Click cover to enlarge Booksellers & libraries: ipage® at Ingram | Portuguese Studies 26.2 Modern Humanities Research Association 1 October 2010 • 121pp ISBN: 978-1-907322-19-8 (paperback) Access online: At JSTOR Portuguese
Contents: 132-133 | | Cite | | | 134-148 | History Recycled: Contemporary Performances of Shakespeare's "Richard II" at Portuguese National Theatres Francesca Clare Rayner doi:10.2307/41105339 | Cite | | | 149-167 | Images of Defeat: Early Fado Films and the Estado Novo's Notion of Progress Michael Colvin doi:10.2307/41105340 | Cite | | | 168-182 | The Aquatic Unconscious: Water Imagery in Eça de Queirós's "A Cidade e as Serras" Estela Vieira doi:10.2307/41105341 | Cite | | | 183-204 | Zola in Rio de Janeiro: The Production of Space in Aluísio Azevedo's "O Cortiço" Lúcia Sà doi:10.2307/41105342 | Cite | | | 205-231 | The Brazil of Sílvio Romero and Machado de Assis: History of a 'Polemic', or the Writer as Critic of the Critic Alberto Schneider, Richard Correll doi:10.2307/41105343 | Cite | | | 232-248 | A New Account of the Lisbon Earthquake: Marginalia in Joaquim José Moreira de Mendonça's "Historia Universal dos Terremotos" Mark Molesky doi:10.2307/41105344 | Cite | | |
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