Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
601-611 | Language: Boris Unbegaun's Work in Contemporary Slavonic Philology Helmut Keipert doi:10.2307/4213110 | Cite |
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612-624 | Literature: Germann the Confessor and the Stony, Seated Countess: The Moral Subtext of Pushkin's 'The Queen of Spades' Richard Gregg doi:10.2307/4213111 | Cite |
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625-642 | Beware the Garden of Earthly Delights: Fonvizin and Dostoevskii on Life in France Derek Offord doi:10.2307/4213112 | Cite |
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643-670 | | Cite |
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671-687 | A Poet's Abdication: Velimir Khlebnikov's 'Otkaz' and Its Pretexts Ronald Vroon doi:10.2307/4213114 | Cite |
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688-709 | Social Sciences: The Renovation of Native Pasts. A Comparison between Aspects of Icelandic and Czech Nationalist Ideology Sigríđur Matthíasdóttir doi:10.2307/4213115 | Cite |
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710-734 | National Interest and the Question of Soviet Intervention in Poland, 1980-1981: Interpreting the Collapse of the 'Brezhnev Doctrine Matthew J. Ouimet doi:10.2307/4213116 | Cite |
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735-743 | Review Article: Evgenii Zamiatin in the 1990s: A Reassessment Philip Cavendish doi:10.2307/4213117 | Cite |
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744-745 | Review of A. A. Barentsen, B. M. Groen, J. Schaeken, R. Sprenger, Studies in South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics Veronica Du Feu doi:10.2307/4213118 | Cite |
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745-746 | Review of A. A. Barentsen, B. M. Groen, J. Schaeken, R. Sprenger, Dutch Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists Cracow August 26-September 3, 1998 Veronica Du Feu doi:10.2307/4213119 | Cite |
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747-748 | Review of Horace G. Lunt, Moshe Taube, The Slavonic Book of Esther. Text, Lexicon, Linguistic Analysis, Problems of Translation C. M. MacRobert doi:10.2307/4213120 | Cite |
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748-749 | Review of Rachel Polonsky, English Literature and the Russian Aesthetic Renaissance J. D. Elsworth doi:10.2307/4213121 | Cite |
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750-751 | Review of James Von Geldern, Louise McReynolds, Entertaining Tsarist Russia: Tales, Songs, Plays, Movies, Jokes, Ads and Images from Russian Urban Life 1779-1917 Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4213122 | Cite |
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751-752 | Review of Christine A. Rydel, Russian Literature in the Age of Pushkin and Gogol: Poetry and Drama. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume Two Hundred and Five Neil Cornwell doi:10.2307/4213123 | Cite |
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752-754 | Review of Irina Reyfman, Ritualized Violence Russian Style: The Duel in Russian Culture and Literature Elizabeth Skomp doi:10.2307/4213124 | Cite |
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754-755 | | Cite |
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756-758 | Review of D. Rayfield, O. Makarova, Dnevnik Alekseia Sergeevicha Suvorina Avril Pyman doi:10.2307/4213126 | Cite |
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758-760 | Review of Ruth Coates, Christianity in Bakhtin: God and the Exiled Author Alexandar Mihailovic doi:10.2307/4213127 | Cite |
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760-761 | Review of Klaus Städtke, Welt hinter dem Spiegel: Zum Status des Autors in der russischen Literatur der 1920er bis 1950er Jahre Frank Göbler doi:10.2307/4213128 | Cite |
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761-763 | Review of Lazar' Fleishman, Iurii Abyzov, Boris Ravdin, Russkaia pechat' v Rige: Iz istorii gazety 'Segodnia' 30-kh godov Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4213129 | Cite |
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763-764 | Review of Nora Buks [Buhks], Eshafot v khrustal'nom dvortse. O russkikh romanakh Vladimira Nabokova Neil Cornwell doi:10.2307/4213130 | Cite |
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764-766 | | Cite |
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766-768 | Review of Lisa Zunshine, Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4213132 | Cite |
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768-770 | Review of Jeremy Howard, Art Nouveau. International and National Styles in Europe Rosalind Polly Gray doi:10.2307/4213133 | Cite |
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770-771 | | Cite |
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771-773 | Review of Thomas S. Noonan, The Islamic World, Russia and the Vikings, 750-900. The Numismatic Evidence Jonathan Shepard doi:10.2307/4213135 | Cite |
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773 | Review of Halil Inalcik, The Customs Register of Caffa, 1487-1890 Martyn Rady doi:10.2307/4213136 | Cite |
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773-775 | Review of Miroslav Labunka, The Legend of the Novgorodian White Cowl (The Study of Its "Prologue" and "Epilogue") Simon Franklin doi:10.2307/4213137 | Cite |
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775-776 | Review of Simon Dixon, A. G. Cross, W. G. Jones, Britain and Russia in the Age of Peter the Great: Historical Documents James Cracraft doi:10.2307/4213138 | Cite |
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776-777 | Review of Emanuel Melzer, David Engel, Gal-Ed: On the History of the Jews in Poland. Volume XV-XVI John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4213139 | Cite |
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777-778 | Review of Jane Burbank, David L. Ransel, Imperial Russia: New Histories for the Empire Paul Dukes doi:10.2307/4213140 | Cite |
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778-780 | Review of Orlando Figes, Boris Kolonitskii, Interpreting the Russian Revolution: The Language and Symbols of 1917 Christopher Read doi:10.2307/4213141 | Cite |
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780-783 | Review of A. Kemp-Welch, Stalinism in Poland, 1944-1956. Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies. Warsaw, 1995 Anna M. Cienciala doi:10.2307/4213142 | Cite |
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783-785 | | Cite |
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785-787 | Review of László Kontler, Millennium in Central Europe: A History of Hungary Martyn Rady doi:10.2307/4213144 | Cite |
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787-790 | Review of József Eötvös, D. Mervyn Jones, The Dominant Ideas of the Nineteenth Century and Their Impact on the State, Vol. 2 Derek Offord doi:10.2307/4213145 | Cite |
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790-792 | | Cite |
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792-793 | Review of Iván T. Berend, Central and Eastern Europe, 1944-1993: Detour from the Periphery to the Periphery M. D. Pittaway doi:10.2307/4213147 | Cite |
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