v | | Cite |
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1-17 | A Night at the Opera: A Glimpse at Some Eighteenth-Century Theatricals Juliet Perkins doi:10.2307/41105135 | Cite |
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18-25 | | Cite |
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26-42 | Carlos Gomes' "IL Guarany": The Frontiers of Miscegenation in Nineteenth-Century Grand Opera Jean Andrews doi:10.2307/41105137 | Cite |
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43-51 | Homo Ludens and "Esaú e Jacó", Homo Economicus and "Hard Times": Literary Representations of the Nineteenth-Century Bourgeoisie Teresinha V. Zimbrão Da Silva, Anthony Lennard doi:10.2307/41105138 | Cite |
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52-82 | | Cite |
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85-105 | European Empires in the East During the Early Modern Period: Seminar Papers: Introduction Diogo Ramada Curto doi:10.2307/41105140 | Cite |
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106-124 | | Cite |
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125-147 | "A Vinha do Senhor": The Portuguese Jesuits in China in the Seventeenth Century Liam Brockey doi:10.2307/41105142 | Cite |
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148-161 | Rupture and Continuity in Colonial Discourses: The Racialized representation of Portuguese Goa in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries José Celso De Castro Alves doi:10.2307/41105143 | Cite |
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162-174 | | Cite |
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175-192 | Companies, Mercantilism and the Development of Seventeenth-Century Overseas Commerce Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert doi:10.2307/41105145 | Cite |
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193-217 | From Livorno to Goa and Back: Merchant Networks and the Coral-Diamond Trade in the Early-Eighteenth Century Francesca Trivellato doi:10.2307/41105146 | Cite |
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218-239 | Rethinking Imperialism in a Comparative Context: Early Modern British and Russian Expansion in Asia Jeremi Suri doi:10.2307/41105147 | Cite |
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240-255 | Towards a New Imperialism in Eighteenth-Century India: Dupleix, La Bourdonnais and the French Compagnie des Indes Jay Howard Geller doi:10.2307/41105148 | Cite |
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256-275 | The Mapping of Empire: French and British Cartographies of India in the Late-Eighteenth Century Lucy P. Chester doi:10.2307/41105149 | Cite |
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276-297 | Imagining Empire: Company, Crown and Bengal in the Formation of British Imperial Ideology, 1757-84 Stephen Vella doi:10.2307/41105150 | Cite |
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299-301 | Review of Robert M. Levine, José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy, Nancy P. S. Naro, Cristina Mehrtens, The Unedited Diaries of Carolina Maria de Jesus Lorraine Leu doi:10.2307/41105151 | Cite |
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301-302 | Review of Angola Unravels, The Rise and Fall of the Lusaka Feace Process Patrick Chabal doi:10.2307/41105152 | Cite |
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303-323 | | Cite |
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