Karel Teige: A Brief Intellectual Biography
Peter Zusi
From The Integrity of the Avant-Garde: Karel Teige and the Biography of an Ambition (2024), pp. 13-78, doi:10.59860/vc.c58b165
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| Part of the book: The Integrity of the Avant-Garde Peter Zusi Legenda Abstract. Chapter 1 provides a detailed account of Teige’s intellectual career over the 1920s and 1930s. His political commitment to Marxism in this period did not prevent him from being labelled persona non grata in Czechoslovakia following the 1948 installation of a Communist regime there. The major phases and programmes he developed and defended (Proletarian Art; Constructivism/Poetism; the Left Front; Surrealism/Functionalism) are discussed in the contexts both of interwar Czechoslovak cultural history and of the wider background of relevant European trends. Full text. This contribution is published as Open Access and can be downloaded as a PDF, or viewed as a PDF in your web browser, here: |