Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
1-12 | | Cite |
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13-25 | | Cite |
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26-37 | | Cite |
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38-52 | | Cite |
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53-76 | Russian Imperial Administration and the Georgian Nobility: The Georgian Conspiracy of 1832 Stephen Jones doi:10.2307/4209431 | Cite |
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77-100 | | Cite |
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101-112 | Documents: Süleyman's 1532 Vienna Campaign: An English News Dispatch Mary Carpenter Erler doi:10.2307/4209433 | Cite |
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113-133 | Documents on Russian Foreign Policy, 1878-1880: Section V: January-May 1880 W. N. Medlicott, Richard G. Weeks Jr. doi:10.2307/4209434 | Cite |
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134-135 | Review of P. Arumaa, Urslavische Grammatik. Einführung in das vergleichende Studium der slavischen Sprachen. III. Band. Formenlehre H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4209435 | Cite |
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135-136 | Review of Ferenc Gregor, Die alte ungarische und slowakische Bergbauterminologie mit ihren deutschen Bezügen Martyn Rady doi:10.2307/4209436 | Cite |
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136-137 | | Cite |
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137-138 | Review of J. Thomas Shaw, Pushkin: A Concordance to the Poetry Anthony Briggs doi:10.2307/4209438 | Cite |
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138-139 | Review of V. Yu Troitsky, Khudozhestvennyye otkrytiya russkoy romanticheskoy prozy 20-30kh godov xix v R. Sobel doi:10.2307/4209439 | Cite |
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139-140 | Review of Ulrike Kahlenborn, Goethes Lyrik in russischer Übersetzung. V. A. Žukovskij und F. I. Tjutčev als bedeutendste Goethe-Übersetzer der russischen Romantik Angela Livingstone doi:10.2307/4209440 | Cite |
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140-142 | Review of , Acta Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila József Nominatae, Dissertationes Slavicae Julian Graffy doi:10.2307/4209441 | Cite |
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142-143 | Review of Anthony J. Cascardi, The Bounds of Reason: Cervantes, Dostoevsky, Flaubert W. J. Leatherbarrow doi:10.2307/4209442 | Cite |
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144-145 | Review of Leslie A. Johnson, The Experience of Time in 'Crime and Punishment' Leon Burnett doi:10.2307/4209443 | Cite |
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146-147 | | Cite |
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147-148 | Review of Edgar H. Lehrman, A Handbook to Eighty-Six of Chekhov's Stories in Russian; Laurence Senelick, Anton Chekhov Patrick Miles doi:10.2307/4209445 | Cite |
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148 | Review of A. L. Tait, Lunacharsky: Poet of the Revolution (1875-1907) Christopher Read doi:10.2307/4209446 | Cite |
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149 | Review of Gary Browning, Boris Pilniak: Scythian at a Typewriter D. G. B. Piper doi:10.2307/4209447 | Cite |
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149-150 | | Cite |
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150-151 | Review of John B. Dunlop, Richard S. Haugh, Michael Nicholson, Solzhenitsyn in Exile: Critical Essays and Documentary Materials Robert Porter doi:10.2307/4209449 | Cite |
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151-152 | Review of Wolfgang Friedrich Schwarz, Nina Gütter, Sowjetrussisches und tschechisches Drama von 1964 bis in die siebziger Jahre Michael Heim doi:10.2307/4209450 | Cite |
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153 | Review of Norbert Angermann, Wolter von Plettenberg, Der grösste Ordensmeister Livlands David Kirby doi:10.2307/4209451 | Cite |
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154 | Review of Monica Partridge, Alexander Herzen and European Culture E. W. Foster doi:10.2307/4209452 | Cite |
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155 | Review of Alfred D. Low, The Anschluss Movement, 1931-1938, and the Great Powers Harry Hanak doi:10.2307/4209453 | Cite |
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155-157 | | Cite |
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157-158 | Review of Peter Scheibert, Lenin an der Macht: Das russische Volk in der Revolution 1918-22 R. W. Pethybridge doi:10.2307/4209455 | Cite |
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158-159 | Review of Ronald Tiersky, Ordinary Stalinism: Democratic Centralism and the Question of Communist Political Development E. A. Rees doi:10.2307/4209456 | Cite |
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159-160 | | Cite |
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160-161 | Review of Nish Jamgotch, Sectors of Mutual Benefit in U.S.-Soviet Relations Stephen D. Shenfield doi:10.2307/4209458 | Cite |
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161-162 | Review of Michael Herzfeld, The Poetics of Manhood: Contest and Identity in a Cretan Mountain Village C. W. Bracewell doi:10.2307/4209459 | Cite |
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162-163 | | Cite |
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163-164 | Review of D. W. Paul, Politics, Art and Commitment in the East European Cinema Richard Taylor doi:10.2307/4209461 | Cite |
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164-165 | Review of Eva Velinská, V. Mezinárodní sjezd slavistů, Sofija (17.-23.9.1963): Bibliografie David Short doi:10.2307/4209462 | Cite |
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165 | | Cite |
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