Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
201-236 | Language: On the Language of Early Lithuanian Tatars or, Have Lithuanian Tatars Ever Written in Ukrainian? Andrii Danylenko doi:10.2307/4214264 | Cite |
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237-255 | Art: Mikhail Nesterov and Aleksandr Blok: Feminizing Russian Landscape around 1900 Ellen Rutten doi:10.2307/4214265 | Cite |
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256-278 | History: German Popular Enlightenment in the Russian Empire: Peter Ernst Wilde and Catherine II Roger Bartlett doi:10.2307/4214266 | Cite |
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279-305 | Social Sciences: On Small Nations and Bullied Children: Mr. Punch Draws Eastern Europe Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius doi:10.2307/4214267 | Cite |
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306-307 | Review of D. Bunčić, H. Keipert, Rozmova. Besĕda. Das ruthenische und kirchenslavische Berlaimont-Gesprächbuch des Ivan Uževyč Andrii Danylenko doi:10.2307/4214268 | Cite |
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307-308 | Review of Robert D. Greenberg, Language and Identity in the Balkans: Serbo-Croatian and Its Disintegration Celia Hawkesworth doi:10.2307/4214269 | Cite |
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309-310 | Review of Joachim Klein, Puti kul'turnogo importa. Trudy po russkoi literature XVIII veka W. Gareth Jones doi:10.2307/4214270 | Cite |
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310-312 | | Cite |
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312-314 | Review of Mark Stanley Swift, Anton Chekhov, Biblical Subtexts and Religious Themes in Works of Anton Chekhov Diane Oenning Thompson doi:10.2307/4214272 | Cite |
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314-315 | | Cite |
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315-317 | Review of Gerard de Vries, D. Barton Johnson, Liana Ashenden, Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Painting Neil Cornwell doi:10.2307/4214274 | Cite |
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317-318 | Review of David Short, Bohumil Hrabal (1914-97): Papers from a Symposium Radojka Miljevic doi:10.2307/4214275 | Cite |
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319-320 | | Cite |
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320-322 | Review of S. Hutchings, A. Vernitski, Russian and Soviet Film Adaptations of Literature, 1900-2001: Screening the Word Josephine Woll doi:10.2307/4214277 | Cite |
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322-323 | | Cite |
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323-325 | Review of Maria Shevtsova, Dodin and the Maly Drama Theatre: Process to Performance Cynthia Marsh doi:10.2307/4214279 | Cite |
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325-327 | Review of Boris Gasparov, Five Operas and a Symphony: Words and Music in Russian Culture Philip Bullock doi:10.2307/4214280 | Cite |
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327-329 | Review of Amy Nelson, Music for the Revolution: Musicians and Power in Early Soviet Russia Philip Bullock doi:10.2307/4214281 | Cite |
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329-330 | | Cite |
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331-332 | Review of Ernst Kuhn, Schräg zur Linie des Sozialistischen Realismus? Prokofjews spätere Sonaten sowie Orchester und Bühnenwerke: Ein internationales Symposium Philip Bullock doi:10.2307/4214283 | Cite |
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332-335 | Review of Oleg Tarasov, Robin Milner-Gulland, Icon and Devotion: Sacred Spaces in Imperial Russia Priscilla Hunt doi:10.2307/4214284 | Cite |
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335-336 | Review of Isabel de Madariaga, Ivan the Terrible: First Tsar of Russia Paul Dukes doi:10.2307/4214285 | Cite |
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337-339 | Review of J. Kotilaine, M. Poe, Modernizing Muscovy: Reform and Social Change in Seventeenth-Century Russia Isabel de Madariaga doi:10.2307/4214286 | Cite |
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339-341 | Review of Janet M. Hartley, Charles Whitworth: Diplomat in the Age of Peter the Great Geraldine M. Phipps doi:10.2307/4214287 | Cite |
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341-342 | Review of R. Bartlett, L. Hughes, Russian Society and Culture and the Long Eighteenth Century: Essays in Honour of Anthony G. Cross Patrick O'Meara doi:10.2307/4214288 | Cite |
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343-344 | Review of Manon de Courten, History, Sophia and the Russian Nation: A Reassessment of Vladimir Solov'ëv's Views on History and His Social Commitment Jonathan Sutton doi:10.2307/4214289 | Cite |
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344-346 | Review of John Hiden, Defender of Minorities: Paul Schiemann, 1876-1944 Leonidas Donskis doi:10.2307/4214290 | Cite |
