Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
201-216 | Language: A Contrastive Study of Ruthenian Morphology: Smotryc'kyj, Berynda, Vyšens'kyj Sheenagh Pugh doi:10.2307/4210255 | Cite |
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217-233 | Literature: Translations of Henry Fielding's Works in Eighteenth-Century Russia Iu. D. Levin doi:10.2307/4210256 | Cite |
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234-256 | Some Difficulties in the Interpretation of Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" and the Advantages of a Manichaean Approach, with Some Notes on Tolstoi's Influence on the Novel Gareth Williams doi:10.2307/4210257 | Cite |
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257-276 | History: The Russian Embassy to London of 1645-46 and the Abrogation of the Muscovy Company's Charter Geraldine M. Phipps doi:10.2307/4210258 | Cite |
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277-293 | Imperial Russia's Newspaper Reporters: Profile of a Society in Transition, 1865-1914 Louise McReynolds doi:10.2307/4210259 | Cite |
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294-298 | Marginalia: 'In the Belly of the Whale': Russian Authors and Censorship in the Nineteenth Century I. P. Foote doi:10.2307/4210260 | Cite |
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299-300 | Review of Vladimir P. Nedjalkov, Typology of Resultative Constructions J. Ian Press doi:10.2307/4210261 | Cite |
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300-301 | Review of Wolfgang Pollak, Studien zum Verbalaspekt. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Französischen Michael Kirkwood doi:10.2307/4210262 | Cite |
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301-302 | Review of Gerald L. Mayer, The Definite Article in Contemporary Standard Bulgarian Thomas Henninger doi:10.2307/4210263 | Cite |
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302-303 | Review of Jan Petr, Z česko-polských jazykových a literárních styků David Short doi:10.2307/4210264 | Cite |
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303-304 | Review of Leo Košuta, Glagoljski lošinjski protokoli notara Mikule Krstinića i Ivana Božičevića (1564-1636) C. W. Bracewell doi:10.2307/4210265 | Cite |
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304-305 | Review of Stjepan Babić, Tvorba riječi u hrvatskom književnom jeziku. Nacrt za gramatiku Peter Herrity doi:10.2307/4210266 | Cite |
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305-306 | Review of Jovanka Čemerikić, Guy Imart, Victoria Tikhonova-Imart, Paronymes russo/serbo-croates ('amis' et 'faux-amis') J. Ian Press doi:10.2307/4210267 | Cite |
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306-307 | Review of Gerd Hentschel, Gustav Ineichen, Alek Pohl, Sprach- und Kulturkontakte im Polnischen. Gesammelte Aufsätze für A. de Vincenz zum 65. Geburtstag H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4210268 | Cite |
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307-308 | Review of Miloslav Okál, Georgius Purkircher. Opera quae supersunt omnia G. F. Cushing doi:10.2307/4210269 | Cite |
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308-309 | Review of Gerhardt Podskalsky, Griechische Theologie in der Zeit der Türkenherrschaft (1453-1821). Die Orthodoxie im Spannungsfeld der nachreformatorischen Konfessionen des Westens Athanasios Angelou doi:10.2307/4210270 | Cite |
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309-310 | Review of Antonina Filonov Gove, The Slavic Akathistos Hymn: Poetic Elements of the Byzantine Text and Its Old Church Slavonic Translation R. M. Cleminson doi:10.2307/4210271 | Cite |
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310-311 | Review of S. Schwarzband, Logika khudozhestvennogo poiska A. S. Pushkina Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4210272 | Cite |
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311-312 | | Cite |
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312-313 | Review of Joe Andrew, Women in Russian Literature, 1780-1863 Angela Livingstone doi:10.2307/4210274 | Cite |
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313-314 | | Cite |
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314-315 | Review of Ina Fuchs, 'Homo Apostata': Die Entfremdung des Menschen: Philosophische Analysen zur Geistmetaphysik F. M. Dostojevskijs Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4210276 | Cite |
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315-316 | Review of Savely Senderovich, Munir Sendich, Anton Chekhov Rediscovered: A Collection of New Studies with a Comprehensive Bibliography Patrick Miles doi:10.2307/4210277 | Cite |
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316-317 | Review of Pamela Davidson, The Poetic Imagination of Vyacheslav Ivanov. A Russian Symbolist's perception of Dante Avril Pyman doi:10.2307/4210278 | Cite |
