Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
201-216 | Literature: The Symbolic Structure of Belyi's "Pervoe svidanie": Echoes of Wagner and Steiner David Wells doi:10.2307/4213682 | Cite |
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217-235 | History: The Finnish Cadet Corps, 1819-1903: A Reflection of Finno-Russian Relations and the Language Conflict in Finland J. E. O. Screen doi:10.2307/4213683 | Cite |
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236-266 | California on the Amur, or the 'Zheltuga Republic' in Manchuria (1883-86) Mark Gamsa doi:10.2307/4213684 | Cite |
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267-290 | Social Sciences: Facilitator and Impeder: The Institutional Framework of Slovak Politics during the Premiership of Vladimír Mečiar T. Haughton doi:10.2307/4213685 | Cite |
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291-301 | | Cite |
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302-303 | Review of Hanne Martine Eckhoff, The Use of Non-Prepositional Case in the Old Russian NP: Structure and Changes H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4213687 | Cite |
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303-304 | Review of Sarah Smyth, Elena V. Crosbie, RUS': A Comprehensive Course in Russian S. F. Hudspith doi:10.2307/4213688 | Cite |
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304-306 | Review of Jochen-Ulrich Peters, Tendenz und Verfremdung. Studien zum Funktionswandel des russischen satirischen Romans im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert Holger Gemba, Juergen Kurz doi:10.2307/4213689 | Cite |
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306-307 | Review of Lewis Bagby, Lermontov's 'A Hero of Our Time': A Critical Companion Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4213690 | Cite |
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307-309 | Review of Ian M. Helfant, The High Stakes of Identity: Gambling in the Life and Literature of Nineteenth-Century Russia Derek Offord doi:10.2307/4213691 | Cite |
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309-310 | Review of A. A. Donskov, Z. N. Ivanova, L. D. Gromova, Novye materialy o L. N. Tolstom. Iz arkhiva N. N. Guseva R. F. Christian doi:10.2307/4213692 | Cite |
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310-312 | Review of Kåre Johan Mjør, Desire, Death, and Imitation: Narrative Patterns in the Late Tolstoy Roger Cockrell doi:10.2307/4213693 | Cite |
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312-313 | Review of W. J. Leatherbarrow, The Cambridge Companion to Dostoevskii Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4213694 | Cite |
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313-320 | | Cite |
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320-321 | Review of Joseph Frank, Dostoevsky: The Mantle of the Prophet, 1871-1881 Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4213696 | Cite |
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322-323 | Review of V. I. Silant'eva, Khudozhestvennoe myshlenie perekhodnogo vremeni (literatura i zhivopis'): A. P. Chekhov, I. I. Levitan, V. A. Serov, K. A. Korovin Gordon McVay doi:10.2307/4213697 | Cite |
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323-325 | Review of N. I. Shubnikova-Guseva, Poemy Esenina: Ot 'Proroka' do 'Chernogo cheloveka': Tvorcheskaia istoriia, sud'ba, kontekst i interpretatsiia Gordon McVay doi:10.2307/4213698 | Cite |
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325-327 | Review of Aage A. Hansen-Löve, Russkii Formalizm: Metodologicheskaia rekonstruktsiia razvitiia na osnove printsipa ostraneniia Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4213699 | Cite |
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327-329 | Review of Angela Livingstone, A Hundred Years of Andrei Platonov Chiara Mayer-Rieckh doi:10.2307/4213700 | Cite |
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329-330 | Review of Arnold McMillin, Belarusian Literature of the Diaspora Juraś Łaůryk doi:10.2307/4213701 | Cite |
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330-334 | | Cite |
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334-336 | Review of Francis Maes, Arnold J. Pomerans, Erica Pomerans, A History of Russian Music: From 'Kamarinskaya' to 'Babi Yar' Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4213703 | Cite |
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336-337 | | Cite |
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337-340 | | Cite |
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340-341 | Review of L. V. Pumpianskii, Klassicheskaia traditsiia: Sobranie trudov po istorii russkoi literatury Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4213706 | Cite |
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341-343 | Review of Olga Bakich, Harbin Russian Imprints: Bibliography as History, 1898-1961. Materials for a Definitive Bibliography S. Morgan-Cheshire doi:10.2307/4213707 | Cite |
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343-344 | Review of R. N. Kleimenova, Obshchestvo liubitelei rossiiskoi slovesnosti: 1811-1930 Andy Byford doi:10.2307/4213708 | Cite |
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344-345 | Review of Claudia Weiss, Das Rußland zwischen den Zeilen. Die russische Emigrantenpresse im Frankreich der 1920er Jahre und ihre Bedeutung für die Genese der 'Zarubežnaja Rossija' Holger Gemba, Juergen Kurz doi:10.2307/4213709 | Cite |
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346-347 | | Cite |
