Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
1-13 | Literature: Josephus slavonice versus Josephus graece: Towards a Typology of Divergence H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4214046 | Cite |
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14-37 | | Cite |
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38-70 | Cinema: Silence and Shrieks: Language in Three Films by Kira Muratova Helen Ferguson doi:10.2307/4214048 | Cite |
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71-116 | History: Religion and Nation in Wartime Croatia: Reflections on the Ustaša Policy of Forced Religious Conversions, 1941-1942 Mark Biondich doi:10.2307/4214049 | Cite |
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117-118 | Review of Dietrich Scholze, Im Wettstreit der Werte. Sorbische Sprache, Kultur und Identität auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/4214050 | Cite |
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118-120 | | Cite |
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120-121 | Review of Andrew Kahn, Nikolai Karamzin: 'Letters of a Russian Traveller'. A Translation, with an Essay on Karamzin's Discourses of Enlightenment Susan Morrissey doi:10.2307/4214052 | Cite |
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121-123 | Review of Svetlana Evdokimova, Alexander Pushkin's Little Tragedies: The Poetics of Brevity Ann Shukman doi:10.2307/4214053 | Cite |
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123-124 | Review of Stephanie Sandler, Commemorating Pushkin: Russia's Myth of a National Poet Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4214054 | Cite |
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124-126 | Review of Stephen Moeller-Sally, Gogol's Afterlife. The Evolution of a Classic in Imperial and Soviet Russia Andy Byford doi:10.2307/4214055 | Cite |
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126-128 | Review of A. A. Donskov, L. N. Tolstoy and N. N. Strakhov: Complete Correspondence S. F. Hudspith doi:10.2307/4214056 | Cite |
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128-130 | Review of Robert Louis Jackson, A New Word on 'The Brothers Karamazov' Sarah J. Young doi:10.2307/4214057 | Cite |
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130-131 | | Cite |
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132-133 | Review of Wlodzimierz Staniewski, Hidden Territories: The Theatre of Gardzienice Maria Shevtsova doi:10.2307/4214059 | Cite |
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133-134 | | Cite |
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135-136 | Review of James Cracraft, Daniel Rowland, Architectures of Russian Identity: 1500 to the Present Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4214061 | Cite |
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136-138 | Review of Brian D. Taylor, Politics and the Russian Army: Civil-Military Relations, 1689-2000 J. N. Westwood doi:10.2307/4214062 | Cite |
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138-139 | Review of Anu Koskivirta, The Enemy within: Homicide and Control in Eastern Finland in the Final Years of Swedish Rule 1748-1808 David Kirby doi:10.2307/4214063 | Cite |
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139-141 | | Cite |
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141-142 | Review of Vemund Aarbakke, Ethnic Rivalry and the Quest for Macedonia, 1870-1913 D. Livanios doi:10.2307/4214065 | Cite |
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143-144 | Review of Michael Haynes, Rumy Husan, A Century of State Murder? Death and Policy in Twentieth-Century Russia R. H. T. O'Kane doi:10.2307/4214066 | Cite |
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144-146 | Review of James T. Andrews, Science for the Masses: The Bolshevik State, Public Science, and the Popular Imagination in Soviet Russia, 1917-1934 Susan Morrissey doi:10.2307/4214067 | Cite |
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146-148 | Review of Edvard Beneš, Milan Hauner, The Fall and Rise of a Nation: Czechoslovakia 1938-1941 Hugh Ragsdale doi:10.2307/4214068 | Cite |
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148-150 | Review of Richard Rhodes, Masters of Death: The SS Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust Mark Roseman doi:10.2307/4214069 | Cite |
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150-152 | Review of Johanna C. Granville, The First Domino: International Decision Making during the Hungarian Crisis of 1956 Gábor Bátonyi doi:10.2307/4214070 | Cite |
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152-153 | Review of James M. Goldgeier, Michael McFaul, Power and Purpose: U.S. Policy toward Russia after the Cold War John A. Thompson doi:10.2307/4214071 | Cite |
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153-155 | Review of Sarah Birch, Electoral Systems and Political Transformation in Post-Communist Europe Marek Rybar doi:10.2307/4214072 | Cite |
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155-156 | Review of Frances Millard, Elections, Parties and Representation in Post-Communist Europe T. Haughton doi:10.2307/4214073 | Cite |
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157-158 | | Cite |
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158-160 | Review of Igal Halfin, Language and Revolution: Making Modern Political Identities Susan Morrissey doi:10.2307/4214075 | Cite |
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160-161 | Review of Christopher Lord, Olga Strietska-Ilina, Parallel Cultures: Majority/Minority Relations in the Countries of the Former Eastern Bloc B. Fowkes doi:10.2307/4214076 | Cite |
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161-163 | Review of Pål Kolstø, National Integration and Violent Conflict in Post-Soviet Societies: The Cases of Estonia and Moldova David J. Smith doi:10.2307/4214077 | Cite |
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163-165 | Review of A. Forster, T. Edmunds, A. Cottey, Soldiers and Societies in Postcommunist Europe David Betz doi:10.2307/4214078 | Cite |
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165-166 | Review of Biljana Vankovska, Håkan Wiberg, Between Past and Future: Civil-Military Relations in the Post-Communist Balkans Ivan Zverzhanovski doi:10.2307/4214079 | Cite |
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166-168 | Review of Barry Buzan, Ole Wæver, Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security Felix Ciută doi:10.2307/4214080 | Cite |
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