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317-318 | Review of Katherine Tiernan O'Connor, Boris Pasternak's 'My Sister: Life': The Illusion of Narrative Andrew Reynolds doi:10.2307/4210279 | Cite |
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318-319 | Review of Dagmar Herrmann, Johanne Peters, Deutsche und Deutschland in der russischen Lyrik des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts Angela Livingstone doi:10.2307/4210280 | Cite |
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319-320 | Review of D. S. Mirsky, Uncollected Writings on Russian Literature Georgette Donchin doi:10.2307/4210281 | Cite |
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321 | Review of Teresa Polowy, The Novellas of Valentin Rasputin. Genre, Language and Style Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4210282 | Cite |
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321-322 | Review of Philip Hanson, Michael Kirkwood, Alexander Zinoviev as Writer and Thinker. An Assessment Rosalind Marsh doi:10.2307/4210283 | Cite |
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322-324 | Review of Nora Buhks, Le Journalisme de la perestroïka. Les techniques du renouveau Julian Graffy doi:10.2307/4210284 | Cite |
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324-325 | Review of Amy Mandelker, Roberta Reeder, The Supernatural in Slavic and Baltic Literature: Essays in Honor of Victor Terras Neil Cornwell doi:10.2307/4210285 | Cite |
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325-326 | Review of Reinhold Olesch, Hans Rothe, Slavistische Studien zum X. Internationalen Slavistenkongress in Sofia 1988 Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/4210286 | Cite |
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326-327 | | Cite |
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327-328 | Review of Jostein Børtnes, Paul L. Nielsen, Visions of Glory. Studies in Early Russian Hagiography Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4210288 | Cite |
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328-329 | Review of Baldur Panzer, Timo Haapanen, Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte der Altgläubigen: Akten des Heidelberger Symposiums vom 28. bis 30. April 1986 Simon Dixon doi:10.2307/4210289 | Cite |
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329-330 | | Cite |
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330-331 | Review of Elemér Illyés, Ethnic Continuity in the Carpatho-Danubian Area Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4210291 | Cite |
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331-332 | | Cite |
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332-333 | Review of Ruslan G. Skrynnikov, Hugh F. Graham, The Time of Troubles: Russia in Crisis, 1604-1618 Sophie Smith doi:10.2307/4210293 | Cite |
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333-334 | Review of Max J. Okenfuss, Peter Tolstoi, The Travel Diary of Peter Tolstoi: A Muscovite in Early Modern Europe Paul Dukes doi:10.2307/4210294 | Cite |
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334-335 | Review of Béla Köpeczi, Andor Tarnai, Laurus Austriaco-Hungarica. Literarische Gattungen und Politik in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts G. F. Cushing doi:10.2307/4210295 | Cite |
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335-336 | | Cite |
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337 | Review of János Herner, Bornemisza Anna megbűvöltetése. Boszorkányok Erdély politikai küzdelmeiben 1678-1688 Martyn Rady doi:10.2307/4210297 | Cite |
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338 | Review of F. Bíró, L. Hopp, Z. Sinko, Les Lumières en Pologne et en Hongrie G. F. Cushing doi:10.2307/4210298 | Cite |
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339-340 | Review of Larry Wolff, The Vatican and Poland in the Age of the Partitions: Diplomatic and Cultural Encounters at the Warsaw Nunciature Isabel de Madariaga doi:10.2307/4210299 | Cite |
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340-341 | Review of Francis Ley, Maréchal de Münnich. "Ébauche" du Gouvernement de l'Empire de Russie Isabel de Madariaga doi:10.2307/4210300 | Cite |
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341-342 | Review of Gerda Lettner, Das Rückzugsgefecht der Aufklärung in Wien, 1790-1792 Ruth Evans doi:10.2307/4210301 | Cite |
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342-343 | Review of Zhermena Pavlova, Imperatorskaia biblioteka Ermitazha. 1762-1917 A. G. Cross doi:10.2307/4210302 | Cite |
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343-344 | Review of Peter Nitsche, Silke Stender, Die Osteuropa-Bestände der Eutiner Landesbibliothek J. E. O. Screen doi:10.2307/4210303 | Cite |
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344-345 | Review of Ben Hellman, Johan Kjellberg, Suomen Venäjän kielisen kirjallisuuden bibliografia 1813-1972. Bibliografiia russkoi literatury, izdannoi v Finliandii 1813-1972 D. W. Spring doi:10.2307/4210304 | Cite |
