Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
573-598 | Literature: Motifs of Light in Pushkin's Poetry: A Perspective on the Poet's Worldview Peter Skorov doi:10.2307/4214170 | Cite |
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599-616 | The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Authorship and the Devil in Dostoevskii's Poor Folk and 'The Landlady' W. J. Leatherbarrow doi:10.2307/4214171 | Cite |
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617-637 | Ol'ga Berggol'ts after the War: A Pre-Emptive Response to Zhdanov Katharine Hodgson doi:10.2307/4214172 | Cite |
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638-663 | Art: Realist Aesthetics in Nineteenth-Century Russian Art Writing Carol Adlam doi:10.2307/4214173 | Cite |
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664-684 | Music: 'After All, You're a Rock and Roll Star (At Least, That's What They Say)': Roksi and the Creation of the Soviet Rock Musician Polly McMichael doi:10.2307/4214174 | Cite |
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685-732 | History: Militant Women, Warrior Men and Revolutionary Personae: The New Ustasha Man and Woman in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941-1945 Rory Yeomans doi:10.2307/4214175 | Cite |
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733-734 | Review of Gary Rosenshield, Pushkin and the Genres of Madness: The Masterpieces of 1833 Joe Andrew doi:10.2307/4214176 | Cite |
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734-736 | Review of Vladimir E. Alexandrov, Limits to Interpretation: The Meanings of 'Anna Karenina' Roger Cockrell doi:10.2307/4214177 | Cite |
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736-738 | Review of Sarah J. Young, Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot' and the Ethical Foundations of Narrative: Reading, Narrating, Scripting Derek Brower doi:10.2307/4214178 | Cite |
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738-739 | | Cite |
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740-742 | Review of E. V. Ivanova, Pavel Florenskii i simvolisty. Opyty literaturnye. Stat'i. Perepiska Avril Pyman doi:10.2307/4214180 | Cite |
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742-744 | Review of Kathleen Hayes, The Journalism of Milena Jesenská: A Critical Voice in Interwar Central Europe Radojka Miljević doi:10.2307/4214181 | Cite |
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744-746 | | Cite |
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746-747 | Review of M. D. Shrayer, D. Shrayer-Petrov, Genrikh Sapgir: Klassik avangarda Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4214183 | Cite |
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748-749 | Review of Rajendra A. Chitnis, Literature in Post-Communist Russia and Eastern Europe: The Russian, Czech and Slovak Fiction of the Changes, 1988-1998 Andrew Wachtel doi:10.2307/4214184 | Cite |
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749-751 | Review of John Orr, Elżbieta Ostrowska, The Cinema of Andrzej Wajda: The Art of Irony and Defiance Milena Michalski doi:10.2307/4214185 | Cite |
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751-755 | Review of Andrew Hammond, The Balkans and the West: Constructing the European Other, 1945-2003 Ludmilla Kostova doi:10.2307/4214186 | Cite |
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755-756 | | Cite |
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756-758 | Review of Gyula Szvák, Moskovskaia Rus': spetsifika razvitiia Sergei Bogatyrev doi:10.2307/4214188 | Cite |
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758-760 | Review of R. W. Weisberger, W. McLeod, S. Brent Morris, Freemasonry on Both Sides of the Atlantic: Essays concerning the Craft in the British Isles, Europe, the United States, and Mexico Andrew Prescott doi:10.2307/4214189 | Cite |
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760-762 | Review of James Cracraft, The Petrine Revolution in Russian Culture Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4214190 | Cite |
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762-764 | Review of T. Sanders, E. Tucker, G. Hamburg, Russian-Muslim Confrontation in the Caucasus: Alternative Visions of the Conflict between Imam Shamil and the Russians, 1830-1859 (With an Extended Commentary 'War of Worlds' by Gary Hamburg) M. E. Yapp doi:10.2307/4214191 | Cite |
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764-766 | Review of Michael Melancon, Alice K. Pate, New Labor History: Worker Identity and Experience in Russia, 1840-1918 John Swift doi:10.2307/4214192 | Cite |
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766-767 | Review of David Collins, M. A. Czaplicka, The Collected Works of M. A. Czaplicka Douglas Anderson doi:10.2307/4214193 | Cite |
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767-769 | Review of D. Hájková, I. Šedivý, Korespondence T. G. Masaryk: Edvard Beneš 1914-1918 K. A. M. Kocourek doi:10.2307/4214194 | Cite |
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769-771 | Review of Tibor Frank, Discussing Hitler: Advisers of U.S. Diplomacy in Central Europe 1934-1941 Thomas Lorman doi:10.2307/4214195 | Cite |
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771-772 | Review of Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Hans Lemberg, 'Unsere Heimat ist uns ein fremdes Land geworden...' Die Deutschen östlich von Oder und Neiße 1945-1950. Dokumente aus polnischen Archiven, Band 2: Zentralpolen, Wojewodschaft Schlesien (Oberschlesien) F. D. Raška doi:10.2307/4214196 | Cite |
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773-775 | Review of Vladimir Tismǎneanu, Stalinism for All Seasons: A Political History of Romanian Communism Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4214197 | Cite |
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775-777 | Review of J. J. Czaplicka, B. A. Ruble, Composing Urban History and the Constitution of Civic Identities Nick Baron doi:10.2307/4214198 | Cite |
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777-779 | Review of J. C. Sharman, Repression and Resistance in Communist Europe R. H. T. O'Kane doi:10.2307/4214199 | Cite |
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779-781 | Review of Victor Shnirelman, The Myth of the Khazars and Intellectual Antisemitism in Russia, 1970s-1990s John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4214200 | Cite |
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781-783 | Review of Norman M. Naimark, Holly Case, Yugoslavia and Its Historians: Understanding the Balkan Wars of the 1990s Tom Gallagher doi:10.2307/4214201 | Cite |
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783-786 | Review of Neil J. Melvin, Soviet Power and the Countryside: Policy Innovation and Institutional Decay; Katherine Verdery, The Vanishing Hectare: Property and Value in Postsocialist Transylvania Michael Kaser doi:10.2307/4214202 | Cite |
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786-787 | Review of David Chuter, War Crimes: Confronting Atrocity in the Modern World Rachel Kerr doi:10.2307/4214203 | Cite |
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787-789 | Review of Vicki L. Hesli, William M. Reisinger, The 1999-2000 Elections in Russia: Their Impact and Legacy William L. Miller doi:10.2307/4214204 | Cite |
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789-790 | Review of Derek Hutcheson, Political Parties in the Russian Regions Sarah Oates doi:10.2307/4214205 | Cite |
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791-792 | Review of V. Gel'man, S. Ryzhenkov, M. Brie, Making and Breaking Democratic Transitions: The Comparative Politics of Russia's Regions Karl Cordell doi:10.2307/4214206 | Cite |
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792-793 | Review of M. F. R. Kets de Vries, S. Shekshnia, K. Korotov, E. Florent-Treacy, The New Russian Business Leaders Paul R. Gregory doi:10.2307/4214207 | Cite |
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