Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
169-182 | Literature: Folk Stylization in Leskov's "Ledi Makbet Mtsenskogo uezda" Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4209948 | Cite |
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183-210 | History, Politics, and the Russian Peasant: Boris Mozhaev and the Collectivization of Agriculture David Gillespie doi:10.2307/4209949 | Cite |
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211-227 | History: The Boards of Social Welfare and the Financing of Catherine II's State Schools Janet Hartley doi:10.2307/4209950 | Cite |
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228-243 | Party Rivalry in the Caucasus: SRs, Armenians and the Baku Union of Oil Workers, 1907-08 Christopher Rice doi:10.2307/4209951 | Cite |
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244-245 | Document: The Original Autograph Manuscript of "Ottsy i deti (Fathers and Sons)" Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4209952 | Cite |
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246-248 | | Cite |
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249-256 | | Cite |
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257-258 | Review of Edward Stankiewicz, Grammars and Dictionaries of the Slavic Languages from the Middle Ages up to 1850. An Annotated Bibliography H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4209955 | Cite |
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259-260 | Review of Helmut Wilhelm Schaller, Bulgaristik in Deutschland. Historischer Abriβ mit Bibliographien Thomas Henninger doi:10.2307/4209956 | Cite |
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260-261 | | Cite |
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261 | Review of Jan Petr, Zdeněk Urban, Slavistický odkaz F. L. Čelakovského. Práce z dějin slavistiky David Short doi:10.2307/4209958 | Cite |
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262-263 | | Cite |
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263-264 | Review of Maurice Comtet, IVe Colloque de linguistique russe Michael Kirkwood doi:10.2307/4209960 | Cite |
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264-265 | Review of A. A. Barentsen, B. M. Groen, R. Sprenger, Dutch Studies in South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics Veronica Du Feu doi:10.2307/4209961 | Cite |
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265-266 | Review of Jerzy Bralczyk, O języku polskiej propagandy politycznej lat siedemdziesiątych Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/4209962 | Cite |
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266-267 | Review of Nikolai L'vov, Ivan Prach, Malcolm Hamrick Brown, A Collection of Russian Folk Songs Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4209963 | Cite |
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267-268 | Review of Barry P. Scherr, Russian Poetry: Meter, Rhythm, and Rhyme Robin Aizlewood doi:10.2307/4209964 | Cite |
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268-269 | Review of Domokos Kosáry, Culture and Society in Eighteenth-Century Hungary G. F. Cushing doi:10.2307/4209965 | Cite |
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269 | | Cite |
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270-271 | Review of Geir Kjetsaa, Siri Hustvedt, David McDuff, Fyodor Dostoyevsky: A Writer's Life Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4209967 | Cite |
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271-272 | Review of David Lowe, Ronald Meyer, Fyodor Dostoevsky 1832-1859. Complete Letters. Volume 1 R. F. Christian doi:10.2307/4209968 | Cite |
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272-273 | Review of Ina Fuchs, Die Herausforderung des Nihilismus. Philosophische Analysen zu F. M. Dostojewskijs Werk 'Die Dämonen' Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4209969 | Cite |
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273-274 | Review of Martin George, Mystische und religiöse Erfahrung im Denken Vladimir Solov'evs Avril Pyman doi:10.2307/4209970 | Cite |
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275-276 | Review of Victor V. Grecu, Astra 1861-1950. Asociaţiunea transilvană pentru literatura română şi cultura poporului român. 125 de ani de la înfiinţare Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4209971 | Cite |
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276-277 | Review of Tatjana Antalovsky, Der russische Frauenroman (1890-1917). Exemplarische Untersuchungen Sigrid McLaughlin doi:10.2307/4209972 | Cite |
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277-279 | Review of William Richardson, Zolotoe runo and Russian Modernism: 1905-1910 Georgette Donchin doi:10.2307/4209973 | Cite |
