Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
601-623 | Language: Approaching the Rise of Spoken Standard Language: The Case of Polish, Czech, and Slovak, 1800-1918 Karen Gammelgaard doi:10.2307/4213562 | Cite |
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624-655 | | Cite |
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656-687 | | Cite |
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688-709 | | Cite |
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710 | Review of Pål Kristian Eriksen, On the Semantics of the Russian Copular Verb 'Byt" Veronica Du Feu doi:10.2307/4213566 | Cite |
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710-711 | Review of Elisabeth Marklund Sharapova, Implicit and Explicit Norm in Contemporary Russian Verbal Stress Veronica Du Feu doi:10.2307/4213567 | Cite |
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711-712 | Review of Nijole White, The New Russia. Readings on Russian Culture B. S. Weichert doi:10.2307/4213568 | Cite |
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713-715 | Review of R. Cleminson, C. Thomas, D. Radoslavova, A. Voznesenskij, Cyrillic Books Printed before 1701 in British and Irish Collections. A Union Catalogue Francis J. Thomson doi:10.2307/4213569 | Cite |
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715-716 | Review of Neil Cornwell, The Routledge Companion to Russian Literature Roger Cockrell doi:10.2307/4213570 | Cite |
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716-718 | Review of Wendy Rosslyn, Feats of Agreeable Usefulness: Translations by Russian Women 1763-1825 W. Gareth Jones doi:10.2307/4213571 | Cite |
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718-719 | Review of Andreas Schönle, Authenticity and Fiction in the Russian Literary Journey, 1790-1840 Elena Rumanovskaya doi:10.2307/4213572 | Cite |
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719-721 | Review of David Herman, Poverty of the Imagination: Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature about the Poor Derek Offord doi:10.2307/4213573 | Cite |
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721-723 | Review of Russell Scott Valentino, Vicissitudes of Genre in the Russian Novel: Turgenev's 'Fathers and Sons', Chernyshevsky's 'What Is to Be Done?', Dostoevsky's 'Demons', Gorky's 'Mother' Malcolm V. Jones doi:10.2307/4213574 | Cite |
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723-724 | Review of George Pattison, Diane Oenning Thompson, Dostoevsky and the Christian Tradition Derek Brower doi:10.2307/4213575 | Cite |
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724-726 | | Cite |
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726-727 | Review of Steven G. Kellman, Irving Malin, Torpid Smoke: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov Siggy Frank doi:10.2307/4213577 | Cite |
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728-730 | | Cite |
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730-731 | Review of Susan M. Felch, Paul J. Contino, Bakhtin and Religion: A Feeling for Faith Ann Shukman doi:10.2307/4213579 | Cite |
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732-733 | Review of Anthony Olcott, Russian Pulp: The Detektiv and the Way of Russian Crime Mark Galeotti doi:10.2307/4213580 | Cite |
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733-734 | Review of Karin Sarsenov, Passion Embracing Death: A Reading of Nina Sadur's Novel 'The Garden' Elizabeth Skomp doi:10.2307/4213581 | Cite |
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734-736 | Review of Amy Sargeant, Vsevolod Pudovkin. Classic Films of the Soviet Avant-Garde Julian Graffy doi:10.2307/4213582 | Cite |
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736-738 | | Cite |
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738-739 | Review of Robert E. Cunningham, Jr., Sergei Rachmaninoff: A Bio-Bibliography Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4213584 | Cite |
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739-741 | | Cite |
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741-742 | Review of Mikhas' Bich, Histarychny shliakh belaruskai natsyi i dziarzhavy / The History of the Belarusian Nation and State Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4213586 | Cite |
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742-743 | Review of Mark Cornwall, Murray Frame, Scotland and the Slavs: Cultures in Contact, 1500-2000 Paul Dukes doi:10.2307/4213587 | Cite |
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743-745 | Review of I. O. Tiumentsev, Rossiia XV-XVIII stoletii. Sbornik nauchnykh statei. Iubileinoe izdanie. 70-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia professora R. G. Skrynnikova posviashchaetsiia James Cracraft doi:10.2307/4213588 | Cite |
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745-747 | Review of Evgenii Anishchenko, Cherta osedlosti: Belorusskaia sinagoga v tsarstvovanii Ekateriny II John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4213589 | Cite |
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747-748 | Review of Anna Zelkina, In Quest for God and Freedom. The Sufi Response to the Russian Advance in the North Caucasus Laurence Broers doi:10.2307/4213590 | Cite |
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748-750 | Review of Laurence Kelly, Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran: Alexander Griboyedov and Imperial Russia's Mission to the Shah of Persia Malcolm V. Jones doi:10.2307/4213591 | Cite |
