Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
201-222 | Literature: The Upbringing and Education of Women as Represented in Novels by Nineteenth-Century Polish Women Writers Ursula Phillips doi:10.2307/4212834 | Cite |
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223-239 | Writing about Nothing: Chekhov's 'Ariadna' and the Narcissistic Narrator Carol Flath doi:10.2307/4212835 | Cite |
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240-268 | History: 'Profession or Estate'? The Case of the Russian Pre-Revolutionary "Advokatura" William Pomeranz doi:10.2307/4212836 | Cite |
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269-279 | | Cite |
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280-294 | Review Articles: A Bakhtin for the Twenty-First Century: Double-Voiced, Double-Faced, Face to Face Caryl Emerson doi:10.2307/4212838 | Cite |
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295-308 | | Cite |
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309-310 | Review of Elisabeth von Erdmann-Pandžić, Pisctole i evangelya. Das Perikopenbuch des Ivan Bandulavić von 1613 H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4212840 | Cite |
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310-313 | | Cite |
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314-315 | Review of Valery ('Ufo') Nikolski, A Russian-English Dictionary of Contemporary Slang. A Guide to the Living Language of Today Nick Ukiah doi:10.2307/4212842 | Cite |
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316-317 | Review of Neil Cornwell, Reference Guide to Russian Literature Marcus Wheeler doi:10.2307/4212843 | Cite |
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317-318 | Review of Deborah A. Martinsen, Literary Journals in Imperial Russia Stephen Lovell doi:10.2307/4212844 | Cite |
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318-320 | Review of Robert Reid, Pushkin's 'Mozart and Salieri': Themes, Character, Sociology Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4212845 | Cite |
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320-321 | Review of Myler Wilkinson, The Dark Mirror/Temnoe zerkalo: American Literary Response to Russia Neil Cornwell doi:10.2307/4212846 | Cite |
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321-323 | Review of Peter I. Barta, Bely, Joyce, and Döblin: Peripatetics in the City Novel Marina Balina doi:10.2307/4212847 | Cite |
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323-324 | Review of Timo Suni, Kompozitsiia 'Krysolova' i mifologizm Tsvetaevoi Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4212848 | Cite |
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324-326 | | Cite |
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326-327 | Review of Dmitri N. Shalin, Russian Culture at the Crossroads: Paradoxes of Postcommunist Consciousness Stephen Lovell doi:10.2307/4212850 | Cite |
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327-329 | Review of Gertraud Marinelli-König, Nina Pavlova, Wien als Magnet? Schriftsteller aus Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa über die Stadt R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4212851 | Cite |
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329-332 | Review of Kazimiera Ingdahl, A Gnostic Tragedy: A Study in Stanisława Przybyszewska's Aesthetics and Works Ursula Phillips doi:10.2307/4212852 | Cite |
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332-333 | | Cite |
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333-335 | Review of Andrew Baruch Wachtel, Intersections and Transpositions: Russian Music, Literature and Society Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4212854 | Cite |
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335-337 | Review of Harlow Robinson, Sergei Prokofiev, Selected Letters of Sergei Prokofiev Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4212855 | Cite |
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337-338 | Review of Donald Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols: Cross Cultural Influences on the Steppe Frontier, 1304-1589 Maria Unkovskaya doi:10.2307/4212856 | Cite |
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338-340 | Review of Gail Lenhoff, Early Russian Hagiography: The Lives of Prince Fedor the Black Simon Franklin doi:10.2307/4212857 | Cite |
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340-341 | Review of Anna Maria Vilkuna, Kruunun taloudenpito Hämeen linnassa 1500-luvun puolivälissä A. F. Upton doi:10.2307/4212858 | Cite |
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341-342 | Review of Christoph Schmidt, Leibeigenschaft im Ostseeraum. Versuch einer Typologie Roger Bartlett doi:10.2307/4212859 | Cite |
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342-343 | Review of Aleksandr B. Kamenskii, David Griffiths, The Russian Empire in the Eighteenth Century. Searching for a Place in the World Roger Bartlett doi:10.2307/4212860 | Cite |
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343-344 | Review of Thomas Taterka, Die Letten, vorzüglich in Liefland, am Ende des philosophischen Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Völker- und Menschenkunde von Garlieb Helwig Merkel. Nach der Ausgabe Leipzig 1796 Roger Bartlett doi:10.2307/4212861 | Cite |
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344-345 | Review of Raimo Pullat, Die Stadtbevölkerung Estlands im 18. Jahrhundert David Kirby doi:10.2307/4212862 | Cite |
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345-347 | Review of Maria Ågren, Iron-Making Societies: Early Industrial Development in Sweden and Russia, 1600-1900 J. N. Westwood doi:10.2307/4212863 | Cite |
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347-348 | Review of Richard Butterwick, Poland's Last King and English Culture: Stanislaw August Poniatowski 1732-1798 M. S. Anderson doi:10.2307/4212864 | Cite |
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348-349 | Review of John Doyle Klier, Imperial Russia's Jewish Question, 1855-1881 Simon Dixon doi:10.2307/4212865 | Cite |
