Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
1-20 | Language: Gender in Slavonic from the Standpoint of a General Typology of Gender Systems Greville G. Corbett doi:10.2307/4209682 | Cite |
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21-34 | Literature: Early British Acquaintance with Russian Popular Song and Music (The Letters and Journals of the Wilmot Sisters) In Memory of Mikhail Pavlovich Alekseyev A. G. Cross doi:10.2307/4209683 | Cite |
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35-46 | Lermontov and the Romantic Tradition: The Function of Landscape in "A Hero of Our Time" Cynthia Marsh doi:10.2307/4209684 | Cite |
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47-65 | "Proshloye leto v derevne": A. V. Druzhinin's Depiction of the Emancipation Year Jenny Woodhouse doi:10.2307/4209685 | Cite |
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66-90 | The Soldier's Lament: World War One Folk Poetry in the Russian Empire Donald Rayfield doi:10.2307/4209686 | Cite |
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91-117 | History: Evaluating the Traditions of Russian Aggression: Catherine II and the Greek Project Hugh Ragsdale doi:10.2307/4209687 | Cite |
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118 | Review of A. P. Vlasto, A Linguistic History of Russian to the End of the Eighteenth Century Veronica Du Feu doi:10.2307/4209688 | Cite |
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119 | Review of Laura A. Janda, A Semantic Analysis of the Russian Verbal Prefixes za-, pere-, do-, and ot J. A. Dunn doi:10.2307/4209689 | Cite |
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119-121 | Review of Anthony G. Cross, The Russian Theme in English Literature from the Sixteenth Century to 1980: An Introductory Survey and a Bibliography George Lewinson doi:10.2307/4209690 | Cite |
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121-122 | Review of Caryl Emerson, Boris Godunov: Transpositions of a Russian Theme Gordon McVay doi:10.2307/4209691 | Cite |
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122-123 | Review of Robert L. Jackson, Lowry Nelson, Jr., Vyacheslav Ivanov. Poet, Critic and Philosopher J. D. Elsworth doi:10.2307/4209692 | Cite |
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124-125 | Review of Andrey Bely, Gibel' senatora (Peterburg): Istoricheskaya drama Georgette Donchin doi:10.2307/4209693 | Cite |
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125-127 | Review of M. M. Bakhtin, Vern W. McGee, Caryl Emerson, Michael Holquist, Speech Genres and Other Late Essays Ann Shukman doi:10.2307/4209694 | Cite |
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127-128 | Review of Sonia Ketchian, The Poetry of Anna Akhmatova: A Conquest of Time and Space Wendy Rosslyn doi:10.2307/4209695 | Cite |
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128-129 | Review of Pekka Tammi, Problems of Nabokov's Poetics: A Narratological Analysis Jane Grayson doi:10.2307/4209696 | Cite |
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129 | Review of Edward Kasinec, Slavic Books and Bookmen. Papers and Essays W. F. Ryan doi:10.2307/4209697 | Cite |
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129-131 | Review of Ronelle Alexander, The Structure of Vasko Popa's Poetry E. C. Hawkesworth doi:10.2307/4209698 | Cite |
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131-132 | Review of Ladislav Matejka, Cross Currents: A Yearbook of Central European Culture, Vol. 5 R. L. Aczel doi:10.2307/4209699 | Cite |
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132-133 | Review of Lyn Rodley, Cave Monasteries of Byzantine Cappadocia Peter Mackridge doi:10.2307/4209700 | Cite |
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133-135 | | Cite |
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135-136 | Review of Janet Martin, Treasure of the Land of Darkness. The Fur Trade and Its Significance for Medieval Russia Richard Smith doi:10.2307/4209702 | Cite |
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136-137 | Review of Uwe Halbach, Der russische Fürstenhof vor dem 16. Jahrhundert. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zur politischen Lexikologie und Verfassungsgeschichte der alten Ruś Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/4209703 | Cite |
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137-138 | Review of Fred Otten, Untersuchungen zu den Fremd- und Lehnwörtern bei Peter dem Grossen W. F. Ryan doi:10.2307/4209704 | Cite |
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138-139 | Review of Edward C. Thaden, Marianna Forster Thaden, Russia's Western Borderlands, 1710-1870 David Kirby doi:10.2307/4209705 | Cite |
