Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
201-217 | | Cite |
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218-232 | Literature: Ineffectual Ideas, Violent Consequences: Vladimir Makanin's Portrait of the Intelligentsia S. Dalton-Brown doi:10.2307/4211474 | Cite |
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233-258 | History: Creating a National Library for the Workers' State: The Public Library in Petrograd and the Rumiantsev Library under Bolshevik Rule Mary Stuart doi:10.2307/4211475 | Cite |
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259-276 | The Polish Underground and the Jews: A Reassessment of Home Army Commander Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski's Order 116 against Banditry John Lowell Armstrong doi:10.2307/4211476 | Cite |
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277-288 | Marginalia: The Correspondence of P. A. Kropotkin as Historical Source Material John Slatter doi:10.2307/4211477 | Cite |
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289-290 | Review of Petro Cymbalistyj, Ukrainian Linguistic Elements in the Russian Language, 1680-1760 H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4211478 | Cite |
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290-291 | Review of Adriana Pols, Varianty pristavočnych glagolov nesoveršennogo vida v russkom jazyke R. J. Lagerberg doi:10.2307/4211479 | Cite |
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292-293 | Review of Christina Y. Bethin, Polish Syllables. The Role of Prosody in Phonology and Morphology N. J. C. Gotteri doi:10.2307/4211480 | Cite |
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293-294 | Review of G. Falkenberg, N. Fries, J. Puzynina, Wartościowanie w języku i tekście na materiale polskim i niemieckim/Sprachliche Bewertung polnisch und deutsch N. J. C. Gotteri doi:10.2307/4211481 | Cite |
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294-295 | | Cite |
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295-296 | Review of R. P. Zorivčak, Frazeologična odynycja jak perekladoznavča katehorija H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4211483 | Cite |
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296-297 | Review of Edward Garden, Nigel Gotteri, Galina von Meck, Tchaikovsky, Nadezhda von Meck, 'To My Best Friend': Correspondence between Tchaikovsky and Nadezhda von Meck 1876-1878 Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4211484 | Cite |
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297-299 | Review of Temira Pachmuss, A Moving River of Tears: Russia's Experience in Finland Ben Hellman doi:10.2307/4211485 | Cite |
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299-301 | Review of Ryszard Przybylski, Słowo i milczenie bohatera Polaków. Studium o 'Dziadach' Stanislaw Eile doi:10.2307/4211486 | Cite |
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301-302 | | Cite |
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302-303 | | Cite |
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304-305 | | Cite |
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305-307 | Review of Andrew Barratt, The Early Fiction of Maksim Gorky: Six Essays in Interpretation Nicholas Luker doi:10.2307/4211490 | Cite |
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307-309 | Review of Peter I. Barta, Ulrich Goebel, The European Foundations of Russian Modernism Jane Grayson doi:10.2307/4211491 | Cite |
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309-311 | Review of Jean-Philippe Jaccard, Daniil Harms et la fin de l'avant-garde russe Robin Aizlewood doi:10.2307/4211492 | Cite |
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311-312 | Review of Elina Katainen, Kotomaan koko kuva. Kirjoituksia elokuvasta ja 1930-luvun sosiaalihistoriasta Heini-Eliisa Hakosalo doi:10.2307/4211493 | Cite |
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312-314 | Review of Richard Taylor, Derek Spring, Stalinism and Soviet Cinema Milena Michalski doi:10.2307/4211494 | Cite |
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314-315 | Review of Jonathan Shepard, Simon Franklin, Byzantine Diplomacy: Papers from the Twenty-Fourth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Cambridge, March 1990 Paul Magdalino doi:10.2307/4211495 | Cite |
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315-316 | | Cite |
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316-317 | Review of Sophia Senyk, A History of the Church in Ukraine. Volume 1: To the End of the Thirteenth Century Andrew Sorokowski doi:10.2307/4211497 | Cite |
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318-319 | Review of Moshé Altbauer, The Five Biblical Scrolls in a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Translation into Belorussian (Vilnius Codex 262) Vital Zajka doi:10.2307/4211498 | Cite |