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345-346 | Review of Ezra Mendelsohn, Marshall S. Shatz, Imperial Russia 1700-1917. State. Society. Opposition. Essays in Honor of Marc Raeff Robert Bartlett doi:10.2307/4210305 | Cite |
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346 | Review of Gregory L. Freeze, From Supplication to Revolution: A Documentary Social History of Imperial Russia Robert Bartlett doi:10.2307/4210306 | Cite |
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347-348 | Review of James T. Flynn, The University Reform of Tsar Alexander I, 1802-1835 Robert Bartlett doi:10.2307/4210307 | Cite |
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348-349 | Review of Larisa Georgievna Zakharova, Gary M. Hamburg, Autocracy and the Abolition of Serfdom in Russia, 1856-1861 David Moon doi:10.2307/4210308 | Cite |
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349-350 | Review of John-Paul Himka, Galician Villagers and the Ukrainian National Movement in the Nineteenth Century Bohdan Harasymiw doi:10.2307/4210309 | Cite |
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350-351 | Review of Thomas M. Prymak, Mykhailo Hrushevsky: The Politics of National Culture Frank Sysyn doi:10.2307/4210310 | Cite |
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351-352 | Review of Bronislaw Swiderski, Myth and Scholarship. University Students and Political Development in XIX Century Poland J. J. Tomiak doi:10.2307/4210311 | Cite |
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352-353 | Review of Wolfgang Elz, Die Europäischen Grossmächte und der Kretische Aufstand 1866-67 D. W. Spring doi:10.2307/4210312 | Cite |
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353-354 | | Cite |
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355 | Review of Motojirō Akashi, Olavi K. Fält, Antti Kujala, Rakka ryūsui. Colonel Akashi's Report on His Secret Cooperation with the Russian Revolutionary Parties during the Russo-Japanese War E. W. Edwards doi:10.2307/4210314 | Cite |
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355-356 | Review of R. M. Connaughton, The War of the Rising Sun and the Tumbling Bear: A Military History of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5 Ian Nish doi:10.2307/4210315 | Cite |
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356-357 | Review of Esthus Raymond A., Double Eagle and Rising Sun: The Russians and Japanese at Portsmouth in 1905 Dominic Lieven doi:10.2307/4210316 | Cite |
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357-358 | Review of Abraham Ascher, The Revolution of 1905. Vol. 1: Russia in Disarray Geoffrey Hosking doi:10.2307/4210317 | Cite |
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358-359 | Review of Janusz Tomiak, Thomas Darlington's Report on Education in Russia. Papers from the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Conference Held at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 13-14 December 1984 Robert Bartlett doi:10.2307/4210318 | Cite |
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359-360 | Review of Terence Emmons, Iurii Vladimirovich Got'e, Time of Troubles: The Diary of Iurii Vladimirovich Got'e: Moscow: July 8, 1917 to July 23, 1922 Evan Mawdsley doi:10.2307/4210319 | Cite |
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360 | Review of Donald J. Raleigh, A Russian Civil War Diary. Alexis Babine in Saratov, 1917-1922 Orlando Figes doi:10.2307/4210320 | Cite |
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361 | | Cite |
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361-363 | Review of Peter Pastor, Revolutions and Interventions in Hungary and Its Neighbor States, 1918-1919. War and Society in East Central Europe. Vol. 20 László Péter doi:10.2307/4210322 | Cite |
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363-364 | Review of Margit Szöllösi-Janze, Die Pfeilkreuzlerbewegung in Ungarn. Historischer Kontext, Entwicklung und Herrschaft F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4210323 | Cite |
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364-365 | Review of M. Linscott Ricketts, Mircea Eliade: The Romanian Roots 1907-1945 Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4210324 | Cite |
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365-366 | Review of Josef Novák, On Masaryk: Texts in English and German H. Gordon Skilling doi:10.2307/4210325 | Cite |
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366-367 | Review of Ivo Banac, With Stalin against Tito: Cominformist Splits in Yugoslav Communism K. Pavlowitch doi:10.2307/4210326 | Cite |
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367-369 | Review of Stevan K. Pavlowitch, The Improbable Survivor: Yugoslavia and Its Problems 1918-1988 Mark Wheeler doi:10.2307/4210327 | Cite |