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750-751 | Review of Norman M. Naimark, Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe Matthew Frank doi:10.2307/4213592 | Cite |
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752-753 | Review of Ales' Pashkevich, Zvarotnyia darohi: Proza belaruskai emihratsii XX stahoddzia Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4213593 | Cite |
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753-754 | Review of Norman E. Saul, War and Revolution: The United States and Russia, 1914-1921 John A. Thompson doi:10.2307/4213594 | Cite |
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754-756 | Review of Anthony Heywood, Modernising Lenin's Russia: Economic Reconstruction, Foreign Trade and the Railways William B. Whisenhunt doi:10.2307/4213595 | Cite |
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756-757 | Review of Matti Lackman, Suomen vai Saksan puolesta? Jääkäreiden tuntematon historia. Jääkäriliikkeen ja jääkäripataljoona 27:n (1915-1918) synty, luonne, mielialojen vaihteluita ja sisäisiä kriiseja sekä niiden heijastuksia itsenäisen Suomen ensi vuosiin saakka J. E. O. Screen doi:10.2307/4213596 | Cite |
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757-759 | Review of William B. Husband, 'Godless Communists': Atheism and Society in Soviet Russia, 1917-1932 Jonathan Sutton doi:10.2307/4213597 | Cite |
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759-761 | Review of Donald J. Raleigh, Provincial Landscapes: Local Dimensions of Soviet Power, 1917-1953 J. Birch doi:10.2307/4213598 | Cite |
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761-762 | Review of Esa Sundbäck, Finland in British Baltic Policy. British Political and Economic Interests regarding Finland in the Aftermath of the First World War, 1918-1925 Markku Ruotsila doi:10.2307/4213599 | Cite |
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762-764 | Review of Detlef Brandes, Andrej Savin, Die Siberiendeutschen im Sowjetstaat 1919-1938 James Urry doi:10.2307/4213600 | Cite |
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764-766 | Review of Ronald Grigor Suny, Terry Martin, A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-Making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin Geoffrey Hosking doi:10.2307/4213601 | Cite |
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766-768 | Review of Christopher Lawrence Zugger, The Forgotten: Catholics of the Soviet Empire from Lenin through Stalin Felix Corley doi:10.2307/4213602 | Cite |
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768-770 | Review of Roger D. Petersen, Resistance and Rebellion: Lessons from Eastern Europe David J. Smith doi:10.2307/4213603 | Cite |
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770-773 | Review of Robert Levy, Ana Pauker: The Rise and Fall of a Jewish Communist Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4213604 | Cite |
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774-775 | Review of David S. Mason, James R. Kluegel, Ludmila Khakhulina, Petr Matějů, Antal Őrkėny, Alexander Stoyanov, Bernd Wegener, Marketing Democracy: Changing Opinion about Inequality and Politics in East Central Europe Leslie Benson doi:10.2307/4213605 | Cite |
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775-777 | Review of Jerry F. Hough, The Logic of Economic Reform in Russia Peter Oppenheimer doi:10.2307/4213606 | Cite |
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777-778 | Review of Peter Rutland, Business and the State in Contemporary Russia Charles Woolfson doi:10.2307/4213607 | Cite |
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779-780 | Review of Daniel S. Treisman, After the Deluge: Regional Crises and Political Consolidation in Russia Robert F. Miller doi:10.2307/4213608 | Cite |
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781-782 | Review of Mark R. Beissinger, Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State Karl Cordell doi:10.2307/4213609 | Cite |
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782-783 | Review of Geir Hønneland, Helge Blakkisrud, Centre-Periphery Relations in Russia: The Case of the Northwestern Regions W. V. Wallace doi:10.2307/4213610 | Cite |
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783-785 | | Cite |
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785-787 | Review of James Muckle, John. W. Morgan, Post-School Education and the Transition from State Socialism J. J. Tomiak doi:10.2307/4213612 | Cite |
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787-788 | Review of David Turnock, East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Environment and Society A. K. Tickle doi:10.2307/4213613 | Cite |
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788-790 | Review of Leo Granberg, Imre Kovách, Hilary Tovey, Europe's Green Ring Tim Unwin doi:10.2307/4213614 | Cite |
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790-792 | Review of Džemal Sokolović, Florian Bieber, Reconstructing Multiethnic Societies: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina Aleksandar Pavković doi:10.2307/4213615 | Cite |
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792-793 | Review of Robert Elsie, A Dictionary of Albanian Religion, Mythology, and Folk Culture C. R. de Waal doi:10.2307/4213616 | Cite |
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793-794 | Review of David L. Ransel, Village Mothers: Three Generations of Change in Russia and Tataria M. Marquise doi:10.2307/4213617 | Cite |
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