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319-320 | Review of Andreas Dudithius, Tiburtius Szepessy, Susanna Kovács, Epistulae. Pars I. 1554-1567 Shayne Mitchell doi:10.2307/4211499 | Cite |
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321 | Review of Walter Leitsch, Berichte über den Moskauer Staat in italienischer Sprache aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. Eine quellenkritische Studie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der italienischen Übersetzung der Moscovia Herbersteins Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/4211500 | Cite |
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321-323 | Review of Ioannes Bocatius, Ferenc Csonka, Opera quae exstant omnia: prosaica G. F. Cushing doi:10.2307/4211501 | Cite |
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323-324 | Review of Stewart P. Oakley, War and Peace in the Baltic 1560-1790 Robert I. Frost doi:10.2307/4211502 | Cite |
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324-326 | Review of Giovanna Brogi-Bercoff, Ricerche slavistiche, Vol. XXXVII, 1990. La percezione del Medioevo nell'epoca del Barocco: Polonia, Ucraina, Russia Bohdan Strumiński doi:10.2307/4211503 | Cite |
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326-328 | Review of Sergiusz Michalski, The Reformation and the Visual Arts: The Protestant Image Question in Western and Eastern Europe Lee Palmer Wandel doi:10.2307/4211504 | Cite |
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328-329 | Review of Valentin Boss, Milton and the Rise of Russian Satanism Józef Bujnowski doi:10.2307/4211505 | Cite |
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329-330 | Review of Joseph de Maistre, Richard A. Lebrun, St Petersburg Dialogues or Conversations on the Temporal Government of Providence Derek Offord doi:10.2307/4211506 | Cite |
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331 | Review of A. B. Kamenskii, Arkhivnoe delo v Rossii XVIII veka: Istoriko-kul'turnyi aspekt. (Postanovka problemy, istoriografiia, istochniki) Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4211507 | Cite |
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331-334 | Review of A. S. Kamenskii, 'Pod seniiu Ekateriny...' Vtoraia polovina XVIII veka Roger Bartlett doi:10.2307/4211508 | Cite |
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334-335 | Review of Hubert Zawadzki, A Man of Honour: Adam Czartoryski as a Statesman of Russia and Poland 1795-1831 Jerzy Lukowski doi:10.2307/4211509 | Cite |
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335-336 | Review of Rosalin Barker, Prisoners of the Tsar: East Coast Sailors Held in Russia 1800-1801 A. G. Cross doi:10.2307/4211510 | Cite |
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336-337 | | Cite |
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338-339 | Review of Ambrus Miskolczy, Egyház és forradalom: Biserică şi revoluţie. A köröskisjenői ortodox román egyházi zsinat: Sinodul ortodox românesc de la Chişineu-Criş, 1849 G. F. Cushing doi:10.2307/4211512 | Cite |
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339-340 | Review of Maria Ciesla-Korytowska, The Slavs in the Eyes of the Occident, the Occident in the Eyes of the Slavs Simon Dixon doi:10.2307/4211513 | Cite |
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340-341 | Review of Klaus Meyer, Berlin und Osteuropa: Ergebnisse einer Vortragsreihe Roger Bartlett doi:10.2307/4211514 | Cite |
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341-343 | Review of Richard Sylla, Gianni Toniolo, Patterns of European Industrialization: The Nineteenth Century Mark Harrison doi:10.2307/4211515 | Cite |
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343-344 | Review of Anthony Cross, Engraved in the Memory. James Walker, Engraver to the Empress Catherine the Great, and His Russian Anecdotes Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4211516 | Cite |
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344-345 | Review of Vahan D. Barooshian, V. V. Vereshchagin: Artist at War Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4211517 | Cite |
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345-346 | Review of Maria Carlson, No Religion Higher Than Truth: A History of the Theosophical Movement in Russia, 1875-1922 Vladimir Moss doi:10.2307/4211518 | Cite |
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346-351 | Review of Robert S. Wistrich, Austrians and Jews in the Twentieth Century. From Franz Joseph to Waldheim R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4211519 | Cite |
