Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
337-352 | | Cite |
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353-377 | | Cite |
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378-402 | | Cite |
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403-434 | Marxism and Peasant Revolt in the Russian Empire: The Case of the Gurian Republic Stephen Jones doi:10.2307/4210029 | Cite |
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435-441 | | Cite |
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442-447 | | Cite |
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448-449 | Review of Christian Hannick, Sprachen und Nationen im Balkanraum. Die historischen Bedingungen der Entstehung der heutigen Nationalsprachen Thomas Henninger doi:10.2307/4210032 | Cite |
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449-450 | Review of Thomas Henninger, Balkanisc̀he Lexik im Schrifttum der bulgarischen Wiedergeburt H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4210033 | Cite |
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450-451 | Review of J. Ian Press, A. A. Barentsen, B. M. Groen, R. Sprenger, Aspects of the Phonology of the Slavonic Languages. The Vowel y and the Consonantal Correlation of Palatalization H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4210034 | Cite |
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452 | Review of , Origo Characteris Sclavonici. Zur altbulgarischen Literatur in Marburg H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4210035 | Cite |
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452-453 | Review of J. G. Sparwenfeld, Ulla Birgegard, Lexicon Slavonicum, Vol. 1, A-И H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4210036 | Cite |
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454-455 | Review of Carolina De Maegd-Soëp, Chekhov, Chekhov and Women: Women in the Life and Work of Chekhov Gordon McVay doi:10.2307/4210037 | Cite |
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455-456 | | Cite |
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456-457 | Review of Bernhard Lauer, Das lyrische Frühwerk von Fedor Sologub: Weltgefühl, Motivik, Sprache und Versform R. J. Keys doi:10.2307/4210039 | Cite |
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457-458 | | Cite |
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458-459 | Review of Elisabeth von Erdmann-Pandžić, 'Poema bez geroja' von Anna A. Achmatova: Variantenedition und Interpretation von Symbolstrukturen Wendy Rosslyn doi:10.2307/4210041 | Cite |
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459-460 | Review of Emery George, The Poetry of Miklós Radnóti: A Comparative Study R. L. Aczel doi:10.2307/4210042 | Cite |
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460-461 | Review of Barbara Heldt, Terrible Perfection: Women and Russian Literature Angela Livingstone doi:10.2307/4210043 | Cite |
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461-462 | Review of Michael Juliar, Vladimir Nabokov: A Descriptive Bibliography Jane Grayson doi:10.2307/4210044 | Cite |
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462-464 | Review of Charles A. Moser, The Russian Short Story: A Critical History R. J. Keys doi:10.2307/4210045 | Cite |
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464-465 | | Cite |
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465-466 | Review of L. N. Gumilev, R. E. F. Smith, Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom: The Legend of the Kingdom of Prester John Carl Lofmark doi:10.2307/4210047 | Cite |
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466-468 | Review of Albert Rabil, Jr., Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy Jill Kraye doi:10.2307/4210048 | Cite |
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468-469 | Review of Tatiana Ivantyšynová, Česi a Slováci v ideológii ruských slavianofilov (40.-60. roky XIX. storočia) James D. Naughton doi:10.2307/4210049 | Cite |
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469-470 | Review of Branimir M. Janković, Margot Milosavljević, Boško Milosavljević, The Balkans in International Relations M. S. Anderson doi:10.2307/4210050 | Cite |
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470-471 | Review of Robert M. Croskey, Muscovite Diplomatic Practice in the Reign of Ivan III Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4210051 | Cite |
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471-472 | Review of Richard Hellie, Ivan the Terrible: A Quarcentenary Celebration of His Death. Russian History, Vol. 14, Nos. 1-4, 1987 Maureen Perrie doi:10.2307/4210052 | Cite |
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472-473 | Review of Jerzy M. de Kamiński, '... Nápred i Názad se ogledát'. Razgówori ob wladátelystwu (1663-1666) Juraja Križanicia i ich spójność tematyczno-argumentacyjna C. R. Ligota doi:10.2307/4210053 | Cite |
