Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
1-13 | | Cite |
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14-34 | | Cite |
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35-65 | | Cite |
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66-88 | 'Independent Gentlemen': The Social Position of the Moscow Slavophiles and Its Impact on Their Political Thought Michael Hughes doi:10.2307/4211152 | Cite |
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89-95 | | Cite |
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96-101 | Dead Bees: A New Subtext for Mandel'shtam's 'Voz'mi na radost'...' Sara O'Hearn doi:10.2307/4211154 | Cite |
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102-125 | | Cite |
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126-129 | President Kliment Voroshilov's Telegram to Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain on the Soviet Intervention in Hungary on 4 November 1956 Csaba Békés doi:10.2307/4211156 | Cite |
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130-132 | | Cite |
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133-136 | | Cite |
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137-138 | Review of Morton Benson, Dictionary of Russian Personal Names, with a Revised Guide to Stress and Morphology Nicholas J. Brown doi:10.2307/4211159 | Cite |
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138-139 | Review of Oscar E. Swan, Sylvia Gálová-Lorinc, Beginning Slovak. A Course for the Individual or Classroom Learner David Short doi:10.2307/4211160 | Cite |
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139 | Review of Rainer Rudolf, Die deutschen Lehn- und Fremdwörter in der slowakischen Sprache David Short doi:10.2307/4211161 | Cite |
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140 | Review of Miloslava Hrubá, Martina Smit-Říhová, Tschechisch. Ein Lehr- und Übungsbuch David Short doi:10.2307/4211162 | Cite |
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140-141 | Review of Richard Peace, Oblomov: A Critical Examination of Goncharov's Novel Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4211163 | Cite |
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141-142 | Review of David K. Danow, The Dialogic Sign: Essays on the Major Novels of Dostoevsky C. R. S. Cockrell doi:10.2307/4211164 | Cite |
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142-143 | Review of Christiane Schulz, Aspekte der Schillerschen Kunsttheorie im Literaturkonzept Dostoevskijs C. R. S. Cockrell doi:10.2307/4211165 | Cite |
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143-144 | Review of Jenny Stelleman, Aspects of Dramatic Communication: Action, Non-Action, Interaction (A. P. Cechov, A. Blok, D. Charms) Nick Worrall doi:10.2307/4211166 | Cite |
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145-146 | Review of Angela Livingstone, Marina Tsvetaeva, Art in the Light of Conscience. Eight Essays on Poetry by Marina Tsvetaeva Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4211167 | Cite |
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146-147 | Review of Edward E. Ericson, Jr., The Apocalyptic Vision of Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita Jane Grayson doi:10.2307/4211168 | Cite |
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147-149 | | Cite |
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149-150 | Review of David K. Danow, The Thought of Mikhail Bakhtin: From Word to Culture David Shepherd doi:10.2307/4211170 | Cite |
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150-151 | Review of Josephine Woll, Invented Truth: Soviet Reality and the Literary Imagination of Iurii Trifonov David Gillespie doi:10.2307/4211171 | Cite |
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151-153 | Review of W. Moskovich, Russian Philology and History. In Honour of Professor Victor Levin Julian Graffy doi:10.2307/4211172 | Cite |
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153-154 | Review of Joe Andrew, Poetics of the Text: Essays to Celebrate Twenty Years of the Neo-Formalist Circle Neil Cornwell doi:10.2307/4211173 | Cite |
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154-155 | Review of Ewa M. Thompson, The Search for Self-Definition in Russian Literature Derek Offord doi:10.2307/4211174 | Cite |
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156-157 | Review of Mary Kay Norseng, Dagny: Dagny Juel Przybyszewska, the Woman and the Myth Marie Wells doi:10.2307/4211175 | Cite |
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157-158 | Review of Łarysa Hienijuš, A. B. McMillin, Vieršy: Rukapisny zbornik z 1945-47 gg Henry Gifford doi:10.2307/4211176 | Cite |