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351-352 | Review of Mark Levene, War, Jews, and the New Europe: The Diplomacy of Lucien Wolf, 1914-1919 John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4211520 | Cite |
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353-354 | Review of Gennady Shkliarevsky, Labor in the Russian Revolution: Factory Committees and Trade Unions, 1917-1918 Jonathan Aves doi:10.2307/4211521 | Cite |
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354-355 | Review of Moira Donald, Marxism and Revolution: Karl Kautsky and the Russian Marxists, 1900-1924 D. Gluckstein doi:10.2307/4211522 | Cite |
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355-357 | Review of Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia Catriona Kelly doi:10.2307/4211523 | Cite |
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357-358 | Review of Zygmunt Klukowski, George Klukowski, Diary from the Years of Occupation 1939-44 K. R. Sword doi:10.2307/4211524 | Cite |
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358-360 | Review of Tim McDaniel, Autocracy, Modernization, and Revolution in Russia and Iran Ali Granmayeh doi:10.2307/4211525 | Cite |
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360-362 | Review of Alexis Alexandris, The Greek Minority of Istanbul and Greek-Turkish Relations 1918-1974 Philip Carabott doi:10.2307/4211526 | Cite |
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362-364 | Review of H. Gordon Skilling, Czechoslovakia, 1918-88. Seventy Years from Independence Harry Hanak doi:10.2307/4211527 | Cite |
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364-365 | Review of Matti Klinge, The Finnish Tradition: Essays on Structures and Identities in the North of Europe David Kirby doi:10.2307/4211528 | Cite |
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365-366 | | Cite |
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366-368 | Review of Thomas M. Nichols, The Sacred Cause: Civil-Military Conflict over Soviet National Security, 1917-1922 James Gow doi:10.2307/4211530 | Cite |
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368-369 | Review of Mike Bowker, Robin Brown, From Cold War to Collapse: Theory and World Politics in the 1980s Albert Resis doi:10.2307/4211531 | Cite |
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369-371 | Review of Michael McFaul, Post-Communist Politics: Democratic Prospects in Russia and Eastern Europe P. Lentini doi:10.2307/4211532 | Cite |
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371-372 | Review of Jyrki Iivonen, The Changing Soviet Union in the New Europe Michael Hughes doi:10.2307/4211533 | Cite |
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372-374 | Review of David Lane, Russia in Flux: The Political and Social Consequences of Reform C. J. W. Rudkin doi:10.2307/4211534 | Cite |
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374-375 | Review of Lois Fisher, Survival in Russia: Chaos and Hope in Everyday Life Hilary Pilkington doi:10.2307/4211535 | Cite |
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375-376 | Review of Donald D. Barry, Toward the 'Rule of Law' in Russia? Political and Legal Reform in the Transition Period Jane Henderson doi:10.2307/4211536 | Cite |
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377-378 | Review of Shafiqul Islam, Michael Mandelbaum, Making Markets. Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States J. L. Porket doi:10.2307/4211537 | Cite |
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378-380 | Review of Alan H. Smith, Russia and the World Economy. Problems of Integration Philip Hanson doi:10.2307/4211538 | Cite |
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380-381 | Review of Chris Smith, Paul Thompson, Labour in Transition. The Labour Process in Eastern Europe and China Bob Arnot doi:10.2307/4211539 | Cite |
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381-383 | | Cite |
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384 | | Cite |
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387-389 | Review of István Szabó, David Puttnam, Michael Hirst, Lajos Koltai, Richard Wagner, Meeting Venus Milena Michalski doi:10.2307/4211543 | Cite |
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390-391 | Review of Krzysztof Lang, Marek Kreutz, Grzegorz Kedzierski, Stanislaw Syrewizc, Paper Marriage Tom Arthur doi:10.2307/4211544 | Cite |
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391-393 | Review of István Szabó, Lajos Ovari, Gabriella Grósz, Lajos Koltai, Robert Schumann, Tibor Bornai, Feró Nagy, Mihály Moricz, Sweet Emma, Dear Bobe [Edes Emma, Drága Böbe] Milena Michalski doi:10.2307/4211545 | Cite |
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