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348-350 | Review of Norman Davies, Roger Moorhouse, Microcosm: Portrait of a Central European City W. H. Zawadzki doi:10.2307/4213711 | Cite |
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350-351 | Review of Oliver Jens Schmitt, Das venezianische Albanien (1392-1479) David Abulafia doi:10.2307/4213712 | Cite |
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351-353 | Review of Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan, Les trois christianismes et la Russie: Les voyageurs occidentaux face à l'Église orthodoxe russe XVe-XVIIIe siècle Liudmila V. Charipova doi:10.2307/4213713 | Cite |
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353-355 | Review of Serhii Plokhy, The Cossacks and Religion in Early Modern Ukraine Andrew Wilson doi:10.2307/4213714 | Cite |
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355-357 | Review of Tibor Frank, From Habsburg Agent to Victorian Scholar: G. G. Zerffi 1820-1892 Neville Masterman doi:10.2307/4213715 | Cite |
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357-359 | Review of Thomas Kabdebo, Ireland and Hungary: A Study in Parallels with an Arthur Griffith Bibliography William O'Reilly doi:10.2307/4213716 | Cite |
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359-360 | Review of Peter D. Stachura, Perspectives on Polish History Richard Butterwick doi:10.2307/4213717 | Cite |
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361-362 | Review of Jamie H. Cockfield, With Snow on Their Boots: The Tragic Odyssey of the Russian Expeditionary Force in France during World War I Chris Ward doi:10.2307/4213718 | Cite |
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362-363 | Review of Paul Robinson, The White Russian Army in Exile 1920-1941 Charlotte Alston doi:10.2307/4213719 | Cite |
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364-365 | Review of Antti Laine, Mikko Ylikangas, Rise and Fall of Soviet Karelia: People and Power W. V. Wallace doi:10.2307/4213720 | Cite |
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365-366 | Review of Maureen Perrie, The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia Catherine Merridale doi:10.2307/4213721 | Cite |
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366-368 | Review of Edward Roland Sword, Elizabeth Turnbull, Andrzej Suchcits, The Diary and Despatches of a Military Attaché in Warsaw 1938-1939 A. J. Prazmowska doi:10.2307/4213722 | Cite |
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368-369 | Review of Mordechai Altshuler, Soviet Jewry on the Eve of the Holocaust: A Social and Demographic Profile John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4213723 | Cite |
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370-371 | Review of John Gooding, Socialism in Russia: Lenin and His Legacy, 1890-1991 Ronald J. Hill doi:10.2307/4213724 | Cite |
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371-372 | | Cite |
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372-374 | Review of Stephen D. Shenfield, Russian Fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, Movements Peter J. S. Duncan doi:10.2307/4213726 | Cite |
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374-376 | Review of Pauline Jones Luong, Institutional Change and Political Continuity in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Power, Perceptions, and Pacts J. Glenn doi:10.2307/4213727 | Cite |
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376-377 | Review of Robert Moser, Unexpected Outcomes: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Representation in Russia Stephen White doi:10.2307/4213728 | Cite |
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377-378 | Review of Ian Jeffries, The New Russia: A Handbook of Economic and Political Developments D.J. Galbreath doi:10.2307/4213729 | Cite |
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378-380 | Review of Lenard J. Cohen, Serpent in the Bosom: The Rise and Fall of Slobodan Milošević Jasna Dragovic-Soso doi:10.2307/4213730 | Cite |
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380-381 | Review of Nebojša Popov, The Road to War in Serbia: Trauma and Catharsis Jasna Dragovic-Soso doi:10.2307/4213731 | Cite |
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382-383 | Review of Peter Radan, The Break-Up of Yugoslavia and International Law D. Chandler doi:10.2307/4213732 | Cite |
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383-385 | Review of Aleks Szczerbiak, Poles Together? Emergence and Development of Political Parties in Post-Communist Poland Frances Millard doi:10.2307/4213733 | Cite |
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385-386 | Review of Artis Pabriks, Aldis Purs, Latvia: The Challenges of Change David J. Smith doi:10.2307/4213734 | Cite |
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386-388 | Review of K. Nordenstreng, E. Vartanova, Y. Zassoursky, Russian Media Challenge Neil Robinson doi:10.2307/4213735 | Cite |
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388-389 | Review of Paul Sheeran, Cultural Politics in International Relations Nick Sturdee doi:10.2307/4213736 | Cite |
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390-393 | | Cite |
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393-394 | Review of Alan Smith, The Return to Europe: The Reintegration of Eastern Europe into the European Economy Colin W. Lawson doi:10.2307/4213738 | Cite |
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