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279-280 | Review of Mario D. Fenyő, Literature and Political Change: Budapest, 1908-1919 R. L. Aczel doi:10.2307/4209974 | Cite |
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280-281 | Review of Maksim Gor'kii, Iz literaturnogo naslediia: Gor'kii i evreiskii vopros Georgette Donchin doi:10.2307/4209975 | Cite |
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281-282 | Review of John E. Malmstad, Andrey Bely: Spirit of Symbolism Georgette Donchin doi:10.2307/4209976 | Cite |
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282-283 | Review of M. O. Gershenzon, James P. Scanlan, Edna Lippman Lief, A History of Young Russia; William F. Woehrlin, Out of the Depths (De Profundis): A Collection of Articles on the Russian Revolution Christopher Read doi:10.2307/4209977 | Cite |
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284 | Review of , Czechoslovakia and the Book. Fine Print, Vol. 13, No. 1, January 1987 Devana Pavlik doi:10.2307/4209978 | Cite |
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284-285 | | Cite |
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286-287 | Review of Ryszard Przybylski, Madeline G. Levine, An Essay on the Poetry of Osip Mandelstam: God's Grateful Guest Donald Rayfield doi:10.2307/4209980 | Cite |
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287-288 | Review of Véronique Lossky, Marina Tsvétaeva. Un itinéraire poétique Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4209981 | Cite |
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288-289 | Review of Efraim Sicher, Style and Structure in the Prose of Isaak Babel' Julie Curtis doi:10.2307/4209982 | Cite |
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289-290 | | Cite |
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290-291 | Review of Donald Davie, Czeslaw Milosz and the Insufficiency of Lyric Angela Livingstone doi:10.2307/4209984 | Cite |
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291-292 | | Cite |
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292-293 | Review of Mary Seton-Watson, Scenes from Soviet Life: Soviet Life through Official Literature Riitta Pittman doi:10.2307/4209986 | Cite |
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293-294 | Review of Christian Lübke, Regesten zur Geschichte der Slaven an Elbe und Oder (vom Jahr 900 an) Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/4209987 | Cite |
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294-295 | Review of Z. J. Kosztolnyik, From Coloman the Learned to Béla III (1095-1196): Hungarian Domestic Policies and Their Impact upon Foreign Affairs Martyn Rady doi:10.2307/4209988 | Cite |
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295-296 | Review of Orest Subtelny, Domination of Eastern Europe: Native Nobilities and Foreign Absolutism, 1500-1715 Jerzy Lukowski doi:10.2307/4209989 | Cite |
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297-298 | Review of David R. Egan, Melinda A. Egan, Russian Autocrats from Ivan the Great to the Fall of the Romanov Dynasty: An Annotated Bibliography of English Language Sources to 1985 Raymond Scrivens doi:10.2307/4209990 | Cite |
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298 | Review of Frank E. Sysyn, Between Poland and the Ukraine. The Dilemma of Adam Kysil, 1600-1653 Robert Bartlett doi:10.2307/4209991 | Cite |
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299 | Review of Colin White, Russia and America: The Roots of Economic Divergence Alastair McAuley doi:10.2307/4209992 | Cite |
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299-300 | Review of Toivo U. Raun, Estonia and the Estonians Merja-Liisa Hinkkanen-Lievonen doi:10.2307/4209993 | Cite |
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300-301 | Review of Christopher Duffy, Frederick the Great: A Military Life J. E. O. Screen doi:10.2307/4209994 | Cite |
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301-302 | Review of Manfred Klaube, Deutschböhmische Siedlungen im Karpatenraum Carsten Goehrke doi:10.2307/4209995 | Cite |
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303-305 | Review of Ingeborg Fleischhauer, Die Deutschen im Zarenreich. Zwei Jahrhunderte deutschrussischer Kulturgemeinschaft; Andreas Kappeler, Boris Meissner, Gerhard Simon, Die Deutschen im russischen Reich und im Sowjetstaat; Gerhard Simon, Nationalismus und Nationalitätenpolitik in der Sowjetunion Martin McCauley doi:10.2307/4209996 | Cite |
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305-309 | | Cite |
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309 | Review of Tatyana Nestorova, American Missionaries among the Bulgarians (1858-1912) Richard Crampton doi:10.2307/4209998 | Cite |