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140-141 | Review of Sergei M. Soloviev, William H. Hill, History of Russia, Volume 45: The Rule of Catherine the Great: The Legislative Commission (1767-1768) and Foreign Affairs (1766-1768) Isabel de Madariaga doi:10.2307/4209706 | Cite |
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141-142 | Review of Erik Amburger, Deutsche in Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Russlands. Die Familie Amburger in St Petersburg 1770-1920 Robert Bartlett doi:10.2307/4209707 | Cite |
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142-143 | Review of Michael Behnen, Rüstung: Bündnis: Sicherheit: Dreibund und informeller Imperialismus 1900-1908 F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4209708 | Cite |
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143-144 | Review of François-Xavier Coquin, Céline Gervais-Francelle, 1905: La première révolution russe Maureen Perrie doi:10.2307/4209709 | Cite |
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144-146 | Review of , Études Historiques Hongroises 1985: publiées à l'occasion du XVIe Congrès international des sciences historiques par le Comité national des historiens hongrois László Péter doi:10.2307/4209710 | Cite |
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146-148 | Review of Zbigniew Landau, Jerzy Tomaszewski, Derek H. Aldercroft, The Polish Economy in the Twentieth Century M. Lavigne doi:10.2307/4209711 | Cite |
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148-149 | Review of Jan Adam, Employment Policies in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe J. L. Porket doi:10.2307/4209712 | Cite |
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149-150 | | Cite |
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150-151 | Review of T. Polvinen, D. G. Kirby, Between East and West. Finland in International Politics 1944-1947 A. F. Upton doi:10.2307/4209714 | Cite |
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151-152 | Review of Bogoljub Kočović, Žrtve Drugog svetskog rata u Jugoslaviji S. K. Pavlowitch doi:10.2307/4209715 | Cite |
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152-154 | Review of Jim Seroka, Radoš Smiljković, Political Organizations in Socialist Yugoslavia R. K. Kindersley doi:10.2307/4209716 | Cite |
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154-155 | Review of Adam Michnik, Maya Latynski, Letters from Prison and Other Essays Joanna K. M. Hanson doi:10.2307/4209717 | Cite |
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155-156 | Review of Alex Pravda, Blair Ruble, Trade Unions in Communist States Mary McAuley doi:10.2307/4209718 | Cite |
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156-157 | Review of Robbin F. Laird, Erik P. Hoffmann, Soviet Foreign Policy in a Changing World Peter J. S. Duncan doi:10.2307/4209719 | Cite |
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157-158 | Review of E. F. Paul, F. D. Miller, Jr., J. Paul, J. Ahrens, Nuclear Rights/Nuclear Wrongs Joel S. Hellman doi:10.2307/4209720 | Cite |
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159 | Review of Robbin F. Laird, France, the Soviet Union, and the Nuclear Weapons Issue Julie M. Newton doi:10.2307/4209721 | Cite |
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160 | Review of J. Siatkowski, Gesta Romanorum Linguae polonicae (1543), cum fontibus latinis et bohemicis R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4209722 | Cite |
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160-161 | Review of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, I. P. Foote, The Golovlevs Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4209723 | Cite |
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161-162 | Review of Taras Hunczak, Symon Petliura and the Jews: A Reappraisal David Saunders doi:10.2307/4209725 | Cite |
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162-163 | Review of Leonid Luks, Entstehung der kommunistischen Faschismustheorie. Die Auseinandersetzung der Komintern mit Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus 1921-1935 Martin McCauley doi:10.2307/4209726 | Cite |
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163 | Review of Fred Singleton, The Economy of Finland in the Twentieth Century David Kirby doi:10.2307/4209727 | Cite |
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163-164 | Review of R. H. Haigh, D. S. Morris, A. R. Peters, The Years of Triumph? German Diplomatic and Military Policy 1933-1941 F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4209728 | Cite |
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164-165 | Review of David C. Gillespie, Valentin Rasputin and Soviet Russian Village Prose Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4209729 | Cite |
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