Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
161-168 | | Cite |
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169-183 | Literature: On Literary Guard: The Case of Aleksandr Tarasov-Rodionov Sheelagh Graham doi:10.2307/4208626 | Cite |
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184-196 | | Cite |
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197-225 | | Cite |
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226-237 | | Cite |
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238-251 | The 'State Labour Reserves': An Episode in Soviet Social History Mervyn Matthews doi:10.2307/4208630 | Cite |
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252-253 | | Cite |
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254-258 | Marginalia: The Author of the Descriptiones Terrarum: A New Source for the History of Eastern Europe Karol Górski doi:10.2307/4208632 | Cite |
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259-260 | Review of Paul Garde, Jean Breuillard, Grammaire russe, Vol. 1: Phonologie: Morphologie Nicholas J. Brown doi:10.2307/4208633 | Cite |
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260-261 | Review of P. V. Cubberley, The Suprasegmental Features in Slavonic Phonetic Typology F. E. Knowles doi:10.2307/4208634 | Cite |
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261-262 | | Cite |
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262-263 | Review of R. Olesch, P. Šimunović, Čakavisch-deutsches Lexikon. Part 11: Deutsches Wortregister Peter Herrity doi:10.2307/4208636 | Cite |
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263 | Review of John Miles Foley, Oral Traditional Literature: A Festschrift for Albert Bates Lord I. P. Foote doi:10.2307/4208637 | Cite |
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264 | Review of Richard G. Hovannisian, The Armenian Image in History and Literature Richard Wilkinson doi:10.2307/4208638 | Cite |
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264-266 | Review of Joe Andrew, Russian Writers and Society in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4208639 | Cite |
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266-268 | Review of Robin Feuer Miller, Dostoevsky and The Idiot: Author, Narrator and Reader Richard Freeborn doi:10.2307/4208640 | Cite |
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268-269 | | Cite |
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269-271 | Review of Johanne Peters, Farbe und Licht: Symbolik bei Aleksandr Blok Avril Pyman doi:10.2307/4208642 | Cite |
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271-272 | | Cite |
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272-274 | | Cite |
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274-275 | Review of Ronald Hingley, Nightingale Fever: Russian Poets in Revolution Grahame Smith doi:10.2307/4208645 | Cite |
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275-277 | | Cite |
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277-279 | | Cite |
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279-280 | Review of Martin Dimnik, Mikhail, Prince of Chernigov and Grand Prince of Kiev, 1224-1246 Donald Ostrowski doi:10.2307/4208648 | Cite |
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280-281 | Review of Orest Subtelny, The Mazepists: Ukrainian Separatism in the Early Eighteenth Century Philip Longworth doi:10.2307/4208649 | Cite |
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281-282 | Review of Walter J. Gleason, Moral Idealists, Bureaucracy and Catherine the Great Paul Dukes doi:10.2307/4208650 | Cite |
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282-283 | Review of James H. Billington, Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith Hugh Seton-Watson doi:10.2307/4208651 | Cite |
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283-284 | Review of Stefan Malfèr, Die Protokolle des österreichischen Ministerrates, 1848-1867, Part V: Die Ministerien Erzherzog Rainer und Mensdorff, Vol. 2 Trevor Vaughan Thomas doi:10.2307/4208652 | Cite |
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285-286 | Review of E. Stuart Kirby, Russian Studies of Japan: An Exploratory Survey Donald W. Treadgold doi:10.2307/4208653 | Cite |
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286-287 | Review of Gary B. Cohen, The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague, 1861-1914 F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4208654 | Cite |
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287-288 | | Cite |
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288-289 | Review of Neil B. Weissman, Reform in Tsarist Russia: The State Bureaucracy and Local Government, 1900-1914 Dominic Lieven doi:10.2307/4208656 | Cite |
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289-291 | Review of Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, The February Revolution: Petrograd, 1917 John Keep doi:10.2307/4208657 | Cite |
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291-292 | Review of Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, V. Ionescu, A History of Soviet Russia, 1917-1953 Martin McCauley doi:10.2307/4208658 | Cite |
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292-293 | Review of Michael Malet, Nestor Makhno in the Russian Civil War John F. N. Bradley doi:10.2307/4208659 | Cite |
