Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
321-345 | History of Ideas: Remarks on the Diffusion of Byzantine Scientific and Pseudo-Scientific Literature among the Orthodox Slavs Ihor Ševčenko doi:10.2307/4208316 | Cite |
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346-369 | Literature: Raphael as Seen by Russian Writers from Zhukovsky to Turgenev Irene Pearson doi:10.2307/4208317 | Cite |
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370-384 | Assimilation, Childhood and Death: New Czech Fiction-Writers of the 1970s R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4208318 | Cite |
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385-396 | | Cite |
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397-412 | The Pattern of Participation of the Estonian Communist Party in National Politics, 1918-1940 Tönu Parming doi:10.2307/4208320 | Cite |
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413 | Review of Jiří Marvan, Wilson Gray, Prehistoric Slavic Contraction H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4208321 | Cite |
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414 | | Cite |
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414-415 | Review of , Dicţionarul literaturii române de la origini pînǎ la 1900 Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4208323 | Cite |
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415-416 | | Cite |
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417 | | Cite |
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417-419 | | Cite |
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419-421 | | Cite |
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421 | | Cite |
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422 | Review of Vasily Frank, Bibliographie des œuvres de Simon Frank Leonard Schapiro doi:10.2307/4208329 | Cite |
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422-424 | Review of Nils Åke Nilsson, Art, Society, Revolution: Russia, 1917-1921 Julian Graffy doi:10.2307/4208330 | Cite |
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424-425 | Review of Gordon McVay, Isadora and Esenin: The Story of Isadora Duncan and Sergei Esenin Nesta MacDonald doi:10.2307/4208331 | Cite |
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425-426 | | Cite |
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426-428 | | Cite |
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429-430 | Review of Slobodan Ćurčić, Gračanica: King Milutin's Church and Its Place in Late Byzantine Architecture Bernard Cox doi:10.2307/4208335 | Cite |
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430-431 | Review of W. Harrison, A. Pyman, To Honor Nikolay Andreyev: Essays on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday Jim Dingley doi:10.2307/4208336 | Cite |
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431-433 | Review of L. Lőte, Transylvania and the Theory of Daco-Roman-Rumanian Continuity; On the 2050th Anniversary of a Myth Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4208337 | Cite |
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433-434 | Review of Eric Christiansen, The Northern Crusades: The Baltic and the Catholic Frontier, 1100-1525 P. K. King doi:10.2307/4208338 | Cite |
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434-435 | Review of Marian Biskup, Irena Janosz-Biskupowa, Akta Stanów Prus Królewskich, T. VI (1512-15) H. G. Koenigsberger doi:10.2307/4208339 | Cite |
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435-436 | Review of Samuel H. Baron, Muscovite Russia: Collected Essays Philip Longworth doi:10.2307/4208340 | Cite |
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437 | Review of Herbert Spliet, Russland von der Autokratie der Zaren zur imperialen Grossmacht: Psychische Anomalien der Zaren im Wandel ihrer Genetik M. S. Anderson doi:10.2307/4208341 | Cite |
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438-439 | Review of Max J. Okenfuss, The Discovery of Childhood in Russia: The Evidence of the Slavic Primer J. J. Tomiak doi:10.2307/4208342 | Cite |
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439-441 | Review of Claes Peterson, Peter the Great's Administrative and Judicial Reforms: Swedish Antecedents and the Process of Reception L. R. Lewitter doi:10.2307/4208343 | Cite |
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441-442 | Review of W. M. Pintner, D. K. Rowney, Russian Officialdom: The Bureaucratization of Russian Society from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century Philip Longworth doi:10.2307/4208344 | Cite |
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443 | Review of J. K. Fedorowicz, England's Baltic Trade in the Early Seventeenth Century: A Study in Anglo-Polish Commercial Diplomacy David Kirby doi:10.2307/4208345 | Cite |
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443-445 | Review of Domokos Kosáry, Művelődés a XVIII. századi Magyarországon Ruth Evans doi:10.2307/4208346 | Cite |
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445-446 | Review of John L. Sutton, The King's Honor and the King's Cardinal: The War of the Polish Succession M. S. Anderson doi:10.2307/4208347 | Cite |
