Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
601-619 | Literature and Arts: Gor'kii and Chekhov: A Dialogue of Text and Performance Cynthia Marsh doi:10.2307/4212956 | Cite |
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620-645 | First Person Singular: The Literary Diary in Twentieth-Century Russia David Gillespie doi:10.2307/4212957 | Cite |
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646-679 | History: The Posthumous Reputation of Catherine II in Russia 1797-1837 Simon Dixon doi:10.2307/4212958 | Cite |
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680-699 | A Voice from Latvia's Past: Paul Schiemann and the Freedom to Practise One's Culture J. Hiden doi:10.2307/4212959 | Cite |
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700-725 | Germany and the Establishment of the Romanian National Legionary State, September 1940 Rebecca Ann Haynes doi:10.2307/4212960 | Cite |
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726-731 | | Cite |
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732-733 | Review of Nikolai Mikhailov, Frühslowenische Sprachdenkmäler: Die handschriftliche Periode der slowenischen Sprache (XIV. Jh. bis 1550) Peter Herrity doi:10.2307/4212962 | Cite |
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733-734 | Review of Neil Bermel, Context and the Lexicon in the Development of Russian Aspect C. L. Drage doi:10.2307/4212963 | Cite |
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734-735 | Review of James Bailey, Tatyana Ivanova, An Anthology of Russian Folk Epics Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4212964 | Cite |
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735-736 | Review of Anna Rothkoegel, Russischer Faust und Hamlet. Zur Subjectivismuskritik und Intertextualität bei I. S. Turgenev Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4212965 | Cite |
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737-738 | Review of Vladimir Porudominskii, Tsveta Tolstogo. 'Voina i mir': Kolorit portretov Michael Pursglove doi:10.2307/4212966 | Cite |
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738-739 | Review of Liza Knapp, Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot': A Critical Companion W. J. Leatherbarrow doi:10.2307/4212967 | Cite |
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739-741 | Review of A. Iu. Galushkin, Zhurnaly 'Vestnik literatury' (1919-1922), 'Letopis' Doma literaturov' (1921-1922), 'Literaturnye zapiski' (1922). Annotirovannyi ukazatel' Julian Graffy doi:10.2307/4212968 | Cite |
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741-743 | Review of Christopher Barnes, Boris Pasternak: A Literary Biography. Volume 2, 1928-1960 Angela Livingstone doi:10.2307/4212969 | Cite |
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743-744 | Review of Leonore Scheffler, 'Roman-punktir'. Indirektes Erzählen durch Leerstellen in Jurij Trifonovs Roman 'Zeit und Ort' Roger Cockrell doi:10.2307/4212970 | Cite |
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744-746 | Review of Petr Bogatyrev, Stephen Reynolds, Patricia A. Krefcik, Vampires in the Carpathians: Magical Acts, Rites, and Beliefs in Subcarpathian Rus' Elizabeth Warner doi:10.2307/4212971 | Cite |
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746-747 | Review of Petr Petrovich Semenov, Colin Thomas, Liudmila Gilmour, Marcus Wheeler, Travels in the Tian'-Shan' David N. Collins doi:10.2307/4212972 | Cite |
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747-749 | Review of Amelia Lyons, John McNair, At Home with the Gentry: A Victorian English Lady's Diary of Russian Country Life Catriona Kelly doi:10.2307/4212973 | Cite |
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749-750 | Review of Janet M. Hartley, A Social History of the Russian Empire 1650-1825 Simon Dixon doi:10.2307/4212974 | Cite |
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750-752 | Review of Roger Bartlett, Erich Donnert, Johann Georg Eisen (1717-1779). Ausgewählte Werke. Deutsche Volksaufklärung und Leibeigenschaft im Russischen Reich David Kirby doi:10.2307/4212975 | Cite |
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752-754 | Review of John P. LeDonne, The Russian Empire and the World, 1700-1917: The Geopolitics of Expansion and Containment Hugh Ragsdale doi:10.2307/4212976 | Cite |
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754-755 | | Cite |
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755-757 | | Cite |
