Modern Humanities Research Association and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
321-347 | Bibliography: Church Slavonic and Russian Books, 1552-1800, in the Library of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies J. E. O. Screen, C. L. Drage doi:10.2307/4207855 | Cite |
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348-368 | | Cite |
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369-395 | The Foundation of the Russian Educational System by Catherine II Isabel de Madariaga doi:10.2307/4207857 | Cite |
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396-402 | Marginalia: Percy's Nancy and Zhukovsky's Nina: A Translation Identified Kenneth H. Ober, Warren U. Ober doi:10.2307/4207858 | Cite |
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403-409 | Review Article: Bernard Sychta's Dictionary of Cassubian Dialects and Folk-Culture Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/4207859 | Cite |
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410-411 | | Cite |
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411-412 | Review of L. Matejka, Sound, Sign and Meaning: Quinquagenary of the Prague Linguistic Circle Nicholas J. Brown doi:10.2307/4207861 | Cite |
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412-414 | Review of A. Rammelmeyer, G. Giesemann, Ost und West, Vol. 2: Aufsätze zur Slavischen und Baltischen Philologie und allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft H. Leeming doi:10.2307/4207862 | Cite |
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414-415 | Review of Paul Wexler, A Historical Phonology of the Belorussian Language Jim Dingley doi:10.2307/4207863 | Cite |
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416-417 | Review of Victor A. Friedman, The Grammatical Categories of the Macedonian Indicative A. E. Pennington doi:10.2307/4207864 | Cite |
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417-418 | Review of H. Faßke, H. Jentsch, S. Michalk, Sorbischer Sprachatlas. Vol. V: Terminologie der Sachgebiete Küche und Garten Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/4207865 | Cite |
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418-420 | Review of Dmytro Čyževs'kyj, Dolly Ferguson, Doreen Gorsline, Ulana Petryk, George S. N. Luckyj, A History of Ukrainian Literature (From the 11th to the End of the 19th Century) Victor Swoboda doi:10.2307/4207866 | Cite |
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420-422 | Review of Faith C. M. Kitch, The Literary Style of Epifanij Premudryj: Pletenije sloves Richard W. F. Pope doi:10.2307/4207867 | Cite |
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422-424 | Review of Wilfried Potthoff, Dubrovniker Dramatiker des 17. Jahrhunderts E. D. Goy doi:10.2307/4207868 | Cite |
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424-425 | Review of A. Stich, Sabina: Němcová: Havlíček (Textologický a stylistický příspěvek k sporům o Sabinových zásazích do cizího díla) R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4207869 | Cite |
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425-428 | | Cite |
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428-429 | | Cite |
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429-431 | Review of Malcolm V. Jones, Dostoyevsky: The Novel of Discord Rudolf Neuhäuser doi:10.2307/4207872 | Cite |
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432-433 | Review of Baverley Hahn, Chekhov: A Study of the Major Stories and Plays Donald Rayfield doi:10.2307/4207873 | Cite |
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433-434 | Review of Ingrid Dlugosch, Anton Pavlovič Čechov und das Theater des Absurden Yvonne Elliott doi:10.2307/4207874 | Cite |
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434-435 | Review of Samuel D. Cioran, Vladimir Solov'ev and the Knighthood of the Divine Sophia Sergei Hackel doi:10.2307/4207875 | Cite |
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435-436 | Review of James Forsyth, Listening to the Wind: An Introduction to Alexander Blok Julian Graffy doi:10.2307/4207876 | Cite |
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436-439 | Review of Anna Akhmatova, V. M. Zhirmunsky, Stikhotvoreniya i poemy R. D. B. Thomson doi:10.2307/4207877 | Cite |
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439-440 | | Cite |
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440-442 | Review of Wolfgang Kasack, Lexikon der russischen Literatur ab 1917 B. Lewis, M. Ulman doi:10.2307/4207879 | Cite |
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442-443 | | Cite |
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443-444 | Review of J. V. Polišenský, Frederick Snider, War and Society in Europe, 1618-1648 F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4207881 | Cite |