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350-351 | Review of Jeffrey Burds, Peasant Dreams and Market Politics: Labor Migration and the Russian Village, 1861-1905 John Slatter doi:10.2307/4212866 | Cite |
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351-352 | Review of Judith Pallot, Transforming Peasants: Society, State and the Peasantry, 1861-1930 Maureen Perrie doi:10.2307/4212867 | Cite |
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352-354 | Review of John Lowe, The Great Powers, Imperialism and the German Problem, 1865-1925 Sabine Wichert doi:10.2307/4212868 | Cite |
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354-355 | Review of Alessandro Stanziani, L'Économie en révolution. Le Cas russe, 1870-1930 M. Lavigne doi:10.2307/4212869 | Cite |
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355-356 | Review of Anna Żarnowska, Andrzjec Szwarc, Kobieta i kultura życia codziennego. Wiek XIX i XX. Vol. V Eva Plach doi:10.2307/4212870 | Cite |
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357-358 | | Cite |
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358-359 | Review of Manfred Hildermeir, Geschichte der Sowjetunion 1917-1991: Entstehung und Niedergang des ersten sozialistischen Staates A. L. Unger doi:10.2307/4212872 | Cite |
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360-361 | Review of Outi Karemaa, Vihollisia, vainoojia, syöpäläisiä. Venäläisviha Suomessa 1917-1923 George Maude doi:10.2307/4212873 | Cite |
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361-363 | Review of Ilya Somin, Stillborn Crusade: The Tragic Failure of Western Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1918-1920 Evan Mawdsley doi:10.2307/4212874 | Cite |
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363-364 | Review of Vladimir Brovkin, Russia after Lenin: Politics, Culture and Society, 1921-1929 Beryl Williams doi:10.2307/4212875 | Cite |
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364-366 | Review of N. Bukharin, George Shriver, How It All Began. The Prison Novel D. Gluckstein doi:10.2307/4212876 | Cite |
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366-367 | Review of Robert Weinberg, Stalin's Forgotten Zion. Birobidzhan and the Making of a Soviet Jewish Homeland. An Illustrated History, 1928-1996 Ezra Mendelsohn doi:10.2307/4212877 | Cite |
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367-369 | Review of John Channon, Politics, Society and Stalinism in the USSR Patrick O'Meara doi:10.2307/4212878 | Cite |
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369-370 | Review of Felix Corley, Religion in the Soviet Union: An Archival Reader Jonathan Sutton doi:10.2307/4212879 | Cite |
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371-372 | Review of Arto Luukkanen, The Religious Policy of the Stalinist State. A Case Study: The Central Standing Commission on Religious Questions, 1929-1938 Felix Corley doi:10.2307/4212880 | Cite |
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372-374 | Review of Jouko Talonen, Church under the Pressure of Stalinism: The Development of the Status and Activities of the Soviet Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church during 1944-1950 Felix Corley doi:10.2307/4212881 | Cite |
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374-375 | Review of Janusz Bardach, Kathleen Gleeson, Man Is Wolf to Man: Surviving the Gulag Martin Dewhirst doi:10.2307/4212882 | Cite |
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375-376 | Review of Ivan T. Berend, Decades of Crisis. Central and Eastern Europe before World War II M. D. Pittaway doi:10.2307/4212883 | Cite |
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376-377 | Review of Hovi Kalervo, Relations between the Nordic Countries and the Baltic Nations in the XX Century David Kirby doi:10.2307/4212884 | Cite |
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378-379 | Review of Tapani Paavonen, Suomalaisen protektionismin viimeinen vaihe. Suomen ulkomaankauppa- ja integraatiopolitiikka 1945-1961 George Maude doi:10.2307/4212885 | Cite |
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379-380 | Review of Fred Wehling, Irresolute Princes: Kremlin Decision Making in Middle East Crises, 1967-1973 Talal Nizameddin doi:10.2307/4212886 | Cite |
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381-382 | | Cite |
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382-383 | | Cite |
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384-385 | Review of Robert Barylski, The Soldier in Russian Politics. Duty, Dictatorship and Democracy under Gorbachev and Yeltsin Mark Galeotti doi:10.2307/4212889 | Cite |
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385-386 | Review of Carolyn McGiffert Ekedahl, Melvin A. Goodman, The Wars of Eduard Shevardnadze David Scrivener doi:10.2307/4212890 | Cite |
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386-389 | Review of R. J. Crampton, Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century: And After Sever Bordeianu doi:10.2307/4212891 | Cite |
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389-390 | Review of Peter Radan, Aleksandar Pavković, The Serbs and Their Leaders in the Twentieth Century Dejan Djokić doi:10.2307/4212892 | Cite |
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390-391 | Review of Rett R. Ludwikowski, Constitution-Making in the Region of Former Soviet Dominance with Full Texts of All New Constitutions Ratified through July 1995 W. E. Butler doi:10.2307/4212893 | Cite |
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391-392 | Review of David M. Olson, Philip Norton, The New Parliaments of Central and Eastern Europe Kieran Williams doi:10.2307/4212894 | Cite |
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393-394 | Review of Jon Elster, Claus Offe, Ulrich K. Preuss, Institutional Design in Post-Communist Societies: Rebuilding the Ship at Sea M. Lavigne doi:10.2307/4212895 | Cite |
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394-395 | Review of Regina Owen Karp, Central and Eastern Europe: The Challenge of Transition Kieran Williams doi:10.2307/4212896 | Cite |
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