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757-759 | Review of Ruth AmEnde Roosa, Thomas C. Owen, Russian Industrialists in an Era of Revolution: The Association of Industry and Trade, 1906-1917 A. J. Heywood doi:10.2307/4212979 | Cite |
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759-760 | Review of Sylvie-Anne Goldberg, Carol Gosman, Crossing the Jabbok: Illness and Death in Ashkenazi Judaism in Sixteenth- through Nineteenth-Century Prague John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4212980 | Cite |
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760-762 | | Cite |
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762-763 | Review of Jan Rychlík, Thomas D. Marzik, Miroslav Bielik, R. W. Seton-Watson and His Relations with the Czechs and Slovaks: Documents/Dokumenty, 1906-1951 R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4212982 | Cite |
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763-765 | Review of Ignác Romsics, Trianon és a magyar politikai gondolkozás 1920-1953 Thomas Lorman doi:10.2307/4212983 | Cite |
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765-766 | Review of Helmut Eberhart, Karl Kaser, Albanien: Stammesleben zwischen Tradition und Moderne Robert Elsie doi:10.2307/4212984 | Cite |
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766-768 | Review of Krystyna Iglicka, Keith Sword, The Challenge of East-West Migration for Poland Robert F. Miller doi:10.2307/4212985 | Cite |
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768-770 | Review of Bogoljub Kočović, Etnički i demografski razvoji u Jugoslaviji od 1921. do 1991. godine (po svim zvaničnim a u nekim slučajevima i korigovanim popisima) K. Pavlowitch doi:10.2307/4212986 | Cite |
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770-771 | Review of Adeeb Khalid, The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia M. E. Yapp doi:10.2307/4212987 | Cite |
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771-773 | Review of Aira Kemiläinen, Finns in the Shadow of the 'Aryans': Race Theories and Racism George Maude doi:10.2307/4212988 | Cite |
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773-774 | Review of Eero Kuparinen, Am Rande der Ostsee: Aufsätze vom IV. Symposium deutscher und finnischer Historiker in Turku 4.-7. September 1996 David Kirby doi:10.2307/4212989 | Cite |
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774-775 | Review of Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, The Northern Territories: Dispute and Russo-Japanese Relations Eva-Maria Stolberg doi:10.2307/4212990 | Cite |
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775-777 | Review of Ben Fowkes, Russia and Chechnia: The Permanent Crisis. Essays on Russo-Chechen Relations Anatol Lieven doi:10.2307/4212991 | Cite |
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777-778 | | Cite |
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778-779 | Review of Dennis P. Hupchick, Harold E. Cox, A Concise Historical Atlas of Eastern Europe Martyn Rady doi:10.2307/4212993 | Cite |
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779-781 | Review of E. Kolinsky, Social Transformation and the Family in Post-Communist Germany Barbara Marshall doi:10.2307/4212994 | Cite |
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781-782 | Review of Richard Rose, William Mishler, Christian Haerpfer, Democracy and Its Alternatives: Understanding Post-Communist Societies Neil Robinson doi:10.2307/4212995 | Cite |
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783-784 | Review of Fritz Plasser, Peter A. Ulram, Harald Waldrauch, Democratic Consolidation in East-Central Europe George Sanford doi:10.2307/4212996 | Cite |
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784-786 | Review of Tauno Saarela, Kommo Rentola, Communism National and International Christopher Read doi:10.2307/4212997 | Cite |
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786-787 | Review of Béla Greskovits, The Political Economy of Protest and Patience: East European and Latin American Transformations Compared David Lane doi:10.2307/4212998 | Cite |
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788-789 | Review of Leszek Balcerowicz, Cheryl W. Gray, Iraj Hoshi, Enterprise Exit Processes in Transition Economies: Downsizing, Workouts and Liquidation T. M. Mickiewicz doi:10.2307/4212999 | Cite |
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789-791 | Review of Petr Pavlínek, Economic Restructuring and Local Environmental Management in the Czech Republic A. K. Tickle doi:10.2307/4213000 | Cite |
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