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445-446 | Review of François II Rákóczi, Béla Köpeczi, L'Autobiographie d'un prince rebelle: Confession et mémoires de François II Rákóczi G. F. Cushing doi:10.2307/4207882 | Cite |
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446-447 | Review of Erich Donnert, Johann Georg Eisen, 1717-1779: Ein Vorkämpfer der Bauernbefreiung in Russland Robert Bartlett doi:10.2307/4207883 | Cite |
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447-449 | Review of , Études historiques hongroises 1975: Publiées à l'occasion du XIVe Congrès international des sciences historiques par la Commission nationale des historiens hongrois László Péter doi:10.2307/4207884 | Cite |
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449-451 | | Cite |
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451-452 | Review of Ann Pottinger Saab, The Origins of the Crimean Alliance M. S. Anderson doi:10.2307/4207886 | Cite |
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452-453 | Review of Robert Schweitzer, Autonomie und Autokratie: Die Stellung des Grossfürstentums Finnland im russischen Reich in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts (1863-1899) David Kirby doi:10.2307/4207887 | Cite |
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453-455 | Review of George R. Nielsen, In Search of a Home: The Wends (Sorbs) on the Australian and Texas Frontier Hajno Dalic doi:10.2307/4207888 | Cite |
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456 | | Cite |
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457-458 | Review of Jeremiah Schneiderman, Sergei Zubatov and Revolutionary Marxism: The Struggle for the Working Class in Tsarist Russia A. H. Walker doi:10.2307/4207890 | Cite |
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458-460 | | Cite |
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460-461 | Review of Klaus Schapp, Die Endphase der Weimarer Republik im Freistaat Oldenburg, 1928-1933 F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4207892 | Cite |
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461-462 | Review of Rudolf Jaworski, Vorposten oder Minderheit? Der sudetendeutsche Volkstumskampf in den Beziehungen zwischen der Weimarer Republik und der CSR F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4207893 | Cite |
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462-464 | Review of Detlef Brandes, Die Tschechen unter deutschem Protektorat: Besatzungspolitik, Kollaboration und Widerstand im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren F. L. Carsten doi:10.2307/4207894 | Cite |
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464-465 | Review of Josef Kalvoda, Czechoslovakia's Role in Soviet Strategy Z. A. B. Zeman doi:10.2307/4207895 | Cite |
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465-466 | Review of Gerson S. Sher, Praxis: Marxist Criticism and Dissent in Socialist Yugoslavia A. Ferguson doi:10.2307/4207896 | Cite |
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466-467 | | Cite |
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467-470 | | Cite |
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470-472 | Review of Raymond Hutchings, Soviet Science, Technology and Design Roger Skurski doi:10.2307/4207899 | Cite |
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472-473 | Review of J. Riordan, Sport in Soviet Society: Development of Sport and Physical Education in Russia and the U.S.S.R. J. J. Tomiak doi:10.2307/4207900 | Cite |
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473-474 | Review of Mervyn Matthews, T. Anthony Jones, Soviet Sociology, 1964-75: A Bibliography Ernest Gellner doi:10.2307/4207901 | Cite |
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474-475 | Review of J. M. Kirschbaum, Slovak Language and Literature: Essays R. B. Pynsent doi:10.2307/4207902 | Cite |
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475-476 | Review of Andrew Blane, The Religious World of Russian Culture. Russia and Orthodoxy: Volume II. Essays in Honour of Georges Florovsky Faith C. M. Kitch doi:10.2307/4207903 | Cite |
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476 | | Cite |
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476-477 | Review of Wolfgang Kasack, Die Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR: Überblick über Geschichte und Struktur; Verzeichnis der Institute Martin McCauley doi:10.2307/4207905 | Cite |
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477 | Review of R. F. Miller, External Factors in Yugoslav Political Development A. Ferguson doi:10.2307/4207906 | Cite |
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