Books Recently Reviewed in MHRA Journals

Reviews published in January to March 2024

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MHRA journals have been reviewing new additions to the scholarly literature since 1905. This page lists the reviews published by us in the quarter January to March 2024, alphabetized by the first-named author or editor of the book being reviewed.

Aichinger, Ernst et al. (ed.), Das Tagebuch von Heinrich Wildner 1948 ("Es regiert der Planet Pallawatsch"): reviewed by R. Knight in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Barker, Georgina, SPQR in the USSR: Elena Shvarts's Classical Antiquity: reviewed by Zara Torlone in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Beaudoin, Luc, Lost and Found Voices: Four Gay Male Writers in Exile: reviewed by Connor Doak in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Benedict, Nora C., Borges and the Literary Marketplace: How Editorial Practices Shaped Cosmopolitan Reading: reviewed by Ian Ellison in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Black, Robert, Machiavelli: From Radical to Reactionary: reviewed by Charlotte McCallum in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Byrne, Katherine, and Julie Anne Taddeo, Rape in Period Drama Television: Consent, Myth, and Fantasy: reviewed by Estella Tincknell in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Capovilla, Andrea (ed.), Marlen Haushofer: Texte und Kontexte: reviewed by Anna Richards in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Caradonna, Chiara, Opak: Schatten der Erkenntnis in Paul Celans 'Meridian' und im Gedicht 'Schwanengefahr': reviewed by Marko Pajević in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Castellano, Carlos Garrido, Literary Fictions of the Contemporary Art System: Global Perspectives in Spanish and Portuguese: reviewed by Thomas Waller in Portuguese Studies 39.2 (text at JSTOR)

Chandler, Nahum Dimitri, 'Beyond this Narrow Now'; or, Delimitations, of W. E. B. Du Bois: reviewed by Christina Zwarg in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Drakakis, John, Shakespeare's Resources: reviewed by Jeremy Tambling in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Duttlinger, Carolin, Attention and Distraction in Modern German Literature, Thought, and Culture: reviewed by J. J. Long in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Eccher, Roman et al. (ed.), Das Tagebuch von Heinrich Wildner 1945 ("Ich bestelle Sie hiemit zur Leitung des Außenamtes,…"): reviewed by R. Knight in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Eccher, Roman et al. (ed.), Das Tagebuch von Heinrich Wildner 1946 ("...freilich werden wir im neuen Jahr noch nicht frei werden..."): reviewed by R. Knight in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Eiras, Pedro, A linguagem dos artesãos: 10 ensaios sobre o fim do mundo: reviewed by Paulo de Medeiros in Portuguese Studies 39.2 (text at JSTOR)

Enderle-Burcel, Gertrude (ed.), Heinrich Wildner Tagebücher 1938–1944 ("Heute geht es gegen die Juden, morgen kann es gegen die anderen gehen…"): reviewed by R. Knight in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Fagan, Paul, John Greaney, and Tamara Radak (ed.), Irish Modernisms: Gaps, Conjectures, Possibilities: reviewed by Lianghui Li in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Falser, Michael, Habsburgs Going Global: The Austro-Hungarian Concession in Tientsin/Tianjin in China (1901–1917): reviewed by Matthew Stibbe in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Farrell, Joseph, Leonardo Sciascia: The Man and the Writer: reviewed by Liz Wren-Owens in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Flood, Victoria, and Megan G. Leitch (ed.), Cultural Translations in Medieval Romance: reviewed by Olivia Colquitt in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Gelber, Mark H. (ed.), The Legacy of Ruth Klüger and the End of the Auschwitz Century: reviewed by Jonathan Skolnik in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Glaser, Ben, Modernism's Metronome: Meter and Twentieth-Century Poetics: reviewed by John Gery in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Gmoser, Elisabeth et al. (ed.), Das Tagebuch von Heinrich Wildner 1947 ("Man ist noch immer nervös. Wir sind sehr scharf bewacht"): reviewed by R. Knight in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Goldsmith, Rosie (ed.), The Austrian Riveter: Writing from Austria: reviewed by Birgit Lang in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Kastberger, Klaus, and David J. Wimmer (ed.), Glitches, Bots und Strahlenkatzen. Gegenwart bei Clemens J. Setz: reviewed by Heide Kunzelmann in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Khazan, Vladimir, 'A Double Burden, a Double Cross': Andrei Sobol as a Russian-Jewish Writer: reviewed by Marat Grinberg in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Křížová, Markéta, and Jitka Malečková (eds), Central Europe and the Non-European World in the Long 19th Century: reviewed by Matthew Stibbe in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Leguat, François, Voyage et aventures en deux îles désertes des Indes orientales: reviewed by Robin Howells in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Lewis, Liam, Animal Soundscapes in Anglo-Norman Texts: reviewed by Joan E. McRae in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Li, Lin, Residual Figuration in Samuel Beckett and Alberto Giacometti: reviewed by Charlie Clements in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Litschauer, Josef et al. (ed.), Das Tagebuch von Heinrich Wildner 1949 ("Wie soll das weiter gehen?"): reviewed by R. Knight in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Lozier, Claire, and Isabelle Marc (ed.), Carmen Revisitée/Revisiter Carmen: nouveaux visages d'un mythe transversal: reviewed by Vladimir Kapor in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Macaulay, Rose, They Went to Portugal: reviewed by Andrew Nunes in Portuguese Studies 39.2 (text at JSTOR)