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293-294 | Review of Olga A. Narkiewicz, Marxism and the Reality of Power, 1919-1980 Michael Waller doi:10.2307/4208660 | Cite |
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294-295 | Review of Hansjakob Stehle, S. Smith, Eastern Politics of the Vatican, 1917-1979 Harry Hanak doi:10.2307/4208661 | Cite |
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295-296 | | Cite |
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296-297 | Review of Nathaniel Katzburg, Hungary and the Jews: Policy and Legislation, 1920-1943 Peter Sherwood doi:10.2307/4208663 | Cite |
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298-299 | Review of Helmut Krausnick, Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm, Die Truppe des Weltanschauungskrieges: Die Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD 1938-1942 F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4208664 | Cite |
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299-300 | Review of Charles A. Moser, Georgi M. Dmitrov, Dmitrov of Bulgaria: A Political Biography of Dr Georgi M. Dmitrov Hugh Seton-Watson doi:10.2307/4208665 | Cite |
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300-301 | | Cite |
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301-302 | Review of Eugène Zaleski, Marie-Christine MacAndrew, John H. Moore, Stalinist Planning for Economic Growth, 1932-1952 Michael Kaser doi:10.2307/4208667 | Cite |
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302-303 | Review of M. R. Myant, Socialism and Democracy in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1948 Milan Hauner doi:10.2307/4208668 | Cite |
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303-305 | Review of Seweryn Bialer, Stalin's Successors: Leadership, Stability, and Change in the Soviet Union Hugh Seton-Watson doi:10.2307/4208669 | Cite |
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305-306 | Review of Blair A. Ruble, Soviet Trade Unions: Their Development in the 1970s Mervyn Matthews doi:10.2307/4208670 | Cite |
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306-307 | Review of Franjo Tudjman, Nationalism in Contemporary Europe George Schöpflin doi:10.2307/4208671 | Cite |
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307-308 | Review of A. Zwass, Michel C. Vale, Money, Banking and Credit in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Michael Kaser doi:10.2307/4208672 | Cite |
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308-309 | Review of T. I. Zaslavskaya, I. B. Muchnik, Sotsial'no-demograficheskoye razvitiye sela: Regional'nyy analiz Mervyn Matthews doi:10.2307/4208673 | Cite |
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309-310 | Review of David R. Jones, The Military-Naval Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union. Vol. 3: Admiral Murgescu (ship)-ADP-TAIL W. F. Ryan doi:10.2307/4208674 | Cite |
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310-311 | Review of A. A. Barentsen, B. M. Groen, R. Sprenger, Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, Vol I F. E. Knowles doi:10.2307/4208675 | Cite |
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311-312 | Review of J. Coulson, N. Rankin, D. Thompson, The Pocket Oxford Russian Dictionary: Russian-English, English-Russian Nicholas J. Brown doi:10.2307/4208676 | Cite |
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312-313 | Review of Miklós Kontra, A nyelvek közötti kölcsönzés néhány kérdéséről, különös tekintettel "elangolosodó" orvosi nyelvünkre Peter Sherwood doi:10.2307/4208677 | Cite |
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313 | Review of J. D. Clayton, G. Schaarschmidt, Poetica Slavica: Studies in Honour of Zbigniew Folejewski Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/4208678 | Cite |
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313-314 | Review of Günther Wytrzens, Eine russische dichterische Gestaltung der Sage vom Hamelner Rattenfänger Grahame Smith doi:10.2307/4208679 | Cite |
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314 | Review of E. Macek, B. Mědílek, V. Vladyková, Česká literární věda 1971: Bohemistika R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4208680 | Cite |
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314-315 | Review of Alexandru Duţu, European Intellectual Movements and the Modernization of Romanian Culture Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4208681 | Cite |
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315-316 | | Cite |
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316-317 | Review of Peter Pelinka, Erbe und Neubeginn: Die Revolutionären Sozialisten in Österreich, 1934-1938 F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4208683 | Cite |
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317 | Review of K. Westen, B. Meissner, F.-C. Schroeder, Der Schutz individueller Rechte und Interessen im Recht sozialistischer Staaten W. E. Butler doi:10.2307/4208684 | Cite |
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317-318 | Review of Gregory Walker, Resources for Soviet, East European and Slavonic Studies in British Libraries W. F. Ryan doi:10.2307/4208685 | Cite |
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318 | Review of Peter Bruhn, Russika und Sowjetika unter den deutschsprachigen Hochschulschriften (1973-1975). Mit Nachträgen für 1963 bis 1972. Bibliographisches Verzeichnis Gregory Walker doi:10.2307/4208686 | Cite |
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