Part III: Science in Herder’s Thought and Herder’s Place in Science

H. B. Nisbet

From Herder and the Philosophy and History of Science (1970), pp. 285-334, doi:10.59860/td.c6b535c

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Part of the book: Herder and the Philosophy and History of Science

H. B. Nisbet

MHRA Texts and Dissertations 3

Modern Humanities Research Association


Abstract.  Chapter VI: The Place of Science in Herder’s Thought. 1. Herder’s view of knowledge as a whole - 2. Science and history - 3. Science and education - 4. Science and religion - 5. Science and mysticism - 6. Science and art: nature and aesthetic values - 7. Man’s relationship with nature, and the aims of science. Chapter VII: Herder’s Place in the Scientific Tradition. 1. Herder’s influence on science - 2. Herder’s influence on the philosophy of nature and science - 3. Herder and the scientific tradition.

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