Marías, Clara, Conversaciones en verso: la epístola ética del Renacimiento y la construcción del yo poético: reviewed by Gonzalo Pontón in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Norton, Roy, and Jonathan Thacker (ed.), A Companion to Calderón de la Barca: reviewed by Irene Pacheco Martínez in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

O'Shaughnessy, Martin, Looking beyond Neoliberalism: French and Francophone Belgian Cinema and the Crisis: reviewed by Isabelle Vanderschelden in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Petrosillo, Sara, Hawking Women: Falconry, Gender, and Control in Medieval Literary Culture: reviewed by Nigel Harris in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Pfalzgraf, Falco, Der Verein 'Muttersprache' Wien unter Vorsitz von Karl Tekusch und Erwin Mehl (1949–1984): reviewed by Nicola McLelland in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Phillips, Ben, Siberian Exile and the Invention of Revolutionary Russia, 1825–1917: reviewed by Lara Green in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Pim, Keiron, Endless Flight: The Life of Joseph Roth: reviewed by Andrew Barker in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Robertson, Nicole, Arthur Schnitzler in Great Britain: An Examination of Power and Translation: reviewed by Martin Anton Müller in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Scheichl, Sigurd Paul, Literatur in Österreich und Südtirol: Ein Panorama in 30 Aufsätzen: reviewed by Barbara Siller in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Schübler, Walter, Bibiana Amon. Eine Spurensuche: reviewed by Andrew Barker in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Shadurski, Maxim, The Nationality of Utopia: H. G. Wells, England, and the World State: reviewed by Károly Pintér in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Smith, Christian A., Shakespeare's Influence on Karl Marx: The Shakespearean Roots of Marxism: reviewed by Andrew Hiscock in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Song, Min Hyoung, Climate Lyricism: reviewed by Melanie Ebdon in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Stevens, Sophie, Uruguayan Theatre in Translation: Theory and Practice: reviewed by Cara Levey in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Suzuki, Mihoko, Antigone's Example: Early Modern Women's Political Writings in Times of Civil War from Christine de Pizan to Helen Maria Williams: reviewed by Martine Van Elk in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Trattner, Irma, Margareta Berger-Hamerschlag: Eine vergessene Künstlerin im Londoner Exil: reviewed by Andrea Capovilla in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)

Vaysman, Margarita, Self-Conscious Realism: Metafiction and the Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel: reviewed by Melissa L. Miller in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Villani, Stefano, Making Italy Anglican: Why the Book of Common Prayer Was Translated into Italian: reviewed by Anastasia Stylianou in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Watz, Anna (ed.), Surrealist Women's Writing: A Critical Exploration: reviewed by Hannah Roche in MLR 119.1 (text at JSTOR)

Wolf, Norbert Christian, Glanz und Elend der Aufklärung in Wien: Voraussetzungen—Institutionen—Texte: reviewed by Ritchie Robertson in Austrian Travel Writing (text at JSTOR)