Catalan Narrative 1875-2015
Edited by Jordi Larios and Montserrat Lunati
Click cover to enlarge Buy hardback at: Buy paperback at: Booksellers & libraries: | Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures 16 Legenda 28 September 2020 • 294pp ISBN: 978-1-781887-10-3 (hardback) • RRP £80, $110, €95 ISBN: 978-1-781884-26-3 (paperback, 22 January 2023) • RRP £14.99, $19.99, €17.99 ISBN: 978-1-781884-27-0 (JSTOR ebook) Access online: Books@JSTOR In addition to its original library hardback edition, this title is now on sale in the new student-priced Legenda paperback range. Since 1714 Catalan culture has had a troubled relationship with the Spanish state, which sometimes tolerated and sometimes repressed it. Nevertheless Catalan writing experienced a renaissance in the 1830s, and by the turn of the century had formed bridges with wider European culture through Modernisme. Under the banner of Noucentisme's call to order, Catalan writing became institutionalised in the early 20th century, only to become a culture of resistance or exile again under the dictatorships of Primo de Rivera and Franco. After 1939, as after 1714, new forms of narrative only gradually emerged from a time of crisis, but led ultimately to a great blossoming of Catalan fiction after Spain's transition into democracy and membership of the European Union. This invaluable volume applies a range of theoretical perspectives to the work of modern and contemporary Catalan writers, from Narcís Oller (1846-1930) to leading women writers such as Caterina Albert (1869-1966) and Mercè Rodoreda (1908-83) and to some of the postmodern masters — authors who, though valued by their fellow novelists across Europe, are still too little known outside Catalonia. Jordi Larios is Professor of Spanish Studies at the University of St Andrews, and Montserrat Lunati is Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Cardiff University and Honorary Reader at the University of St Andrews. Reviews:
Contents: Bibliography entry: Larios, Jordi, and Montserrat Lunati (eds), Catalan Narrative 1875-2015, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 16 (Legenda, 2020) First footnote reference: 35 Catalan Narrative 1875-2015, ed. by Jordi Larios and Montserrat Lunati, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 16 (Legenda, 2020), p. 21. Subsequent footnote reference: 37 Larios and Lunati, p. 47. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) Bibliography entry: Larios, Jordi, and Montserrat Lunati (eds). 2020. Catalan Narrative 1875-2015, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 16 (Legenda) Example citation: ‘A quotation occurring on page 21 of this work’ (Larios and Lunati 2020: 21). Example footnote reference: 35 Larios and Lunati 2020: 21. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) This title is distributed on behalf of MHRA by Ingram’s. Booksellers and libraries can order direct from Ingram by setting up an ipage Account: click here for more. Permanent link to this title: |