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369-370 | Review of Keith J. Lepak, Prelude to Solidarity. Poland and the Politics of the Gierek Regime K. R. Sword doi:10.2307/4210328 | Cite |
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370 | Review of Pavel Campeanu, Michel Vale, The Genesis of the Stalinist Social Order Mary McAuley doi:10.2307/4210329 | Cite |
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371 | Review of Anne D. Rassweiler, The Generation of Power. The History of Dneprostroi Alastair McAuley doi:10.2307/4210330 | Cite |
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371-372 | Review of Walter D. Connor, Socialism's Dilemmas: State and Society in the Soviet Bloc Martha Merritt doi:10.2307/4210331 | Cite |
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372-373 | Review of Michael P. Sacks, Jerry G. Pankhurst, Understanding Soviet Society Terry Cox doi:10.2307/4210332 | Cite |
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373-374 | Review of Efraim Karsh, The Soviet Union and Syria: The Asad Years Leonard Geron doi:10.2307/4210333 | Cite |
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374-375 | Review of Gregory Flynn, Soviet Military Doctrine and Western Policy John Erickson doi:10.2307/4210334 | Cite |
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375-376 | Review of Alan B. Sherr, The Other Side of Arms Control. Soviet Objectives in the Gorbachev Era Henry Plater-Zyberk doi:10.2307/4210335 | Cite |
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376-377 | Review of Tamara Dragadze, Rural Families in Soviet Georgia: A Case Study in Ratcha Province Stephen Jones doi:10.2307/4210336 | Cite |
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377-378 | Review of Jan Adam, Economic Reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe since the 1960s J. L. Porket doi:10.2307/4210337 | Cite |
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378-379 | Review of Clive Rose, The Soviet Propaganda Network: A Directory of Organisations Serving Soviet Foreign Policy Peter J. S. Duncan doi:10.2307/4210338 | Cite |
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379-380 | | Cite |
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380-381 | Review of Peter Juviler, Hiroshi Kimura, Gorbachev's Reforms. U.S. and Japanese Assessments Martin McCauley doi:10.2307/4210340 | Cite |
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381-382 | Review of Anders Åslund, Gorbachev's Struggle for Economic Reform: The Soviet Reform Process, 1985-88 Peter J. S. Duncan doi:10.2307/4210341 | Cite |
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382-383 | | Cite |
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383-384 | Review of T. H. Elkins, B. Hofmeister, Berlin: The Spatial Structure of a Divided City Alun Jones doi:10.2307/4210343 | Cite |
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384-385 | | Cite |
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386 | Review of Robert J. McIntyre, Bulgaria: Politics, Economics and Society John B. Allcock doi:10.2307/4210345 | Cite |
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386-388 | Review of Ion M. Pacepa, Red Horizons. The Extraordinary Memoirs of a Communist Spy Chief Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4210346 | Cite |
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388-389 | Review of Albert J. Schmidt, The Architecture and Planning of Classical Moscow: A Cultural History Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4210347 | Cite |
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389-390 | Review of Pavlo Markovyč, M. Skorupsky, Rusyn Easter Eggs from Eastern Slovakia Venetia Newall doi:10.2307/4210348 | Cite |
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390-391 | | Cite |
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391-392 | Review of Alexander Lavrentiev, John E. Bowlt, Varvara Stepanova: A Constructivist Life Christina Lodder doi:10.2307/4210350 | Cite |
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392-393 | Review of John Wilkinson, Joyce Hill, W. F. Ryan, Jerusalem Pilgrimage 1099-1185 Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4210351 | Cite |
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393 | Review of Ladislav Matejka, Cross Currents. A Yearbook of Central European Culture, 8 R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4210352 | Cite |
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393-394 | | Cite |
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394 | Review of Richard Clogg, Parties and Elections in Greece. The Search for Legitimacy Mark Mazower doi:10.2307/4210354 | Cite |
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394-395 | Review of Daniel J. Goulding, Post New Wave Cinema in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Richard Taylor doi:10.2307/4210355 | Cite |
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