Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
161-188 | Literature: "Aut Caesar aut nihil": The 'War of Wills' in Turgenev's "Ottsy i deti" James B. Woodward doi:10.2307/4209261 | Cite |
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189-211 | | Cite |
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212-236 | Uvarov and the 'Western Provinces': A Study of Russia's Polish Problem James T. Flynn doi:10.2307/4209263 | Cite |
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237-255 | Document: Documents on Russian Foreign Policy, 1878-1880: Section II: January-February 1879 W. N. Medlicott, Richard G. Weeks Jr. doi:10.2307/4209264 | Cite |
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256-260 | Marginalia: T. Wemyss Reid and Rumania; His "Woman's World", Oscar Wilde and Carmen Sylva E. D. Tappe doi:10.2307/4209265 | Cite |
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261-262 | Review of Marguerite Guiraud-Weber, Les Propositions sans nominatif en russe moderne J. M. Kirkwood doi:10.2307/4209266 | Cite |
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262-263 | Review of Gilbert C. Rappaport, Grammatical Function and Syntactic Structure: The Adverbial Participle of Russian J. Ian Press doi:10.2307/4209267 | Cite |
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263-264 | | Cite |
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264-265 | Review of J. J. van Baak, Signs of Friendship to Honour A. G. F. Van Holk, Slavist, Linguist, Semiotician. Liber amicorum Presented to André G. F. Van Holk on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
doi:10.2307/4209269 | Cite |
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265-266 | Review of Christian Lübke, Novgorod in der russischen Literatur (bis zu den Dekabristen) Patrick O'Meara doi:10.2307/4209270 | Cite |
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266-267 | Review of Vladimir Propp, Ariadna Y. Martin, Richard P. Martin, Anatoly Liberman, Theory and History of Folklore Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/4209271 | Cite |
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267-269 | Review of Danuše Kšicová, Poéma za romantismu a novoromantismu. Rusko-české paralely R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4209272 | Cite |
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269-270 | | Cite |
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271 | Review of Ž. K. Prvulović, Religious Philosophy of Prince-Bishop Njegoš of Montenegro E. D. Goy doi:10.2307/4209274 | Cite |
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272-273 | Review of R. Grübel, Russische Erzählung. Russian Short Story. Russkiy Rasskaz. Utrechter Symposium zur Theorie und Geschichte der russischen Erzählung im 19. und.20. Jahrhundert Peter Henry doi:10.2307/4209275 | Cite |
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273-274 | Review of Joe Andrew, Christopher Pike, The Structural Analysis of Russian Narrative Fiction Ann Shukman doi:10.2307/4209276 | Cite |
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274-276 | Review of Brigitte Schultze, Studien zum russischen literarischen Einakter: Von den Anfängen bis A. P. Čechov Nick Worrall doi:10.2307/4209277 | Cite |
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276-277 | Review of Lars Kleberg, Nils Åke Nilsson, Theater and Literature in Russia, 1900-1930: A Collection of Essays Edward Braun doi:10.2307/4209278 | Cite |
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278 | Review of Cynthia Marsh, M. A. Voloshin: Artist-Poet: A Study of the Synaesthetic Aspects of His Poetry Avril Pyman doi:10.2307/4209279 | Cite |
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279 | Review of Leonore Scheffler, Evgenij Zamjatin: Sein Weltbild und seine literarische Thematik D. J. Richards doi:10.2307/4209280 | Cite |
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280-281 | Review of Jakub Blum, Vera Rich, The Image of the Jew in Soviet Literature. The Post-Stalin Period Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4209281 | Cite |
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281-282 | Review of Kliment Naumov, Bibliographie des Oeuvres de Serge Boulgakov Philip Walters doi:10.2307/4209282 | Cite |
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282-284 | | Cite |
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285 | Review of Celia Hawkesworth, Ivo Andrić: Bridge between East and West E. D. Goy doi:10.2307/4209284 | Cite |
