Fougeret de Monbron, Margot la ravaudeuse
Translated by Édouard Langille
Click cover to enlarge Buy paperback at: Booksellers & libraries: | Modern Humanities Research Association 3 August 2015 • 80pp ISBN: 978-1-781881-89-7 (paperback) • RRP £14.99, $19.99, €17.99 ISBN: 978-1-781882-60-3 (JSTOR ebook) ISBN: 978-1-781882-61-0 (EBSCO ebook) Access online: Books@JSTOR EnlightenmentFrenchTranslation Fougeret de Monbron (1706–1760) was a minor French writer known in Parisian literary circles in the 1740s and 1750s for his spoof of Voltaire’s Henriade, entitled La Henriade travestie (1745). He is generally considered the model for ‘LUI’ in Diderot’s fragmented novel the Neveu de Rameau, written some time after 1761. In addition to this, his travel memoirs, Le Cosmopolite (1750), are a recognized source of Voltaire’s Candide (1759). Today, Monbron’s novel on prostitution Margot la ravaudeuse (1753) (or Margot, the stocking darner) is his best known work. Widely read in France (where it has appeared in four separate editions since 1990), and moreover translated since the eighteenth century into other European languages, Margot has never been adequately made available to English-speaking readers. Professor Langille’s new translation brings Margot la ravaudeuse for the first time to students of eighteenth-century literature, and most especially to those interested in that intriguing sub-genre known as ‘prostitution narrative’. Édouard Langille is professor of French language and literature at St Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. Reviews:
Bibliography entry: Langille, Édouard (trans.), Fougeret de Monbron, Margot la ravaudeuse, New Translations, 8 (MHRA, 2015) First footnote reference: 35 Fougeret de Monbron, Margot la ravaudeuse, trans. by Édouard Langille, New Translations, 8 (MHRA, 2015), p. 21. Subsequent footnote reference: 37 Langille, p. 47. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) Bibliography entry: Langille, Édouard (trans.). 2015. Fougeret de Monbron, Margot la ravaudeuse, New Translations, 8 (MHRA) Example citation: ‘A quotation occurring on page 21 of this work’ (Langille 2015: 21). Example footnote reference: 35 Langille 2015: 21. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) This title is distributed on behalf of MHRA by Ingram’s. Booksellers and libraries can order direct from Ingram by setting up an ipage Account: click here for more. Permanent link to this title: |