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310 | Review of Peter Kolchin, Unfree Labor: American Slavery and Russian Serfdom Paul Dukes doi:10.2307/4209999 | Cite |
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311-312 | Review of Theodor Syllaba, Sáva. A. Heřman, Teodorov-Balan na univerzitě v Praze R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4210000 | Cite |
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312-313 | Review of Andreas Lawaty, Das Ende Preussens in polnischer Sicht: Zur Kontinuität negativer Wirkungen der preussischen Geschichte auf die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4210001 | Cite |
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313-315 | Review of Andrzej Walicki, Legal Philosophies of Russian Liberalism W. G. Wagner doi:10.2307/4210002 | Cite |
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315-316 | Review of Emile Kruba, Arcady Joukovsky, Ukraine 1917-1932: Renaissance nationale David Saunders doi:10.2307/4210003 | Cite |
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316-317 | Review of Robert M. Slusser, Stalin in October: The Man Who Missed the Revolution Stephen Jones doi:10.2307/4210004 | Cite |
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317-318 | Review of Pierre Kende, Zdenek Strmiska, Equality and Inequality in Eastern Europe Alastair McAuley doi:10.2307/4210005 | Cite |
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318-319 | Review of Paul Marer, Włodzimierz Siwiński, Creditworthiness and Reform in Poland. Western and Polish Perspectives Anders Åslund doi:10.2307/4210006 | Cite |
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319-320 | Review of Bruno Grancelli, Soviet Management and Labor Relations Anders Åslund doi:10.2307/4210007 | Cite |
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320-321 | Review of Malcolm R. Hill, Richard McKay, Soviet Product Quality Alastair McAuley doi:10.2307/4210008 | Cite |
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321-322 | Review of Margaret Chadwick, David Long, Machiko Nissanke, Soviet Oil Exports: Trade Adjustments, Refining Constraints and Market Behaviour David Wilson doi:10.2307/4210009 | Cite |
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322-323 | Review of Mike Dennis, German Democratic Republic: Politics, Economics and Society Martin McCauley doi:10.2307/4210010 | Cite |
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323-324 | Review of William Zimmerman, Open Borders, Nonalignment, and the Political Evolution of Yugoslavia Mark Wheeler doi:10.2307/4210011 | Cite |
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324-326 | | Cite |
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326-327 | Review of George Avis, The Making of the Soviet Citizen. Character Formation and Civic Training in Soviet Education J. J. Tomiak doi:10.2307/4210013 | Cite |
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327-328 | Review of James R. Millar, Politics, Work and Daily Life in the USSR. A Survey of Former Soviet Citizens Mary McAuley doi:10.2307/4210014 | Cite |
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328-329 | Review of Albert P. van Goudoever, Frans Hijkoop, The Limits of Destalinization in the Soviet Union Stephen White doi:10.2307/4210015 | Cite |
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329-330 | Review of Allen Lynch, The Soviet Study of International Relations Stephen D. Shenfield doi:10.2307/4210016 | Cite |
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330 | | Cite |
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331 | Review of Jan Paul Hinrichs, A. A. Barentsen, B. M. Groen, R. Sprenger, Zum Akzent im Mittelbulgarischen. Vol. 6 H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4210018 | Cite |
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331-332 | Review of John Miles Foley, Oral-Formulaic Theory and Research. An Introduction and Annotated Bibliography Celia Hawkesworth doi:10.2307/4210019 | Cite |
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332 | Review of Dietrich Geyer, Bruce Little, Russian Imperialism. The Interaction of Domestic and Foreign Policy, 1860-1914 Dominic Lieven doi:10.2307/4210020 | Cite |
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332-333 | Review of Branko Lazitch, Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Biographical Dictionary of the Comintern Archie Brown doi:10.2307/4210021 | Cite |
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333 | Review of John L. Scherer, USSR: Facts and Figures Annual. Volume 11, 1987 Archie Brown doi:10.2307/4210022 | Cite |
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