Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
1-26 | History: Political Ideas among the Polish Nobility in the Eighteenth Century (To 1788) Jerzy Lukowski doi:10.2307/4213847 | Cite |
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27-49 | The Biedermanns in the 1905 Revolution: A Case Study in Entrepreneurs' Responses to Social Turmoil in Łódź Andreas R. Hofmann doi:10.2307/4213848 | Cite |
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50-73 | Sergii (Stragorodskii) in the Russian Orthodox Diocese of Finland: Apostasy and Mixed Marriages, 1905-1917 Simon Dixon doi:10.2307/4213849 | Cite |
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74-78 | Marginalia: A Further Note on Turkic Lexical Elements in the "Slovo o polku Igoreve" and the "Zadonščina" Nicholas Poppe Jr. doi:10.2307/4213850 | Cite |
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79-88 | Review Article: The Origins of Contemporary Serb Nationalism: Yet Another Case of "trahison des clercs?" Aleksandar Pavković doi:10.2307/4213851 | Cite |
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89-90 | Review of Andrea Huterer, Die Wortbildungslehre in der Anweisung zur Erlernung der Slavonisch-Russischen Sprache (1705-1729) von Johann Werner Paus C. L. Drage doi:10.2307/4213852 | Cite |
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90-91 | Review of Jack V. Haney, Russian Wondertales. I: Tales of Heroes and Villains; II: Tales of Magic and the Supernatural Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4213853 | Cite |
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92-94 | Review of František Palacký, Tomáš Hlobil, Derek Paton, Marzia Paton, An Historical Survey of the Science of Beauty and the Literature on the Subject R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4213854 | Cite |
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94-95 | Review of Irmhild Christina Sperrle, The Organic Worldview of Nikolai Leskov S. F. Hudspith doi:10.2307/4213855 | Cite |
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95-97 | Review of Solomon Bart, Lazar Fleishman, Sobranie Stikhotvorenii Olga Sobolev doi:10.2307/4213856 | Cite |
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97-99 | Review of Tadeusz Korsak, Ciało. Płeć. Literatura. Prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Germanowi Ritzowi w pięćdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin Knut Andreas Grimstad doi:10.2307/4213857 | Cite |
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99-100 | | Cite |
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100-101 | Review of Dina Iordanova, Cinema of Flames: Balkan Film, Culture and the Media James Gow doi:10.2307/4213859 | Cite |
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101-103 | Review of Ian K. Lilly, Moscow and Petersburg: The City in Russian Culture Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4213860 | Cite |
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103-104 | Review of Laura Stark, Peasants, Pilgrims, and Sacred Promises: Ritual and the Supernatural in Orthodox Karelian Folk Religion Elizabeth Warner doi:10.2307/4213861 | Cite |
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104-106 | Review of Thomas A. Fudge, The Crusade against Heretics in Bohemia, 1418-1437: Sources and Documents for the Hussite Crusades Paul W. Knoll doi:10.2307/4213862 | Cite |
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106-107 | Review of Matti Matikainen, Verenperijät. Väkivalta ja yhteisön murros itäisessä Suomessa 1500-1600-.luvulla A. F. Upton doi:10.2307/4213863 | Cite |
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107-108 | Review of Michael Khodarkovsky, Russia's Steppe Frontier: The Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500-1800 Roger Bartlett doi:10.2307/4213864 | Cite |
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108-110 | Review of Natal'ia Okhotina-Lind, Peter Ulf Møller, Vtoraia Kamchatskaia ekspeditsiia: Dokumenty, 1730-1733. Chast' 1: Morskie otriady David N. Collins doi:10.2307/4213865 | Cite |
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110-114 | Review of W. C. Brumfield, B. V. Anan'ich, Yu. A. Petrov, Commerce in Russian Urban Culture, 1861-1914 Nick Baron doi:10.2307/4213866 | Cite |
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114-116 | Review of Karen Petrone, Life Has Become More Joyous, Comrades: Celebrations in the Time of Stalin Susan Morrissey doi:10.2307/4213867 | Cite |
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116-118 | Review of Dennis Deletant, Communist Terror in Romania: Gheorgiu-Dej and the Police State, 1948-1965 Maria Bucur doi:10.2307/4213868 | Cite |
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118-120 | | Cite |
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120-121 | Review of Emil Giatzidis, An Introduction to Post-Communist Bulgaria J. Harrop doi:10.2307/4213870 | Cite |
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121-122 | Review of Vladimir Shlapentokh, Eric Shiraev, Fears in Post-Communist Societies: A Comparative Perspective J. Harrop doi:10.2307/4213871 | Cite |
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122-123 | Review of Kieran Williams, Dennis Deletant, Security Intelligence Services in New Democracies: The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania James Gow doi:10.2307/4213872 | Cite |
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123-124 | Review of J. D. P. Moroney, T. Kuzio, M. Molchanov, Ukrainian Foreign and Security Policy: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives Andrew Wilson doi:10.2307/4213873 | Cite |
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124-126 | Review of Paul van Tongeren, Hans van de Veen, Juliette Verhoeven, Searching for Peace in Europe and Eurasia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities H. Vaez doi:10.2307/4213874 | Cite |
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126-127 | Review of M. Cuddy, R. Gekker, Institutional Change in Transition Economies K. Piech doi:10.2307/4213875 | Cite |
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132-198 | Theses in Slavonic Studies Approved for Higher Degrees by Universities in the British Isles, 1997-2001 Gregory Walker doi:10.2307/4213877 | Cite |
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