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346-348 | Review of Serhii Plokhy, Unmaking Imperial Russia: Mykhailo Hrushevsky and the Writing of Ukrainian History Andrew Wilson doi:10.2307/4214291 | Cite |
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349-350 | | Cite |
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350-352 | Review of Nicholas Ross, Saint-Alexandre sur-Seine. L'église russe de Paris et ses fidèles des origines à 1917 F. Nethercott doi:10.2307/4214293 | Cite |
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352-354 | Review of David Shneer, Yiddish and the Creation of Soviet Jewish Culture, 1918-1930 John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4214294 | Cite |
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354-355 | Review of Paul Dukes, The USA in the Making of the USSR: The Washington Conference, 1921-1922, and 'Uninvited Russia' Brian Holden Reid doi:10.2307/4214295 | Cite |
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355-357 | Review of Adrienne Lynn Edgar, Tribal Nation: The Making of Soviet Turkmenistan M. E. Yapp doi:10.2307/4214296 | Cite |
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357-358 | Review of Constantin Iordachi, Charisma, Politics and Violence: The Legion of the 'Archangel Michael' in Inter-War Romania Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4214297 | Cite |
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358-360 | Review of Igor-Philip Matić, Edmund Veesenmayer. Agent und Diplomat der nationalsozialistischen Expansionspolitik Ulrike Ehret doi:10.2307/4214298 | Cite |
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360-362 | Review of Risto Peltovuori, Suomi saksalaisin silmin. Lehdistön ja diplomatian näkökulmia George Maude doi:10.2307/4214299 | Cite |
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362-364 | Review of Tessa Stirling, Daria Nalecz, Tadeusz Dubicki, Intelligence Co-operation between Poland and Great Britain during World War II. Volume I: The Report of the Anglo-Polish Historical Committee John P. Fox doi:10.2307/4214300 | Cite |
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364-366 | Review of David Gaunt, Paul A. Levine, Laura Palosuo, Collaboration and Resistance during the Holocaust: Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Gerhard P. Bassler doi:10.2307/4214301 | Cite |
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366-368 | Review of Gábor Kádár, Zoltán Vági, Self-Financing Genocide: The Gold Train, the Becher Case and the Wealth of Hungarian Jews Ulrike Ehret doi:10.2307/4214302 | Cite |
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368-370 | Review of Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Hans Lemberg, 'Unsere Heimat ist uns ein fremdes Land geworden...' Die Deutschen östlich von Oder und Neiße 1945-1950. Dokumente aus polnischen Archiven, 3: Wojewodschaft Posen, Wojewodschaft Stettin (Hinterpommern) F. D. Raška doi:10.2307/4214303 | Cite |
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370-372 | Review of Martin Mevius, Agents of Moscow: The Hungarian Communist Party and the Origins of Socialist Patriotism 1941-1953 Johanna Granville doi:10.2307/4214304 | Cite |
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372-373 | Review of Greg Donaghy, Canadian Diplomacy and the Hungarian Revolution 1956-1957: A Documentary Perspective Johanna Granville doi:10.2307/4214305 | Cite |
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374-375 | Review of Beverly A. James, Imagining Postcommunism: Visual Narratives of Hungary's 1956 Revolution Anne White doi:10.2307/4214306 | Cite |
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375-377 | Review of Brendan O'Shea, The Modern Yugoslav Conflict 1991-1995: Perception, Deception and Dishonesty Leslie Benson doi:10.2307/4214307 | Cite |
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377-378 | Review of Irina Isakova, Russian Governance in the Twenty-First Century: Geo-Strategy, Geopolitics and Governance Peter J. S. Duncan doi:10.2307/4214308 | Cite |
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379-380 | Review of Alfred B. Evans, Jr., Vladimir Gel'man, The Politics of Local Government in Russia W. T. Westwater doi:10.2307/4214309 | Cite |
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380-382 | Review of Paul J. Kubicek, Organized Labor in Postcommunist States: From Solidarity to Infirmity Frances Millard doi:10.2307/4214310 | Cite |
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382-383 | Review of Neil Robinson, Reforging the Weakest Link: Global Political Economy and Post-Soviet Change in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus Serhy Yekelchyk doi:10.2307/4214311 | Cite |
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383-385 | Review of Mary Neuburger, The Orient within: Muslim Minorities and the Negotiation of Nationhood in Modern Bulgaria Marko Attila Hoare doi:10.2307/4214312 | Cite |
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385-386 | Review of James Minahan, The Former Soviet Union's Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook John Swift doi:10.2307/4214313 | Cite |
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