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158-159 | Review of William C. Brumfield, Milos M. Velimirovic, Christianity and the Arts in Russia Robin Milner-Gulland doi:10.2307/4211177 | Cite |
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159-160 | Review of Anna Lawton, The Red Screen. Politics, Society and Art in Soviet Cinema Milena Michalski doi:10.2307/4211178 | Cite |
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160-163 | Review of Andreas Kappeler, Russland als Vielvölkerreich: Entstehung, Geschichte, Zerfall Geoffrey Hosking doi:10.2307/4211179 | Cite |
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163-164 | | Cite |
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164-166 | | Cite |
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166-168 | Review of Shtjefën Gjeçov, Leonard Fox, The Code of Lekë Dukagjini/Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit C. W. Bracewell doi:10.2307/4211182 | Cite |
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168-169 | Review of John P. LeDonne, Absolutism and the Ruling Class. The Formation of the Russian Political Order, 1700-1825 Roger Bartlett doi:10.2307/4211183 | Cite |
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169-170 | Review of John B. Allcock, Antonia Young, Black Lambs and Grey Falcons. Women Travellers in the Balkans Celia Hawkesworth doi:10.2307/4211184 | Cite |
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170-171 | Review of Peter Pulzer, Jews and the German State. The Political History of a Minority, 1848-1933 John P. Fox doi:10.2307/4211185 | Cite |
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171-172 | Review of Marshall S. Shatz, Michael Bakunin: Statism and Anarchy Derek Offord doi:10.2307/4211186 | Cite |
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172-173 | | Cite |
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173-174 | Review of Panikos Panayi, The Enemy in Our Midst. Germans in Britain during the First World War John P. Fox doi:10.2307/4211188 | Cite |
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174-175 | Review of Eric Homberger, John Biggart, John Reed and the Russian Revolution. Uncollected Articles, Letters and Speeches on Russia, 1917-1920 Stephen White doi:10.2307/4211189 | Cite |
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175-177 | Review of I. I. Shitts, Dnevnik Velikogo Pereloma (mart 1928-avgust 1931) E. A. Rees doi:10.2307/4211190 | Cite |
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177-178 | Review of Niels Erik Rosenfeldt, Stalin's Secret Chancellery and the Comintern. Evidence about the Organizational Patterns Kevin McDermott doi:10.2307/4211191 | Cite |
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178-179 | Review of Gabor T. Rittersporn, Stalinist Simplifications and Soviet Complications. Social Tensions and Political Conflicts in the USSR 1933-1953 J. Birch doi:10.2307/4211192 | Cite |
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179-180 | Review of Alan Adelson, Robert Lapides, Lódź Ghetto: Inside a Community under Siege John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4211193 | Cite |
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181 | | Cite |
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182-183 | Review of Yaacov Ro'i, The Struggle for Soviet Jewish Emigration, 1948-1967 John D. Klier doi:10.2307/4211195 | Cite |
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183-184 | Review of Örjan Sjöberg, Rural Change and Development in Albania Raymond Hutchings doi:10.2307/4211196 | Cite |
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184-185 | Review of Charles Wankel, Anti-Communist Student Organizations and the Polish Renewal Paul G. Lewis doi:10.2307/4211197 | Cite |
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185-186 | Review of Walter D. Connor, The Accidental Proletariat. Workers, Politics and Crisis in Gorbachev's Russia Peter Gatrell doi:10.2307/4211198 | Cite |
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186-187 | Review of Chandran Kukathas, David Lovell, William Maley, The Transition from Socialism: State and Civil Society in Gorbachev's USSR Sarah Ashwin doi:10.2307/4211199 | Cite |
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187-188 | | Cite |
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188-189 | | Cite |
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189-190 | Review of Merton J. Peck, Thomas J. Richardson, What Is to Be Done? Proposals for the Soviet Transition to the Market Colin W. Lawson doi:10.2307/4211202 | Cite |
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191-192 | Review of Christofer Clague, Gordon C. Rausser, The Emergence of Market Economies in Eastern Europe Silvana Malle doi:10.2307/4211203 | Cite |
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