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446-449 | Review of A. G. Cross, 'By the Banks of the Thames': Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain Isabel de Madariaga doi:10.2307/4208348 | Cite |
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449-450 | | Cite |
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450-451 | Review of , Rumanian Studies: An International Annual of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. iv: 1976-1979 Dennis Deletant doi:10.2307/4208350 | Cite |
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451-452 | Review of F. R. Bridge, Roger Bullen, The Great Powers and the European States System, 1815-1914 David Kirby doi:10.2307/4208351 | Cite |
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452-453 | | Cite |
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453-455 | Review of George F. Kennan, The Decline of Bismarck's European Order: Franco-Russian Relations, 1875-1890 Hugh Seton-Watson doi:10.2307/4208353 | Cite |
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455-456 | Review of Harald Bachmann, Joseph Maria Baernreither (1845-1925): Der Werdegang eines altösterreichischen Ministers und Sozialpolitikers F. R. Bridge doi:10.2307/4208354 | Cite |
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456-457 | Review of S. A. Portnoy, Vladimir Medem, Vladimir Medem: The Life and Soul of a Legendary Jewish Socialist. The Memoirs of Vladimir Medem Robert S. Wistrich doi:10.2307/4208355 | Cite |
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458-459 | Review of Christopher Read, Religion, Revolution and the Russian Intelligentsia, 1900-1912: The Vekhi Debate and Its Intellectual Background E. Lampert doi:10.2307/4208356 | Cite |
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460 | Review of Eino Lyytinen, Finland in British Politics in the First World War A. F. Upton doi:10.2307/4208357 | Cite |
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461 | Review of Teddy J. Uldricks, Diplomacy and Ideology: The Origins of Soviet Foreign Relations, 1917-1930 Harry Hanak doi:10.2307/4208358 | Cite |
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462-463 | Review of Sheila Fitzpatrick, Education and Social Mobility in the Soviet Union, 1921-1934 Mervyn Matthews doi:10.2307/4208359 | Cite |
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463-464 | Review of Felicity Ann. O'Dell, Socialisation through Children's Literature: The Soviet Example J. J. Tomiak doi:10.2307/4208360 | Cite |
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464-465 | | Cite |
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466-467 | Review of Mark C. Wheeler, Britain and the War for Yugoslavia, 1940-1943 Elisabeth Barker doi:10.2307/4208362 | Cite |
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467-468 | Review of Rudolf Urban, Die sorbische Volksgruppe in der Lausitz, 1949-1977: Ein dokumentarischer Bericht Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/4208363 | Cite |
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468-469 | | Cite |
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469-470 | Review of Ljubo Sirc, The Yugoslav Economy under Self-Management David McGlue doi:10.2307/4208365 | Cite |
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470-472 | Review of Aurel Braun, Romanian Foreign Policy since 1965: The Political and Military Limits of Autonomy Harry Hanak doi:10.2307/4208366 | Cite |
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472 | Review of V. P. Gruzinov, Edward A. Hewett, The USSR's Management of Foreign Trade John Salter doi:10.2307/4208367 | Cite |
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473-474 | Review of F. Levcik, J. Stankovsky, Industrial Cooperation between East and West Colin W. Lawson doi:10.2307/4208368 | Cite |
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474-475 | Review of Warren Weinstein, Thomas H. Henriksen, Soviet and Chinese Aid to African Nations Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4208369 | Cite |
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475 | Review of André Vaillant, La Langue de Dominko Zlatarić, poète ragusain de la fin du XVIe siècle. III: Syntaxe M. Samilov doi:10.2307/4208370 | Cite |
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475-476 | Review of , Práce z dějin slavistiky VII: 100. výročí Semináře pro slovanskou filologii David Short doi:10.2307/4208371 | Cite |
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476 | Review of Danuše Kšicová, Ruská poezie v interpretaci Františka Táborského: Z dějin česko-ruských literárních vztahů David Short doi:10.2307/4208372 | Cite |
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477 | Review of Benedicta Maria Kempner, Nonnen unter dem Hakenkreuz: Leiden: Heldentum: Tod F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4208374 | Cite |
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478 | Review of The Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies, Comecon Data, 1979 Angela Smith doi:10.2307/4208375 | Cite |
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