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474-475 | Review of Manfred Hildermeier, Bürgertum und Stadt in Russland 1760-1870. Rechtliche Lage und soziale Struktur George E. Munro doi:10.2307/4210054 | Cite |
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475-476 | Review of Béla K. Király, Walter Scott Dillard, The East Central European Officer Corps 1740-1920s: Social Origins, Selection, Education, and Training J. E. O. Screen doi:10.2307/4210055 | Cite |
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476-477 | Review of David A. J. Macey, Government and Peasant in Russia 1861-1906. The Prehistory of the Stolypin Reforms Judith Pallot doi:10.2307/4210056 | Cite |
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477-479 | Review of Vladimir N. Brovkin, The Mensheviks after October: Socialist Opposition and the Rise of the Bolshevik Dictatorship Stephen Jones doi:10.2307/4210057 | Cite |
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479-480 | Review of Alan Ball, Russia's Last Capitalists: The Nepmen 1921-29 Jonathan Aves doi:10.2307/4210058 | Cite |
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480 | Review of Auvo Kostiainen, Loikkarit. Suuren lamakauden laiton siirtolaisuus Neuvostoliittoon David Kirby doi:10.2307/4210059 | Cite |
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481-482 | Review of Michael C. Kaser, Edward A. Radice, The Economic History of Eastern Europe 1919-1975 David A. Dyker doi:10.2307/4210060 | Cite |
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482-483 | Review of Aranka Szaszkóné Sin, Magyarország történeti helységnévtára. Pest-Pilis-Solt megye és a Kiskunság (1773-1808) Martyn Rady doi:10.2307/4210061 | Cite |
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483-484 | Review of Pál Pándi, "Gespenster" gehen in Ungarn um. Die utopisch-sozialistischen und frühkommunistischen Ideen in Ungarn bis 1848-1849 G. F. Cushing doi:10.2307/4210062 | Cite |
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484-485 | Review of Jörg K. Hoensch, Kim Traynor, A History of Modern Hungary 1867-1986 Judy Batt doi:10.2307/4210063 | Cite |
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485-486 | | Cite |
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486-487 | Review of Vera Bácskai, Bürgertum und bürgerliche Entwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa George E. Munro doi:10.2307/4210065 | Cite |
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487-488 | Review of Lloyd. G. Churchward, Soviet Socialism: Social and Political Essays Stephen White doi:10.2307/4210066 | Cite |
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488-489 | Review of Moshe Lewin, The Gorbachev Phenomenon: A Historical Interpretation Geoffrey Hosking doi:10.2307/4210067 | Cite |
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489-491 | Review of Julian Siedlecki, Losy Polaków w ZSRR w latach 1939-1986 K. R. Sword doi:10.2307/4210068 | Cite |
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491-492 | Review of Andrzej Swidlicki, Political Trials in Poland 1981-1986 K. R. Sword doi:10.2307/4210069 | Cite |
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493 | Review of Philip Hanson, Western Economic Statecraft in East-West Relations. Embargoes, Sanctions, Linkage, Economic Warfare and Detente David A. Dyker doi:10.2307/4210070 | Cite |
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493-494 | Review of Anthony D'Agostino, Soviet Succession Struggles, Kremlinology and the Russian Question from Lenin to Gorbachev Martha Merritt doi:10.2307/4210071 | Cite |
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495 | Review of Stephen White, John Gardner, George Schöpflin, Communist Political Systems: An Introduction Hugh Stokes doi:10.2307/4210072 | Cite |
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496 | Review of Thomas M. Cynkin, Soviet and American Signalling in the Polish Crisis Margot Light doi:10.2307/4210073 | Cite |
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497-498 | Review of N. V. Cherkasova, Formirovanie i razvitie advokatury v Rossii: 60-80 gody XIX v William Pomeranz doi:10.2307/4210074 | Cite |
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498 | Review of Gerhard Birkfellner, Sprache und Literatur Altrußlands. Aufsatzsammlung Thomas Henninger doi:10.2307/4210075 | Cite |
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498-499 | Review of Bärbel Miemitz, Nominalgruppen als Textverweismittel. Eine Untersuchung zum Polnischen unter Berücksichtigung des polnisch-deutschen Sprachgebrauchs Thomas Henninger doi:10.2307/4210076 | Cite |
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499-500 | Review of D. Sadovnikov, Ann C. Bigelow, Riddles of the Russian People. A Collection of Riddles, Parables and Puzzles Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4210077 | Cite |
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500 | Review of Nikolai Polianskii, MID. Dvenadtsat' let na sovetskoi diplomaticheskoi sluzhbe (1969-1981) Martin McCauley doi:10.2307/4210078 | Cite |
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