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286-287 | Review of Gerald Stanton Smith, Songs to Seven Strings: Russian Guitar Poetry and Soviet 'Mass Song' David Gillespie doi:10.2307/4209285 | Cite |
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287-288 | Review of Edo Pivčević, The Cartulary of the Benedictine Abbey of St Peter of Gumay (Croatia), 1080-1187 David Abulafia doi:10.2307/4209286 | Cite |
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288-290 | Review of D. M. Nicol, The Despotate of Epiros 1267-1479: A Contribution to the History of Greece in the Middle Ages Tom Winnifrith doi:10.2307/4209287 | Cite |
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290-291 | Review of , Suomen väestön esihistorialliset juuret (Tvärminnen symposiumi 17.-19.1.1980) Tim Ingold doi:10.2307/4209288 | Cite |
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291-294 | Review of D. M. Bulanin, Perevody i poslaniya Maksima Greka. Neizdannyye teksty J. J. Haney doi:10.2307/4209289 | Cite |
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294-296 | Review of Michael Stanislawski, Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews: The Transformation of Jewish Society in Russia 1825-1855 Jonathan Frankel doi:10.2307/4209290 | Cite |
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296-298 | Review of Marc Raeff, Arthur Goldhammer, Understanding Imperial Russia: State and Society in the Old Regime Philip Longworth doi:10.2307/4209291 | Cite |
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298-299 | Review of Béla K. Király, The Crucial Decade: East Central European Society and National Defense, 1859-1870 Brian Holden Reid doi:10.2307/4209292 | Cite |
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299-300 | Review of John Komlos, Economic Development in the Habsburg Monarchy in the Nineteenth Century. Essays Alan Sked doi:10.2307/4209293 | Cite |
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300-301 | Review of H. W. Koch, The Origins of the First World War: Great Power Rivalry and German War Aims Wedigo de Vivanco-Luyken doi:10.2307/4209294 | Cite |
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301-302 | Review of Morton H. Cowden, Russian Bolshevism and British Labor 1917-1921 Stephen White doi:10.2307/4209295 | Cite |
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302-303 | Review of Klaus-Detlev Grothusen, Jugoslawien: Integrations probleme in Geschichte und Gegenwart C. W. Bracewell doi:10.2307/4209296 | Cite |
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303-304 | Review of Kalervo Hovi, Interessensphären im Baltikum. Finnland im Rahmen der Ostpolitik Polens 1919-1922 J. Hiden doi:10.2307/4209297 | Cite |
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304-305 | Review of Helmut Konrad, Wolfgang Maderthaner, Neuere Studien zur Arbeitergeschichte: Zum fünfundzwanzigjährigen Bestehen des Vereins für Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4209298 | Cite |
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306-307 | | Cite |
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307-309 | Review of Jonathan Haslam, The Soviet Union and the Struggle for Collective Security in Europe 1933-1939 Harry Hanak doi:10.2307/4209300 | Cite |
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309-310 | Review of Jan Adam, Employment and Wage Policies in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary since 1950 J. L. Porket doi:10.2307/4209301 | Cite |
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310-311 | Review of Archie Brown, Political Culture and Communist Studies Rachel Walker doi:10.2307/4209302 | Cite |
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311-312 | Review of Herbert J. Ellison, Soviet Policy toward Western Europe. Implications for the Atlantic Alliance Harry Hanak doi:10.2307/4209303 | Cite |
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312-314 | Review of Nancy Lubin, Labour and Nationality in Soviet Central Asia Alastair McAuley doi:10.2307/4209304 | Cite |
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314-317 | Review of Marek Tarniewski, Płonie Komitet (Grudzień 1970-Czerwiec 1976); Jadwiga Staniszkis, Jan T. Gross, Poland's Self-Limiting Revolution Jean Woodall doi:10.2307/4209305 | Cite |
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